Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1243 Great Emperor, My Apprentice Is Not Sensible

Chapter 1243 Great Emperor, My Apprentice Is Not Sensible

boom -

A thunderstorm passed by.

The thundercloud that shrouded the sky suddenly faded away.

After a moment.

The whole sky has become clear.

The hot sun has set.

Dusk comes.

Everything seems to have returned to calm.

Simply domineering.

Everyone was dumbfounded and thought.

What happened was within their expectation, but they never thought that none of the six great emperors could kill Canghe.

Not two people.

A matter of three people.

That is, the six great emperors were all defeated by Emperor Cang.

The domain network has been completely blown up.

"As expected of the great emperor recorded in ancient books! This is too strong, even the emperor is not his opponent, that is to say, can the ranking of the great emperor be re-ranked?"

"Don't forget, there is a Buddha before the six great emperors, even the people in the Buddhist world are the same, how strong is Emperor Cang?"

"I'm just curious about whether Emperor Chilan has come. If she also comes, almost everyone is here."

"Emperor Cang is back, so should his followers come back too?"


Some people were puzzled and said to themselves: "It's strange, it will be the news of Master Dan's return, and the news of Emperor Cang's resurrection. Why are you rushing to get together with recent events?"

The people around watched silently, without any action during the period, if they might have been impulsive before the emperor came out, but now they dare not even have a single thought.

Even the Great Emperor was no match for the Cang Emperor, so how could their cultivators whose abilities were lower than the Great Emperor's be able to kill the Cang Emperor?

There is even a feeling of being reborn after a catastrophe. I am glad that I did not have the urge to provoke that person, and I am glad that I am still alive.

Even Tang Feng had the same idea.


Fortunately, I am not reckless.


Tang Feng clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were dry and reddened, he didn't know if he regretted his past choices, or felt disgusted by his previous behavior.

The other two Sons of Destiny deeply realized at this moment that Emperor Cang must not be provoked, and even several great emperors can't do anything to him, if...

Thinking of the bloody scene when they killed the emperor, both of them couldn't help but shudder. Cang He must not be provoked!

Chi Lan looked at the young man who had regained his figure, and murmured to himself absentmindedly: "It's over..."

She wiped a trace of blood from the corner of her lips, and turned away without looking back, as if she had suddenly appeared without saying a word.

The Goddess of Destiny withdrew her gaze from the back, and then said to the Phoenix Goddess next to her, "She's gone, how about you?"

Goddess Phoenix came back to her senses, she looked away from the white-clothed figure, and said slowly: "I should go too."

just now.

Not a good time to meet.

And he doesn't need to know.

Seeing the girl get up and leave, Goddess of Destiny's thoughts were a little complicated, and she didn't know what she was thinking, and murmured: "Why is this necessary...the wheel of fate is already in chaos, if it can't get back on track, the world will be in chaos... "

From before the battle to the end, the episodes of the scenes were indelible in the Baihuang's mind, his face was pale, and he could still see the slightest prestige at all.

Trembling, he squeezed his limp legs.

He just wants to get away now.

Stay away from this person.

Never let him know that he is here.

The panic in his heart made him subconsciously want to escape, but he did so, turning around and leaving without telling anyone when the thundercloud dissipated.

In fact, the old man also had this plan. He wanted to take his own bear child with him, but just as he was about to get up, Dan boy tugged at his sleeve and said in a low voice: "Master, Senior Cangdi was injured. Dan, let's take him there."

The old man who wanted to escape: "..."

The old man cleared his throat, and calmly analyzed: "Look at his lively appearance, he doesn't need our elixirs at all, our elixirs should be reserved for those who need them, we still..."

"But he vomited blood."

The child's voice is childish and innocent.

"..." The old man's words that were about to be perfunctory suddenly stuck in his throat. Looking at Dan Tongzi's serious face, he couldn't even utter a word.

"Isn't Master the most powerful? Your elixir will definitely cure him," Dan Tongzi was very confident. After thinking about it, he said seriously, "

Moreover, we are familiar with Senior Cangdi, and no one can help him except us. "

The old man messed up in the wind: "..."

Are you close?

Are you really familiar?

I only met a few times in total, and they were not very happy. Is the relationship with Emperor Cang really familiar?

Just as he was thinking, Dan Tongzi had already pulled the old man towards Ye Yuye's direction, and when the old man came back to his senses, it was irreversible, because he looked up and met the young man's deep eyes.


The old man forced a smile on his face, and secretly scolded the brat in his heart for sending him to the wolf's lair.

Ye Yuye was indeed injured.

But it will take a month and a half to recover.

So it doesn't matter to her.

Moreover, she is in a good mood now, which may be related to the healing of the hidden injuries she suffered. The self-styled shackles in her body are breaking one by one, which means that her strength is gradually recovering.

Wait for the last shackle to be unsealed.

It was time for her full strength to come back, too.

Seeing the child bring that alchemist Xie over, Ye Yuye stopped in his tracks, smiled and said to the child: "You want to see the stone, but you can't wait any longer?"

Dan Tongzi blinked before realizing Ye Yuye's meaning, and hurriedly said: "I originally wanted to come tomorrow...Senior Emperor Cang was injured, and I came to deliver the elixir to senior."

As he spoke, he poked the old man standing next to him, that Master Xie Dan was feeling uncomfortable, he fished out his cuff, took out something and gave it to Tongzi Dan.

After the battle, everyone saw the small figure trotting towards the young man in white, forced the pill into his hand, and said seriously: "This is a top-grade healing pill, I sold it here. It’s ten holy grade spirit stones, but you are the senior of Emperor Cang, I won’t accept your spirit stones, it’s free.”

He didn't know how many people were worried before he said these words, especially that Master Xie, his whole body tensed up, for fear that he would be in a bad mood and slap that little one away with a single slap.

It's all over, the old man can only bite the bullet and walk over, looking at the handsome face of the young man, his mood can be described as two words complicated, and he got stuck slowly: "

...Great Emperor, I hope you will forgive me for being ignorant. He saw you injured just now, so he insisted on sending you the pill. This kid has a kind heart..."

Stuck, the old man couldn't utter a word, because he didn't think of what to say for a long time, he stumbled and felt uncomfortable when he heard it, so he simply closed his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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