Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1215 Emperor Cang's Apprentice Baihuang

Chapter 1215 Emperor Cang's Apprentice Baihuang

at this time.

Those who came from big powers have already entered the auction, and the two waiters at the door are almost overwhelmed, especially since these people who came are all big names from the star field, they must not be offended.

The large-scale auction held by the Fentian Chamber of Commerce this time has not yet started, and it is almost full of people. As for the more than ten VIP rooms in the auction, they are all occupied by the third hall and big names with a lot of background.


The great emperors of various races also sent people over.

They are all Emperor Wu of Moxia.

It has a very high status in the star field.

The arrival of the strong man made the people around them almost hold their breath, and they didn't dare to take a few more breaths. They stared blankly at those people who handed the post to the waiter, and then entered the auction.

After they go in.

There was an uproar.

"Oh my god, this auction is incredible. Several great emperors have sent the Martial Emperor over here!"

"What's so surprising about this, isn't it that even the son of the Dragon Emperor came here before? Isn't it normal for the great emperor of our human race to send someone over?"

"Is Venerable Master Dan really so magical? Can he save people from hell? What kind of elixir is that, Nine-turn Divine Soul Pill?"

"In this world, only Venerable Pill can refine the top-quality Nine-Turn Divine Soul Pill. According to my elders, the Divine Soul Pill can bring people back to life. No matter what kind of injury they suffer, it can be cured without any side effects."

"Me too! I've seen this elixir in an ancient book before, it's passed down by an old god, wait a minute," the man suddenly trembled, his eyes widened in surprise, and said, "Then Fentian's auction this time, could it be Is there a Nine-Turn Divine Soul Pill to be auctioned??"

What he said unintentionally shocked the hearts of those around him, Nine Turns Divine Soul Pill!Only Venerable Pill can be refined, and now the only way to prove the identity of Venerable Pill is to auction the Nine-Turn Divine Soul Pill!

and so.

Is Fen Tian going to auction the Nine-Turn Divine Soul Pill this time? ! !

Although the speakers had no intentions, the listeners took their hearts into their hearts. They each had their own thoughts, and quickly contacted the forces they belonged to, and told the higher authorities their guesses intact.

This incident is enough to make the whole world tremble a few times.

Nine-turn Divine Soul Pill is a divine pill.

Enough to make anyone's heart skip a beat.

In the auction at this time.

The great people who came are undoubtedly those who can shake their feet a few times in the star field. Of course, there are also people from some powerful families and sects, but they may be super powerful outside. The Martial Emperor is not qualified to face the Son of God and Goddess of the Three Palaces.

It also feels strange to say.

Although the steward of the auction respected them, only one wing room on the third floor was not allowed to enter no matter how many methods were used.

There are only fifteen VIP rooms in total.

Now those who arrive too late cannot get in.

Each of the three halls occupies three rooms.

Emperor Pei under Bai Dimo ​​occupied one room.

The owner of the pavilion from the Canghai Tower took up a room and said it was the Canghai Tower, but it was actually the power of the empress.

That Emperor Yun also sent a Martial Emperor over.

Long Qi, who came back from the lower world not long ago, also occupied one room. He is the heir of the Dragon Emperor, who is the great emperor of the monster clan.

The emperor of the Demon Race also sent an envoy.

And the two sects that are more powerful in the Demon Race also sent people over.

Even the monks from the Human Leiyin Temple came.

There are also three candidates for the Children of Destiny who each occupy one room, which is understandable. After all, these three are all enemies. If you kill one of them, you will get the other's destiny. Among the three, there must be one Win out and become the real Destiny's Child.

The fourteen VIP rooms were all occupied.

As for the last room, it is the most luxurious and comfortable room among these VIP rooms. Some people want to buy it, but even if the price reaches one million holy gems, the steward at the auction is not even the slightest bit moved. None, just disagree.

After all, this auction was held by the Fentian Chamber of Commerce, and those who couldn't shake the auction even with spirit stones and status, they really had no other choice.

This is not.

The big and powerful families who came slowly could only condescend to go to the second floor to sit down. They didn't even have a seat on the second floor, so they could only stay on the first floor and squeeze together with others.

The arrival of the White Emperor.

At most, it is just a few more glances.

Those people at the auction were so busy that in the end, only a maid rushed over and saluted him respectfully.

The Baihuang glanced around, feeling very dissatisfied with the crowd around him, his air pressure was very low, and he threw a bag of spirit stones to the maid: "Give me a side room."


The maid suddenly showed a look of embarrassment, she still held the purse thrown over in her hand, and finally just bent down and handed the things over, apologizing, "I'm really sorry, the wing room is gone."

Bai Huang's face froze, and he looked at her coldly: "Then make a room, how did Fen Tian teach you, don't you understand even a little bit of the rules?"

The auction was held by the Fentian Chamber of Commerce, so most of the people here were sent by the Chamber of Commerce.

"Your Excellency Baihuang..." The maid was afraid of this person, but faced with the Fentian Chamber of Commerce behind them, she had a lot of confidence, "We are really sorry, the fifteen rooms are already full, and the other party... is not something we can do." provoking existence."

In fact, what I said is not bad. The people in the fifteen rooms are not easy to mess with, especially the VIP room at the end. It is the person who has been ordered by the businessman to serve well, so that they can For the business manager to be so attentive, his background must be stronger than those people.

Baihuang's complexion became more and more ugly. As the Martial Emperor under Yun Dimo, his status is naturally very high, but today he was humiliated in this mere auction?

Many people came to the auction.

It is impossible for a maid to serve only one person.

Since this is the White Emperor, she didn't settle him down well, and she couldn't leave here, so she could only wait quietly for him to speak.

"Who is on the third floor?"

The maid breathed a sigh of relief, and replied: "It's the Goddess of the third hall, and people from the demon and monster races are also here... There are His Excellency Thunder God Son, Lord Mo Pavilion who came from Canghai Tower, and three candidates for the Son of Destiny. Occupied a room."

After the maid opened her mouth, the middle-aged man's complexion became extremely ugly. In the end, he just looked at the overcrowded second floor with a livid face, and squeezed out a few words: "Give me the seat on the second floor."

Although the second floor is also the powerhouse of the major forces.

But this is the White Emperor under Yun Dimo ​​after all, and the maid quickly complied and led him to the entrance of the passageway on the second floor.

The White Emperor left.

Some people on the first floor were discussing.

Although the White Emperor is the Martial Emperor under Emperor Yundi, but their White Emperor came from the lower world, and compared to the other emperors, his status is slightly lower.

(End of this chapter)

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