Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1240 The Little Bird Appears

Chapter 1240 The Little Bird Appears

They could almost imagine that if Emperor Cang died, they would definitely be in despair. Rather than doing this, it would be better to never know that he was still alive.

The green horse walking around suddenly stopped, and the fat cat on its back seemed to have sensed something, pricked up its ears, changed from surprise to excitement, and then with a little nervousness, stared at something and blinked. Watch without blinking.

Fat Cat didn't move.

The green horse didn't have the nerve to move anymore.

Everyone didn't have time to react. In that instant, a huge figure passed through the clouds, and gradually, they saw clearly what it was.

A huge golden roc bird!

Soon someone exclaimed: "That's not a roc bird! Absolutely not! It's a kunpeng! The nine-day kunpeng recorded in ancient books! It's an ancient divine beast!"

There is a saying in "Zhuangzi Xiaoyaoyou".

There is a fish in Beiming, and its name is Kun.

Turned into a bird, its name is Peng.

And the one in front of them is definitely the Kunpeng recorded in the ancient books!
Everyone looked at the rare scene in front of them in disbelief, and their hearts fluctuated greatly. Too many things happened that day.

It feels like the few things that are most unlikely to happen in this life have piled up to the present. If it is not for my strong ability to bear it, others will not be surprised even if I am scared to death.

It's just... why did Kunpeng appear at this time?
The dragon hovering above reacted first, staring at the strange bird that made it feel uncomfortable with deep vigilance.


The fat cat on the back of the blue horse stared straight at the golden roc that was approaching, its familiar yet unfamiliar aura made it hesitate.

It's a familiar breath.

It's just that the figure made it dazed and a little unsure if it was its former playmate. Its little bird was only this big, but how could it become so big now.

Thinking about it, Fat Maoer tilted his head and recalled it seriously, and the long tail behind him became shrugged because of confusion, and no longer swayed.

With that appearance, he was almost gesticulating back and forth with his paws.

They are also birds, and the blood of Luanming is completely incomparable with that of Kunpeng. In ancient times, there was only one Kunpeng in the world, how noble it is.

And Luanming.

At best, it is only a little blood relationship with Phoenix.

Even if this Luanming got a drop of Phoenix's hard work, Luanming was still in his bones, and this would never change.

Soon, everyone saw that Kunpeng fell to the ground, retracted its pair of golden and beautiful big wings, and screamed in one direction.

Kunpeng's voice was not unpleasant.

On the contrary, there is a sense of remoteness in ancient times.


Always feel that something is not quite right?
The four great emperors took advantage of Ye Yuye's injury and attacked him frantically. The appearance of the Kunpeng just made them pay attention, and their attention was still on Ye Yuye.

But the next moment.

It was completely beyond their expectations.

The motionless Kunpeng stood in front of the young man in three steps and two steps, its eyes were cold and sharp, and its cry sounded.

Create a gust of wind!At the same time, accompanied by that terrible cry, it filled their brains and stirred their internal organs!
This is Kunpeng's attack.

From their point of view, this Kunpeng acted as if it was protecting Emperor Cang.

Everyone's thoughts froze for a few breaths, their eyes suddenly widened, and they looked in the direction of the young man in disbelief.


Kunpeng is protecting him!

Do they know each other?

When did Emperor Cang know the ancient Kunpeng?

Everyone was astonished.

The four great emperors avoided in embarrassment.

I saw that Kunpeng, which looked majestic at first, stayed docilely beside the young man, rubbing against the young man's body.

It feels like poultry to them, and they look very obedient.

Everyone stared wide-eyed: "!!"


This Kunpeng knows Emperor Cang!

In ancient times, Kunpeng was also a divine beast with extremely pure blood, and a powerful divine beast, but now he is so close to human beings.

What this means is not clear to everyone.

This Kunpeng has probably already recognized its owner!
Recognize Emperor Cang as the master!
Ye Yuye let the Kunpeng rub against his body, and the Kunpeng snorted a few times in satisfaction until his body was covered with its breath.

Shocking blood still remained on the corners of Ye Yuye's lips. As the corners of her lips moved, that handsome and delicate face looked even more amazing. She parted her lips and smiled: "Little bird, long time no see."

Another cry.

But a lot softer than before.

Ye Yuye touched its head, and it also let the boy touch it. The memory of her only stays in childhood, but now, the breath of the boy, the temperature of his hand, and the sound of calling its name make it feel all Unchanged.

It's still the same.

Nothing has changed.

The sword in front of the young man buzzed and vibrated. During this period, it was also rubbed back and forth several times by the huge one. After making sure that Kunpeng would not harm the sword owner, the sword quickly quieted down.

Ye Yuye touched Kunpeng's hard head, and said to himself, "I thought I'd look for you when I was free, but you came to me first."

Kunpeng cried and rubbed against her tenderly.

It doesn't blame her for not coming to find herself.

The current scene makes everyone sigh, and more or less feels a little bit in their hearts. Before the battle is over, anything can happen.

It's like Emperor Cang will be injured.

Another example is the arrival of Emperor Cang's helper.

The ancient Kunpeng is equivalent to a strong man at the level of a great emperor. With its help, perhaps there will be a change in this battle.

On the domain network side, they also learned the news immediately, and their feelings were no less than those near the battlefield.

It would be a lie to say I wasn't shocked.

But they feel it should be so.

Like the ancient Nine Heavens Kunpeng, perhaps only Emperor Cang can control it. After all, Emperor Cang is the head of the Great Emperor.

Although the emperor is powerful.

But compared to Emperor Cang, it was still a little bit worse.

Emperor Cang is not there.

That is to say, the emperor became the head of the great emperor, there is no doubt about it.

But now.

Emperor Cang is back.

Then everything changes.

The appearance of the Kunpeng made the four great emperors have to consider the current situation, but they felt unwilling.

Just a little.

That's all.

Canghe has been injured.

They could obviously kill him.

With the appearance of Kunpeng, will everything they do come to naught?

The fat cat on the back of the green horse shrank its neck inward, and after confirming that the bird was its little follower, it was a little timid.

Inexplicably a little cowardly.

In fact, I thought about it.

Now I don't want to go.

And I want to hide... I don't want it to know that I'm here.

Fat Cat burrowed hard into the mane, trying to make his hair less conspicuous.

Luan Ming, who flew over from other places, looked at the huge bird there, lost in thought.

(End of this chapter)

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