Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1189 Heading to the Headland

Chapter 1189 Heading to the Headland
The choice is missing.

This may be the best option.


Ye Yuye didn't think that Chi Lan would still remember her.

Jing Zhengqing passed Ye Yuye's words to Chi Lan, and not long after, there was a cold wave.

Jing Zhengqing put away the communication, cupped his hands at Ye Yuye and the others, nodded and said, "I'm going to the first domain this time, so let's go together."

Blazing over there...

The news came back——

I see.

It's not forced, it's all up to the person's volition.

Jing Zhengqing would not force her to stay either.

On the contrary, Emperor Pei was very stalemate, hesitating and hesitating whether to contact Baidi, the news that Baidi brought him was to bring him here.

But the problem is that if people don't go, it can't be forced, right?What's more, he still knows Emperor Chilan, apart from his identity as Emperor Cang, he can know Emperor Chilan with his identity, but even he can't underestimate this person.

After Emperor Chilan replied, Jing Zhengqing gave up inviting Di Cang and the others to go to Tianchi Mountain for a while, and now, as Emperor Pei said, they just went to the first domain together.


The reply from Emperor Pei was to bring Di Cang himself over, no matter what method he used, as long as he brought him over.

Invitation does not move.

Is it...

Pei Huang's thoughts were uncertain, he hesitated for a few times, and finally sank into the bottom of his eyes and disappeared completely. He didn't wait for Ye Yuye's reply, nodded and said: "It just happened to be on the way, why don't your Excellencies go together."

Ye Yuye raised his eyes and glanced at Emperor Pei, but didn't say a last word, just waited for the content displayed on it to disappear, and then changed to a new one.

After receiving Emperor Pei's order, the content displayed on it changed quickly. I don't know if it was an illusion or too sensitive, so Di Cang took a look at him when he was leaving.

Let him be inexplicably guilty.

But that feeling disappeared only in an instant.

The steward who received them looked at them, saw the burly Emperor Pei, and saluted respectfully.

They didn't know Ye Yuye and the others.

But he knew Pei Huang, the most noble in the Star Territory.

As a result, the few people who were supposed to pay Lingshi did not collect it because of the identity of Emperor Pei, but in fact, these people did not know this regulation of the superior world.

After all, if they want to go to other star fields, they can leave without using the teleportation array when their strength is reached, but the teleportation array is also the most convenient compared to other people.

Especially going to higher star fields.

"Your Excellencies, the barrier to the first domain has been opened, you can leave now."


After the group left, the people in the Teleportation Pavilion gasped a few times, and they could be regarded as sending these ancestors away.

But because of this, some news spread in the domain network.

There are gossip about them.

Some people said that Di Cang, the evil god from the lower world, had come, but they really didn't expect that this person would be Di Cang.

His appearance is not at all the same as the evil god they imagined in their hearts. The Di Cang they thought should be cold-blooded and ruthless, with a murderous look all over his body, which makes people shudder.

But this man is not.

Good looking.

They will also believe that he is a noble son of a certain family, because he looks so perfect for the husband in the hearts of all the girls.

except him.

There was another person who also quickly appeared in a corner of the domain network, gathering together as everyone in the Banxuan Tianyu to discuss.

"Who are those people in the teleportation pavilion just now? They look so good! Why didn't I know that there are those two people in the superior world?"

"You don't know much more. Who do you think could make Emperor Pei humiliated? Maybe it's the star field above, the young master who came to visit the mountains and rivers."

"Are we still traveling around here? Forget it, the aura here in Banxuan Tianyu is the worst. If you want to come here to practice and experience, most of them won't be able to get along in other starfields."

"Aren't you curious about who those people are? Their looks are amazing, and their temperament is also excellent! But for some reason, apart from being a man, these two people are a bit of a good match..."

"One upstairs."


Of course, these discussions will only sink into the sea, and only a few people gather together to chat. Perhaps one day they will forget what they discussed, and they will also forget the person they discussed.

In the next world.

The departure of Di Cang Xiaoyao and the others shocked the entire star field, as if Di Cang's appearance before, the awakening of Emperor Xiaoyao was like a dream.

wake up.

Everything that happened seems to have never happened.

Outside the gate of the academy, those strong men who have been hidden for many years gathered. They are all those who survived in ancient times.

It's just that they are late.

The person they want to meet has left this world and went to a certain star field in the superior world.

It is said that there are regrets.

Also regret it.

I regret not being able to meet them before they leave, I don't know if there will be a next time... to see them.

during the time they left.

The academy remains the same as before.

Everyone is serious about not giving up a little chance to practice. In the Library Pavilion, there is the content of the lectures given to them by the master and uncle at that time, and this knowledge has been recorded by the elders.

But now they are about to be borrowed crazy, and they are very popular, not only among the disciples, but also among the elders.

For this reason, the academy re-transcribed several copies of the lectures of the master and uncle, and put them in the library for students to borrow.

Perhaps because of the departure of the master and uncle, the atmosphere of the entire academy has changed a lot. It doesn't even take a hundred years, but only a few years, or a year, and the academy will completely surpass the Holy Land and become the veritable No. [-] force in the world.

Yu family.

Every day is getting better and better.

Perhaps it may also have something to do with Di Cang who left.

After all, at that time, before Di Cang revealed his identity, he had helped the direct line of the Yu family.

Many people think that Di Cang has a good relationship with the Yu family, otherwise they would not personally help the Yu family to take back everything in the family.

Besides Di Cang's relationship, there is another reason. Many people think that even Emperor Xiaoyao has woken up, so will the Great Emperor of the Yu family wake up too?
It may not be certain that I will wake up one day.

As a result, many forces came to try to cooperate with the Yu family, which is equivalent to currying favor and becoming a relationship of mutual help.

The Eastern Family of Eight Slash Domains.

In fact, long before Ye Yuye and the others left, Dongfangfeng had visited the Dongfang family, and it was also the last time.

After that, he was taken away by a certain force in the superior world. Fortunately, he met Ye Yuye and the others once. One day in the future, Dongfangfeng hopes to stand behind Ye Yuye.

People who enter the first domain for the first time will feel somewhat uncomfortable, because in addition to the abundance of aura here, it is also oppressive.

The body will inevitably be unable to bear it.

(End of this chapter)

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