Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1245 Great Emperor, We Have Been Waiting For Your Chapter

Chapter 1245 Great Emperor, We Have Been Waiting For Your Return

"Yes, Great Emperor, we want to stay by your side. We have been looking for your whereabouts for tens of thousands of years. Now that you come back, we will naturally come back with you and wait for orders."

The person who came behind him spoke, and there seemed to be an unconcealable excitement hidden in his words.

It can be said that those who can get close to Ye Yuye are all first-class powerhouses in the major star regions, and even in all walks of life, they are all respected existences that everyone respects.

But now.

Everyone came back to follow Emperor Cang.

Each of them was once a loyal subordinate of Emperor Cang.

Those people from the Fentian Chamber of Commerce had basically met Ye Yuye, and seeing this scene now, their hearts couldn't help but get hotter.

The person they have been looking forward to for so long is finally back, the Great Emperor has never let them down!
Hearing the excited and powerful words of the people around, wishing to tell her everything about these years, Ye Yuye said with a headache: "

How many years have passed, and that is all in the past. Have you all gotten married and started businesses? "

In a trance.

Someone's steps paused slightly.

The voice that was still talking excitedly stopped abruptly.

Ye Yuye licked the corner of his lips, and continued nonchalantly: "I obeyed my orders, right? Then just listen to me and go back and worry about those things at home.

They are all family members, so why bother wading through this muddy water? Haven’t you all seen this? Many people from all ethnic groups want my life now. Most of you have seen those people too. Let's go back. "

Ye Yuye's footsteps stopped, and she turned around to look at them. Although her face was indifferent and lazy, her eyes were extremely serious.

It is undeniable.

Ye Yuye was indeed right.

Tens of thousands of years are enough to change a lot.

Some have already started families and businesses.

Basically everything that can come back is back.

Those who cannot come back, most of them have already fallen.

Although these people have the blood of the past, they already have concerns in their hearts. They were able to fight the battlefield with Emperor Cang back then, but now they... are afraid.

fear death.

Ye Yuye raised his eyes and glanced at the half of the sky in the distance where the red glow was floating, then slowly retracted his gaze, and looked at them calmly: "

Go back, Canghe is already in the past tense, my current name is Ye Yuye, if you need my help someday, you can come to me at any time while I am alive. "

Ye Yuye didn't want them to come back.

Since she became conscious until now, she has almost forgotten how long she has lived. Probably since she realized that she will not die, she will change places every once in a while, going to other star fields or another world to live.

back and forth.

Countless tens of thousands of years have passed.

When Ye Yuye was punished and killed by Heaven's Punishment, he thought that it would be good to live in another place, and also make them mistakenly think that he was dead.

It won't take some time for the name Canghe to be faded away. Only when I read it from ancient books will I occasionally think that there is such a person in the superior world.


That's exactly what she thought at the time.

Because she used to come here too.

It's just that she never thought that the former names would pop up one by one. Now that she thinks about it, it may also have something to do with her own injury.


It shouldn't be like this.

The members of the Fentian Chamber of Commerce were slightly hesitant, and when Ye Yuye looked over, they all fell silent.

Originally, I was planning to go up and persuade him.

Who dares now.

I'm afraid what to do if the emperor doesn't want them anymore, they are all followers of the emperor, and they don't know how these people feel about the emperor.

Because they are the same.

At that time, no one had any achievements to follow the emperor. If it weren't for the emperor, they would absolutely believe that they might all be lying in some inconspicuous place, and they would still have their current identities.

Even if others think they are talented.

But they always thought in their hearts that it was all given by the emperor.

This affection does not lie under the parents.

They are respectful to the emperor, not only have feelings for benefactors, but also feelings that can only be experienced between relatives and brothers. This kind of relationship is very complicated, but they can do anything for the emperor.

And now.

The emperor let them go.

It was enough to be the bad news of a bolt from the blue.

Ye Yuye couldn't take a step, and suddenly heard a voice behind him: "Great Emperor, we have been waiting for you to come back!"


Ye Yuye turned around and saw those people knelt down towards her on one knee. The young man was silent and hadn't made a sound for a long time.

This scene is enough to shock anyone.

Because these people are all strong figures in the major star fields, but now they put down their self-esteem, willing to put down their self-esteem in front of the emperor, trying to keep them.

Fen Tian and the others hesitated and wanted to kneel.


They did the same.

They were also afraid that the emperor would abandon them.

neat and tidy.

Without exception.

After a long time.

The young man sighed a long way: "I just said a few words, but why did I kneel down? They are all family members. You don't feel ashamed and I feel ashamed. Go back quickly. Those who have wives look for wives." , Those who have children and grandchildren will find their children and grandchildren to play with."

But no one got up.

Ye Yuye looked at them one by one, and almost laughed angrily: "I am no longer the person you are looking for."

No one speaks.

Also no one got up.

They recognized him as the person, not the so-called title of emperor, whether it was the emperor named Canghe tens of thousands of years ago, or the person who is now Ye Yuye, they only recognized him from beginning to end.

One person is worth one person.


Ye Yuye didn't know what these people were thinking, but she also had her own worries, it was enough for God to kill her alone, and there was no need for these people to be buried with her.

This time.

Even Fen Tian couldn't stay any longer.

exposed his whereabouts...

Ye Yuye felt a little headache when he thought about it, he was silent for a moment, everyone was waiting for the emperor's reply, however, the young man just remained expressionless, and said after a while: "

I am no longer Emperor Cang, and I don't have the energy to create any more forces, you should go back. "

Ye Yuye turned around and planned to leave.

Yang Haoge suddenly became anxious, just now Ye Yuye sent him a voice transmission, what does this mean?Why did you let him take care of the child? Could it be that this man planned to leave alone?Not even ready to take the kids?
No one heard the communication between Ye Yuye and Yang Haoge. Of course, they just sent Yang Haoge an order, and when Yang Haoge realized that he was anxious to contact Ye Yuye, they had already disconnected. got in touch.

Seeing the young man leave, Shi Shi hurriedly wanted to follow, Ye Yuye glanced back at the child, smiled with his lips curled up: "Stay here obediently, I will pick you up in a few days."

Stone's footsteps stopped, and his eyes suddenly turned red.

(End of this chapter)

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