Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 268 Master Said You Can't Touch Him

Chapter 268 Master Said You Can't Touch Him
Huang Xingyi was annoyed, and suddenly changed from holding the boy by the collar to grabbing the back of his neck. Just as he was about to press down hard, his peripheral vision quickly caught the strangeness.

...It seems that a figure is passing by.

There was a gust of cold wind blowing from his back. This feeling was not good. As a supernatural being, Huang Xingyi's five senses were different from ordinary people's.

When he was about to dodge subconsciously, two cold fingers pinched the back of his neck, making him unable to move. The voice came from behind him: "He belongs to the master, you must not touch him."

The voice was lazy, but to his ears, a gust of cold wind rushed into his clothes, making his whole body shudder.

Huang Xingyi's eyes were full of anger, he let go of the boy's collar, and a force gushed out from his hand, attacking behind him!

Ye Yuye's expression didn't change, he didn't even bother to make a move, the boy directly kicked Huang Xingyi to the ground under the eyes of everyone.

Huang Xingyi struggled to get up, but was pinned down by the boy with his feet, unable to move.

The familiarity makes people think that he seems to do it often.

Shi Shi watched silently from the side, seemed to be very relieved, his eyes rolled, and he seemed to be in a good mood at this time.

However, when he saw the half-bunch of candied haws in his hand, he became wilted again.

At this time, everyone only saw the man being kicked to the ground by a teenager, but he didn't even struggle.

The maids in the teahouse looked indifferent and had no intention of making a move at all.

But no one knew that Huang Xingyi's own strength was imprisoned, no matter how he urged him, he couldn't exert his own power.

This feeling of helplessness made him panic, and he looked in horror at the calm and unchanging boy.

what happened? !
How could the power in his body not move him!
It was the first time in Huang Xingyi's life that he encountered such a weird thing, and he could basically conclude that this person was the one who did it.

But he couldn't figure out what method this person used to prevent him from mobilizing his own strength.

He felt more and more uncomfortable with this person, as if a terrible name flashed through his mind, creepy.

Ye Yuye's lazy black eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the man stepped on the ground by her, indifferent to the look of pain on his face: "My master said, you can't touch him."

She has no skills, but she is just protecting her weaknesses.

His voice was as lazy as ever, with no fluctuations, but for Huang Xingyi, this voice made him swallow in fear, and the panic in his pupils became more and more uncontrollable, gathering more and more.


Huang Xingyi opened his mouth and before he could say two words, he suddenly flew out of the teahouse.

All this happened very suddenly, even the pain of being kicked was not felt in time.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Huang Xingyi rolled heavily on the ground several times, spat out a mouthful of blood, his breath was unstable, and his cultivation base dropped rapidly!

He fell directly from a mysterious-level supernatural being back to the yellow-level!
Everyone was startled, and some even came out of the teahouse, staring in disbelief at Huang Xingyi, who was vomiting blood profusely.

This movement shocked many people.

But for those who didn't know anything, it was very confusing, because they didn't know what happened just now,
But one thing they know very well is that this person has fallen back from the Mysterious Stage to the Yellow Stage, and even this person's aura is unstable, and his cultivation base is still declining.

(End of this chapter)

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