Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1236 Baidi's Dirty Thoughts

Chapter 1236 Baidi's Dirty Thoughts

When they came out, everyone was surprised for a while, but it didn't last long. Even the emperor came out. If these people don't come out, they feel abnormal.

Among all the people present, very few people have lived for tens of thousands of years, so that they have basically never seen a fighting scene at the level of a great emperor. Now that they can see it, if they are not strong enough to be afraid of death, they would like to watch it closer now. .

The discussion on the domain network has not decreased but increased.

People in other star domains cannot see the battle between the emperors, and can only judge the battle situation based on a little information in the domain network.

On the contrary, the powerful and strong have already used their privileged ability to go directly to the first domain, intending to witness the battle between the emperors with their own eyes!
The teleportation formation is overcrowded.

Going to the first domain is about to explode!
In a hurry, the people on the other side of the teleportation formation sent people to other places.

A battle at the level of an emperor is no joke.

Good luck to come back safely.

If you are unlucky, you won't be surprised even if you die in it. It's over if the emperor's power spreads and is affected!

Although the members of the major powerful families did not let their juniors go out, they used their own methods to turn the scene around.

Although I was a little scared.

But it is undeniable that the battle between the great emperors can more or less allow them to realize some skills.

Especially those who are gifted at the genius level, if they can comprehend a little of the emperor's ability, the road ahead will not be too difficult.

The sword pierced through the sky and rushed down.

A powerful sword intent erupted unobstructed!
It shook the ground and set off layers of waves!

A big battle has begun.

All kinds of supernatural powers came out.

Colorful power intertwined.

Unanimously attack a person.

Zuo Yunxiao also joined in. He couldn't kill him alone, but with other people around, maybe it's not hopeless.

The Baidi who was not moving at the side suddenly joined in, one more and one less, Ye Yuye didn't even frown.

The burst of power is beyond the reach of anyone, but the person under siege can even deal with the attacking moves with ease.

He also has a sword at his side to help.

They were relieved after making sure that they would not be affected in the safe range. Of course, they were also afraid that they would suddenly change the battlefield.

But have to say.

Emperor Cang is really powerful.

Even after now, the strength is still very strong.

How to say that the people who besieged him were also emperor-level figures, but he didn't panic at all when facing these people, he came to pick up whatever he came, if they didn't know what happened before and after, or he really thought he was just discussing moves.


For some reason, the boy gave them the feeling that he was sure of winning, and he had the upper hand.

Yang Haoge was worried that something would happen there, so he devoted part of his energy to taking care of Shitou and the others, for fear that they would leave his sight.

Otherwise, when Ye Yuye comes back, there is really no way to explain it. Simply put, these children are quite obedient. Although they are in a hurry, they don't have the habit of running around.

Although it looked like the young man had the upper hand, it didn't make them relax their vigilance at all. After all, these people are also great emperors. It is impossible to become a great emperor without some skills. They know very well that this battle will not be so easy.

The vibration of the ground underfoot.

They are almost numb.

The blue horse looked up, and howled a few times at the purple thunder dragon that was sitting still on top. The dragon glanced over with noble eyes, and then ignored it indifferently.

As a dragon clan, but being ridden on the back by a beast that doesn't know what it is, it really embarrasses the dragon clan.

The dragon on top looked down on the dragon on the bottom, and as the only blue dragon horse in the world, it also looked down on the dragon on top.

Fat Mao'er was probably tired, lying on the back of the green horse, with his round chin resting on it, staring at that place very seriously with his eyes that were not at all sleepy.

Without the sun's rays.

Let them know how much time has passed.

Everyone only wanted Ye Yuye to die.

But there was a voice that surprised everyone: "Emperor Cang, I came to invite you as a guest."

Ye Yuye sneered, his figure flickered and receded, making it difficult for people to figure out his movements. When they saw him again,
Ye Yuye stared at Bai Di with squinted eyes. Bai Di could already feel his breath, but for some unknown reason, his body couldn't move.

next moment.

Pain without warning hit his brain, Ye Yuye unexpectedly forcibly removed his arm!

Blood splattered!


A lazy and murderous tone sounded in his ears: "A guest? The one who wants to imprison my power?"


Baidi didn't want to kill him.

But want to lock him up.

In this way, he can see him, touch him, and love him every day and night, and he is looking forward to and waiting for this day all the time.

So when he saw him, the aroused greed had already occupied his thinking brain, and his dirty thoughts had already taken root since the day he saw him.

Pain made sweat break out on his brow.

Bai Di, who was missing one arm, stared at the young man, and actually laughed out loud, without even a bit of hatred: "If I tell you that I became a devil because of you, and lusted because of you, you would care about me." what?"

His words were completely like a bomb, shocking everyone around him into astonishment and unbelievable.

What did he just say?
What does this mean?
Were the rumors from the outside world all deceitful?Or did he deliberately pass it on to the world?

He doesn't like Chi Lan, but a man?The person he likes is Emperor Cang? ? !

A thunderbolt struck their celestial spirit caps, and they were only shocked, Bai Di actually liked a man! !

No one thought of this.

What's more, he didn't expect Baidi to have such unimaginable thoughts about him!

Except for the emperor, no one else knew about this shock. They only saw that young man, no, Emperor Cang forcibly tore off an arm of Emperor Bai.

The sudden scene made everyone stunned.

Although I know that Emperor Cang is very strong.

But this scene still stimulated them.

Is the battle at the emperor's level just...simple and rough?

Seeing it made Emperor Pei's heart tense, he always thought that the relationship between Emperor Bai and Emperor Cang was not bad, otherwise Emperor Bai would not have kept that portrait,

Even if it was a rest, he didn't want to let it go, but when he saw the young man tearing off the arm without mercy, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Emperor Pei hesitated in his heart, and his face was a little ugly. Could it be that they...don't know each other so well?
It would have been better if he didn't say anything, this statement made Ye Yuye's brows furrow, and the arm she was holding was crushed by her, turning into a cloud of blood mist that was about to dissipate.

(End of this chapter)

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