Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1230 Doing Everything to Save You

Chapter 1230 Do Everything To Save You

Ye Yuye had seen this Buddha in front of her when she was Canghe, but the first meeting was not good, it could even be said to be very bad.

It is nothing more than to let her put aside the mundane trivial matters and enter the temple as a monk who does not care about world affairs.

Regardless of the world, Ye Yuye had this idea.

But I never thought about being a monk.

If you want to say who the most annoying people are, they are definitely those monks in the temple. They chatted a lot, trying to make her put down the butcher knife.

Butcher knife?

If it wasn't for the fact that other people wanted to cause trouble, how could she let go of her good life and pick up the butcher knife again?

The old monk looked at him, Amitabha sighed and said: "Cang Benefactor is still the same, I do all this to save all sentient beings, for the sake of Cang Benedict."

Ye Yuye looked up lazily, the corners of her lips twitched slightly, her black eyes were deep and impenetrable, but there was a trace of blood hidden in them: "Then go back to your lair and don't care about anything. "

The old monk's complexion didn't change much, and he sighed: "Cang benefactor, you know that this old monk would not do this, not only for you, but also for the sake of the whole common people."

Ye Yuye wanted to laugh, but his eyes were full of coldness: "Then tell me, what did you do to the common people?"


As a Buddha in the world, the old monk couldn't give Ye Yuye an answer, no matter how many people who had luck had been killed, disrupting the order of heaven, or the extreme crime of heaven's punishment now.

He couldn't even answer.

"If you can't give me an answer, go back, otherwise," Ye Yuye looked at him, and smiled, "I don't mind killing one more Buddha."

The thunder cloud started to rumble.

The boy's words made the listeners feel horrified. They were obviously smiling, but it seemed like a demon was devouring the deepest part of their hearts, making them feel terrified.

Others do not know.

But Ye Yuye knew it in his heart.

She once really killed a Buddha.

The old monk had complicated thoughts, twisting the string of Bodhi Buddha beads on his wrist, and Amitabha said: "

If the benefactor really wants to do this, the old monk will do everything to save you, it is the same as it was ten thousand years ago, and it is the same now. "

Ye Yuye's smile that didn't reach his eyes deepened.


Others heard it too.

Ten thousand years ago? !

You mean tens of thousands of years ago?

The Buddha was talking about Emperor Cang in ancient times, right? ! ?

So this young man in front of him, who seems to be only seventeen or eighteen years old, is actually the Emperor Cang who has fallen in ancient times? ! !
Is he still alive?

Emperor Cang is still alive? !
Everyone was shocked.

Although they had vaguely guessed it before, but when their guess was confirmed, it was a different kind of shock!The astonishment is unbelievable!

I didn't expect it to be true!

What the hell!

The Emperor Cang who created the miracle of the star field is actually still alive!No matter for anyone, it is the most exciting huge surprise!

The domain network is also crazy.

They seem to have just learned of the breaking news.

Question the credibility of the news.

After all, he did not witness the truth with his own eyes.

However, the news of Emperor Cang reappeared on the domain network again, which already surprised many people.

"What the hell did I just get some amazing news?!! Is it true that Cang He is alive?"

"So the Heaven's Punishment appeared because Canghe came back?"

"I'm going, didn't it say that Emperor Cang was punished by heaven tens of thousands of years ago? He is still alive? Isn't this too unbelievable?"

"If Emperor Cang came back, then the appearance of Heaven's Punishment is also reasonable, isn't it because Emperor Cang was not killed back then."


The whole domain network is crazy.

And the few people who witnessed everything were about to go crazy, the Baihuang looked at the figure in white with trepidation, he was not Di Cang from the inferior world.

His real identity is Emperor Cang?
He turned out to be Emperor Cang?
Wasn't he in the lower world before ancient times?When did you become a great emperor in the superior world?
The White Emperor was frightened.

As long as he thinks that he has been pretending to be the heir of Emperor Cang all this time, his whole body is filled with coldness, and he feels fear in his heart.

It’s over.

As long as this person does not die.

Then it's all over.

He... would kill himself.

He wasn't the only one who was scared.

And Tang Feng.

He always thought that this person was only Di Cang from the lower world, yes, he also felt that this status was enough, but he never thought that Di Cang was actually the Emperor Cang from the upper world!
Di Cang.

Isn't the reverse of these two words the meaning of Emperor Cang?

Tang Feng thought it was ridiculous, but pulling the corner of his lips was even uglier than crying. His thoughts were confused, and he had no mood to care about the other two candidates for the Destiny's Child.

A young man plopped down on the ground, his expression was dazed, and gradually his face became more annoyed, he hammered his legs several times, and began to become more and more decadent talking to himself: "

What the hell did I do before, Long Qi, Long Qi, you are not because someone will take the title of Mr. Wushuang from you, what is this title, even the name Yun Wushuang is not rare for me. What did you do..."

The sound is almost broken.

Long Qi became more and more desperate, the Dragon Emperor will come soon, right?Ever since he recovered his previous memories, he has always known that his father and Emperor Cang have a good relationship.

But when he was Yun Wushuang, he treated Emperor Cang so much before...

Long Qi felt that he was going to die.

I was stupid to death by myself.

The people nearby were very nervous at the moment, and it seemed that the situation was not good, but they were right to be uneasy.

Since the old monk wants to be transformed, he will do what he says. He has achieved the Tao and become a Buddha. His own strength is not weak, which is equivalent to the great emperors of all races.

It's just that he is a little confused about Canghe's current strength.

A golden palm print appeared above.

One zhang.

two feet.

Up to about eight feet!

It is obvious that the figure below is so thin.

A palm slapped hard on the boy's position.

But the boy is gone.

Xu appeared in the sky in an instant, the young man's robe was tumbling, and his blue hair was flying wildly, she stared at the old monk with her lips curled up: "

Even the Buddhas in ancient times have to fear me and respect me, but you are just a Buddha and want to save me, old bald donkey, do you think this is possible. "

The thunder cloud shrouded above seemed to be very dissatisfied with Ye Yuye's approach, and a thick purple thunder dragon sprang out.

This time.

Everyone heard the sound of the dragon chant.

It came from the thundercloud.

They were as shocked as they were when they learned that Emperor Cang was still alive. Why is there still the sound of dragons in the thunder cloud?
...there are dragons?
That palm was just a test.

The old monk Amitabha stood for a while, but the Bodhi Buddha beads in his hand did not stop turning: "Cang Benefactor, please stop."

The moment the bell rang.

A golden light appeared on the old monk's body.

Filled with holiness that purifies all.

 The dude hasn’t updated yet, go to sleep, I have something to do ahead, I will update it in the early hours of tonight
(End of this chapter)

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