Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1204 Chilan came to find Ye Yuye

Chapter 1204 Chilan came to find Ye Yuye

Ye Yuye did not expect that it was her who waited first.

The woman looked at the young man sitting in the rocking chair, and couldn't help but stop. Even though she couldn't see half of his face clearly, she was sure that this man was the one she was looking for.


He's getting younger now.

Afraid that she would disturb his rest, she stood here for an unknown how long and mustered up the courage to murmur, "Canghe."

Ye Yuye was silent for a while, removed the folding fan covering her face, and slowly opened her eyes. The glare of the sun felt a little uncomfortable, and the rocking chair under her body stopped shaking. When she got used to it, she turned her eyes to the on the visitor.

A woman in a white veil.

She looked at the woman in front of her, and said after a long time: "Chi Lan, long time no see."

Chi Lan couldn't help clenching his hands into fists nervously, his nails were embedded in his flesh without knowing it, he held back the throbbing in his heart, and calmed himself down: "Long time no see."

"You," she paused, "how are you doing?"

"It's pretty good, listen..." Ye Yuye suddenly paused, she thought about the person's name, and then said, "The person in Canghai Tower told me about you, I thought...you would forget me."

Ten thousand years.

Unexpectedly, she still remembered.

Wait for God again.

The two of them had arrived at a gazebo.

Ye Yuye was still holding a cat in her arms, and the woman had already taken off the veil she was wearing, and there was a trace of emotion other than coldness on that glamorous face that was so beautiful that any man would drape the curtain.

It was an emotion that she would only show when she was young.


she thinks.

I only do this in front of him.

"I won't forget."

Those cold eyes that had been there all year round became more persistent, she looked at the young man in front of her, and frowned slightly, "You want me to forget, so you don't come to me."

Ye Yuye paused and sighed, "I can't give you the answer you want."

Chi Lan was silent, she thought of the result that Jing Zhengqing gave her that day, she was not as disappointed as she imagined, she said in a slow tone: "I know, I just want to see you."

Look at the guests in the yard.

Shi Shi made tea for Ye Yuye, and also made a cup of tea for the strange woman, and then retreated to a safe distance without disturbing their conversation.

Ye Yuye looked at the steaming tea, touched the edge of the tea with her fingers and twirled around, seeing that Chi Lan didn't move, she motioned for her to come over, her tone was more helpless: "I thought you would think I was dead .”

She said: "Everyone died, but I don't think you will die."

Ye Yuye paused, let go of the steaming teacup with his fingers, raised his eyes to look at her, and lazily said: "Old age, sickness and death are normal in life, as long as everyone dies, I am no exception, even you These great emperors will all die, let alone me."


Ye Yuye looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"I can't see through you," Chi Lan paused, "Even if I am an emperor, I can't see through you. You are not a god, you are not a demon, and you are not a Buddha. I can't see through everything about you.
It's as if there is a thick barrier in the middle that seals everything about you, as long as you take a step forward, you will feel severe pain. "

"So, you're going to get hurt."

Ye Yuye rubbed the center of his brows, "It will be very troublesome to get involved with me."

That's it for the others.

But she is the emperor.

The great emperor recognized by heaven and earth.

Now she is the person whom the old man desperately wants to kill. If she can't kill herself, maybe one day the old man will do something crazy.

Chi Lan was silent for a moment, and she picked up the cup of tea in front of her: "If I was afraid, I wouldn't come to you. There are many forces in the Canghai Tower who are asking for information about you.

Zuo Yunxiao is inquiring, and Bai Yuqi is also inquiring, but not through Canghailou, but a deducer, who wants to deduce your whereabouts. "

Hearing this, Ye Yuye curled his lips a few times, and said with a sneer: "The deducer can't deduce it. I thought those people would come to find me in person, but I didn't expect it to be just this way."

If I had changed the most comfortable posture in the past, it would be to put my legs on the table and lean back lazily.

Chi Lan shook his head: "I know that the deducer can't figure out your news. I came here this time just to tell you this."

Even the deducer couldn't deduce his whereabouts. She actually knew it, because she had tried to deduce it many times, but failed to deduce it.

Not even her.

Not to mention these ordinary people.

A cup of tea is drunk.

The stones came and added again.

Chi Lan knew what the child's real body was just by looking at it. She was slightly taken aback. It was the first time she saw a stone that opened up her spiritual wisdom and transformed into it successfully.

But when you think about what happened to him, it doesn't feel strange at all.

The stone receded to the side.

The green horse who pushed the baby ginseng over snorted excitedly, but saw the woman sitting opposite the boy, and immediately pushed the baby ginseng, trying to bury it in the soil again.

As a result, the woman in front of the boy still saw it. She was a little surprised when she saw the rock's appearance, the intelligent horse, and the small figure arched by it.

For some reason, this horse resembled the Canglong horse mentioned in the book.

There is also the ginseng that grows out of the spirit and wisdom.

Emperor Chilan hesitated, looked at Ye Yuye and said nothing.

Nervously, Baby Ginseng had already burrowed into the soil quickly, but the horse didn't look in their direction anymore, and turned around with its buttocks pouted.

Ye Yuye touched the fat cat in his arms, and said, "It's just what you think."

There was a wave of fluctuation in Emperor Chilan's cold eyes, and it was just a wave, and then he returned to calm. She is not interested in Canglongma: "

I didn't expect the Canglongma recorded in the book to be by your side, Canghe, sometimes I'm almost not sure if this is your name. "

Ye Yuye pondered for a while: "Canghe is indeed my name, but he is just one of my names."

Chi Lan looked at him, and the corners of his lips twitched a few times, adding a touch of humanity to that cold face: "That's why I'm even more curious to know who you are."

Ye Yuye looked at her and smiled: "Maybe you will know in the future."

She had a premonition that it was coming soon.

Ye Yuye was in a somewhat complicated mood, looking at the cup of tea in front of him, he was a little lost.

"Where is that man, I want to see him."

Hearing her question, Ye Yuye paused, withdrew his thoughts, sighed helplessly and said with a smile: "Actually... I also want to know where he is now."

It also feels strange to say.

It's just been two days.

She felt that time had passed too long.

(End of this chapter)

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