Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1222 Premonition of an accident

Chapter 1222 Premonition of an accident

There is no benefit in getting involved with her.

I just don't know how I will die.

In front of Ye Yuye, Yang Haoge didn't want to ask any questions, but his frowning became more and more tight. At the same time, the auction was completely over.

The auction door opens.

People came out one after another.

When the people who were still wandering around the auction saw them coming out, their eyes lit up immediately. If it weren't for the status of these people being higher than themselves, they would have wanted to gather around and ask what was going on inside.

Is Master Dan really back?
Is there any elixir refined by Master Dan among the items in Fen Tian's auction this time?

Everyone is wondering about this.

The Goddess of Destiny seemed to be looking at the sky through the eaves. Just as the others left one after another, she left from the chair, looked at Ye Yuye hesitantly and said, "If you need help someday, you can come to me .”

Ye Yuye watched her leave. After walking out of the auction, Goddess of Destiny felt a lot more relaxed. During this period, she was really afraid that Ye Yuye would suddenly stop her.

Goddess of Destiny hesitated in her steps. She glanced back at a certain place, her eyes flickered slightly. It was just her momentary hesitation, and Goddess Phoenix walked out of the auction venue.

"Why are you here?"

Goddess Phoenix frowned slightly and looked at her.

But before the Goddess of Destiny could speak, there was a sudden burst of thunder that tore through the sky like howling wolves without warning.


The startled blue sky seems to have torn apart the white gaps, and it looks shocking, as if something is about to happen.

A thick thunder struck above the eaves of the auction, and the formations arranged around sensed the threat from outside, and quickly started to operate!
This scene caused the complexions of the people walking out of the auction to change rapidly. They were worried and puzzled, why did the thunder strike this way?

Just a coincidence?

Goddess Phoenix calmly looked at the woman in black who was stopped by her, and asked in a deep voice, "What's going on!"

The two of them had already arrived at a safe place, and they could better see the situation near the auction site in this direction. The Goddess of Fate said to herself, "It's too late."

There was a click.

A thunder suddenly appeared in the sky, and with the deafening sound of the thunder, it slammed towards the auction!
If the first time is a coincidence.

So is this second time a coincidence?
Or are there heavenly sinners inside? !

Heavenly sinner, that is the master who will not spare even the punishment of heaven!As long as God detects your aura, Heaven's Punishment will always be the first to appear!
and so.

Was that thunder just now a sign of divine punishment?
Since the opening of the formation, everyone in the auction venue has been emptied and left. It is much more empty inside, and there is less noise than not long ago.
Yang Haoge looked at the calm and indifferent young man with no emotional fluctuations, and opened his mouth: "You..."

Ye Yuye got up calmly, she turned her head and smiled helplessly at Yang Haoge: "You have seen it, God doesn't want to let me go, so instead of living with your head shrunk, it's better to solve it once, it will save a lot of trouble .”

The fat cat was startled, and it rubbed its head against the back of her hand, trying to comfort her unhappiness.

It's not that Canghe has never been punished by heaven. Yang Haoge knows all about it, but after tens of thousands of years, the sky...won't he let him go.

For other things, he would not be afraid of people at the level of emperors of all races, but only this matter, he really has nothing to do.

Cracks gradually appeared in the formation around him, Yang Haoge looked at the young man: "Are you sure?"

Ye Yuye was silent for a moment, she narrowed her eyes lightly, threw the fat cat in her arms to Yang Haoge, and said: "

Yes, Yang Haoge, no matter what happens, the people who lead you don't approach me, and don't try to help me, the old man gets angry and the whole city will be destroyed. "

Holding Fat Maoer, Yang Haoge noticed that it wanted to break free, hesitated for a moment, and used his own strength to restrain Fat Maoer.

"Meow meow meow!"

Fat Mao'er became anxious and meowed at Ye Yuye.


Before Yang Haoge finished speaking, Ye Yuye took a step, and she reached out and touched Fat Mao'er's head: "Help me keep an eye on them, if the auction fails, just take the spirit stone from me." .”

Yang Haoge's throat rolled a few times, and he swallowed back the words that were already on his lips, but finally he just said softly: "Be careful."

Thousands of years ago, they were not afraid of God's punishment.

Right now, he still believes that Ye Yuye will be fine, and obviously feels uneasy in his heart, as if something else is about to happen.

Yang Haoge's hunch was right.

After Ye Yuye left, the targets he hacked were no longer concentrated in the auction venue. The activated formation destroyed three layers, and the last layer is now only a thin layer of yarn, which can be smashed by anyone who comes over, not to mention Or a terrifying existence like Heaven's Punishment.

And the moment when the day's punishment appeared.

The eyes of those high-ranking people who were hiding among the crowd changed completely. They were looking for Master Dan because they guessed that he might be the Heavenly Dao they were looking for.

But now they have completely lost this idea.

How could the way of heaven, which governs the rules of everything in the world, be punished by heaven?Comparing a bodyguard with the emperor, would the bodyguard want to kill the emperor?

There is no such thing at all.

Not who is he?
It is not the way of heaven that the heaven wants to kill. Is it really like what they thought before, the person who was punished by the sky is someone else?
That this person.

Is it Master Dan?
The person the heavens want them to kill is Master Dan behind the Fentian Chamber of Commerce? ?

Among the crowd who hadn't dispersed yet, someone's figure had quietly left, and those who came out of the third floor of the auction also rushed towards the same direction with a tacit understanding.

When Ye Yuye came out, not many people noticed, because she was very fast from coming out to leaving.

But some people still saw it.

Among them was Phoenix Goddess herself.

She pursed her lips tightly, as if thinking of some things that happened in the lower world, her voice became cold: "You already knew that, didn't you?"

The Goddess of Fate was silent for a while, then sighed: "There is a cause and effect between you and that person, I can't see your future."

He didn't answer Phoenix Goddess's question directly, but from her words, Phoenix Goddess knew what she wanted to convey to her.

"It's none of your business."

That cold voice was mixed with anger.

Goddess Phoenix didn't continue to look at her, but headed towards a place like everyone else, and when she left, she looked anxious and panicked.

After a while, the Goddess of Destiny left with a sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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