Chapter 217 Ye Yuye, Get Out

This person, as well as Ling Chengyou of their God of War, were taught a lesson by that man named Soul Masked King.

Since that incident happened, some people even wanted to find the Masked Soul King at all costs, but there was no news.

Some of them took him as the target, and they had special admiration for the Soul Masked King whom they had never met before.

"That Soul Masked King is most likely a student of our Artifact Department."


"Wait," someone was a little confused: "Isn't this a competition for freshmen? What is he going to do as a sophomore?"

As soon as the words fell, everyone suddenly realized what, Zhuang Yiming was a sophomore student, why did he come up?
Could it be that they also want to snatch the top ten in the freshman list?

Fu Xiaoxiao, who was sitting under the tree, was dumbfounded by everyone's discussion, and even began to wonder if the masked king these people called was himself.

Masked King?When did he call that name?
He was clearly talking about the Masked King?

Fu Xiaoxiao was depressed.

The purple-clothed boy stood on the ring, and the people sitting on both sides didn't try to stop him. Perhaps, even they wanted to know what he wanted to do.

Zhuang Yiming swept around, and since he didn't know the person's appearance, he couldn't help but frowned, and shouted: "Ye Yuye, get out of here."

The deafening roar seemed to be venting his dissatisfaction.

Fu Xiaoxiao, who was sitting under the tree, stood up suddenly, and stared at the purple-clothed boy on the ring with displeasure.

After pondering for a while, could it be that he didn't hit harder last time?

He even started to think about whether to go up and beat up this ignorant kid again.

Among the crowd, Shen Tao squinted his eyes, staring at the purple-clothed boy on the ring, this boy is tired of work, dare to provoke the Patriarch, really think they are vegetarians?
With the scene in front of them, everyone understood now that Zhuang Yiming came to the ring to challenge Ye Yuye.

But isn't Ye Yuye from the ordinary department?
Even if he wanted to challenge, would Dean Xiao of the General Department agree?

In everyone's impression, Xiao Zhengtian, the dean of the ordinary department, would never participate in the previous freshman competition every year, not only him, but also other people in the ordinary department, but this time, all of them came.

There is also Shen Tao from the Punishment Pavilion.

I heard that this person is stronger than Dean Kong of the God War Department, but I don't know if it is true or not, it is just a rumor.

The instructors of the general department frowned, as if they were extremely displeased with Zhuang Yiming's behavior.

Even Kong Daoyi, who is the dean of the Divine Warfare Department, couldn't bear it anymore, and sank.

The others are fine, you said that you, a genius of the God of War department, open your mouth to challenge the freshmen of the ordinary department in front of so many people, it is too embarrassing.

Not only lost the face of the God of War, but also lost his face.

Xiao Zhengtian frowned and remained silent.

Beside him, Xia Tao looked at Daoyi Kong, who was two seats away, with a serious face: "Dean Kong, as the dean of a department, you should also know that our ordinary department will not participate in any competitions."

Kong Daoyi showed a rare expression of apology, and he said to Xia Tao of the ordinary department: "Dean Xia, I know all your rules, since you all say it is a challenge, as long as Ye Yuye refuses to challenge, this matter will be over gone."

Regardless of whether it is the battle against gods or the normal system, both parties have made concessions.

Zhuang Yiming walked over with a frown, cupped his hands and said to Kong Daoyi: "Dean, we know what Ye Yuye did before, and you will know soon whether he is a supernatural person or not." .”

Only one step away, he didn't want to give up at all.

(End of this chapter)

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