Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1227 Ye Yuye smiled: I can't escape?

Chapter 1227 Ye Yuye smiled: I can't escape?
The appearance of that sword.

Let the first domain change.

For example, the weapon in the cultivator's hand vibrated violently, as if he was about to break free from his master's hand in the next moment.

Everyone didn't know what was going on.

But there is always a strong premonition in my heart that this matter is absolutely inseparable from that side.

The strange thing is that the heavenly punishment has already been cut down, but looking at the vision of the sky does not seem to be a sign of the end. Could it be that the sinner was still alive that day?

Didn't even kill him for the extreme crime?

How can this be?

Everyone was surprised.

All major places in the domain network are now talking like crazy.

Many people are rushing in this direction.

But most of them have limited abilities, and they can't get too close, otherwise, the terrifying power of Tianwei will be enough to wipe them out.


Look up.

Sure enough, it can be seen that the thundercloud has not dissipated, and is even condensed. The purple lightning like a gossamer swims on it, and faint traces of gold disappear into the cloud and mist.

Before the others came over, Ye Yuye raised his eyes and only took a glance, the sword in his hand was inserted into the ground under his feet, and his hands were folded on the hilt.

The blue hair is wanton and raised.

The clothes are fluttering.

The young man supported his body with the sword in front of him, and lazily said: "Didn't you want to kill me? What are you doing hiding? Could it be that you can really count on Heaven's punishment to kill you?"

The hearts of the people hiding around trembled.

They all held their breath at the same time.

They are all waiting for someone else to make a choice.

After all, this person in front of him is different from other heavenly sinners. He is fine even if he is punished for extreme crimes. Can they kill him?
Someone wants to back off.

Phoenix Goddess pursed her lips, bright red blood overflowed from her tightly clenched fist, and dripped to the ground, spreading a blush.

It turned out that he already knew.

Know everything.

Goddess Phoenix wanted to laugh, but she couldn't, but the corners of her eyes gradually began to turn red, sour and wanted to scream and cry.

It's fate.

He and she went the same way.

can't be together.

The moment he was struck down by Heaven's Punishment, when he saw that the young man was still alive, Bai Huang's heart became restless.

Is Di Cang so strong?
Is this a crime punished by God? ! !

Who is Di Cang?
At this moment, he realized what he had forgotten, and it was ridiculous that he thought Di Cang was dead?He is not afraid of God's punishment, and his identity is not just that of Di Cang.

He has other identities.

It's just that he doesn't know.

The White Emperor was embarrassed and depressed.

"This is the first time in the poor monk's life that he has seen such a benefactor who does not harm the punishment of heaven. It is interesting, but it is a pity."

The monk from Leiyin Temple frowned suddenly, he didn't know what he was thinking, but from the voice, he could hear that he felt sorry for the benefactor.

All creatures in the world, no one can control their own destiny. From the moment of birth, they have been on the chessboard of heaven and earth.

It was gloomy.

If Ye Yuye hadn't been able to clearly perceive everything outside, she almost really thought that there was no one here except her.

But how is it possible.

She let out her breath, didn't she just want to lure them all out, she used to be unable to use her hands and feet in the lower world, so today, could she be able to have a good fight.

Ye Yuye smiled and directly pulled out a person from a place close to him, pinched the back of his neck, and he didn't know whether to face him or to the outside, "If you want to kill me, just come together It's not impossible to wait for the master to come to you in person, but it's just too troublesome."

Too much trouble? !
Everyone hiding in the dark was angry.

This is blatant provocation!
He is provoking them!

With him alone, is it possible that he really wants to deal with all of them?Do you really think that you are number one in the world and omnipotent?
The man who was grabbed by the back of the neck by the young man tried hard to stand on tiptoe, his self-esteem was severely humiliated, and he said extremely angrily: "Let me go! Our emperor is coming soon, and when he comes, you can't escape !"

"Can't escape? Me?" Ye Yuye smiled, he really let go and threw him aside, patted his hand nonchalantly, "Then just wait for him to come over."

Ye Yuye didn't kill him, making him mistakenly think that Ye Yuye was afraid that the emperor would come over, the fear of him in his heart faded a lot, and he gained confidence.

This man is not dead.

It also made the other people hiding around breathe a little bit relieved, at least they knew that this person was afraid of the Great Emperor so he didn't dare to kill them.

Just a moment of relaxation.

A few people came out from the darkness, they looked very confident, they were from the demon clan, and some were from the demon clan.

But no human race ever appeared.

The Gods and Goddesses of the Three Temples are responsible for the priesthood. They are not only human races, but also have the blood of gods, because they are destined to be god races by birth.

Someone from Yaozu bowed slightly, apologized with a smile, "Your Excellency, we didn't want your life, but we obeyed orders out of helplessness. If you die, don't blame us."

"Yes, Your Excellency, we are also following orders, so please don't make things difficult for us."

"Our emperor is coming soon."


I am full of confidence, and even more courageous.

It's just that they were afraid of the sword in this man's hand. They saw the coffin turned into a sword with their own eyes. Perhaps the fact that the man was not injured was related to the sword.

It is very likely to be the legendary god-level sword weapon!


Two words spit out.

The few people who were still talking and joking shook their bodies on the spot, their ears buzzed, their complexions turned pale rapidly, and even the eyes they looked at the boy became much more frightened.

The surrounding atmosphere became silent for a moment.

Ye Yuye glanced at them: "If you don't want me to kill you, just be quiet, it's noisy."


With a certain power, these people didn't even dare to fart. The strength that the boy just revealed made them feel scared.

Among these people who are hiding, not all know the identity of Ye Yuye, everyone knows the word Cangdi, but very few people still remember his appearance.

During the period, there was a person who was not afraid of death and wanted to provoke the young man, but in the end there was no body left, only the blood mist stagnated for a moment and dissipated around, which seemed to prove that he was alive.

This time.

Those people who had stubbornly believed that young people would be afraid of the Great Emperor felt scared, didn't they say they were afraid of the Great Emperor?But how dare this person?
Did you say it's gone?
Not even a body left?
What exactly is this person?
Everyone started to panic.

The outside world does not know the situation here.

It was just that the thundercloud above did not dissipate, but was re-condensing, and the aura of Tianwei was still there, which meant that the matter was not over yet.

The sinner is still alive.

(End of this chapter)

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