Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 325 Xiao Gefeng Disappointed

Chapter 325 Xiao Gefeng Disappointed

The voice spread to all corners of the star network, which undoubtedly made everyone hold back the words they were about to blurt out. Why don't you grab three spirit stones for a bottle of healing pills!

"Dan Tongzi, isn't your price too expensive? I think 200 million gravel is enough."

"200 million crushed stones are too expensive, why not sell them by grain? 10,000+ crushed stones? Then I will definitely buy it."

"My money has been a little tight recently, and I really need pills now, can I... credit?"

Xingwang's comments all entered his mind, and Boy Dan was not annoyed, holding the pill bottle in his hand: "This is the pill refined by Master Xiaodao. You don't need it, there should be others who want it."


The faces of the people who were still hesitating immediately changed, and their voices quickly spread to Xingwang.

"Buy, I'll buy! I want ten bottles!"

"If you have more, you can buy as many seats as you have. The price is not a problem, as long as it is refined by Master Dan Tongzi, I will accept everything."

"It's just a few pieces of spirit stones, and I can still afford them. Boy Dan, I'll buy twenty bottles of healing pills, and I want them now!"



The elixirs in Dan Tongzi's hands sold nearly 40 bottles of elixirs, and harvested more than 100 pieces of spiritual stones.

After a while, Dan Tongzi checked how many bottles of pills he had left, lowered his head and couldn't help laughing: "

Hey, this money comes in too fast, not bad, not bad, I want to earn more private money while Master is away, and I will be a little rich in the future. "

After harvesting a lot of spirit stones, Dan Tongzi didn't plan to stay in this mountain any longer, so he ran away.

At the same time, everyone got the healing pill, quickly poured out a pill and swallowed it, and soon felt the effect of the medicine dispersed in the body, spreading until the injuries on their bodies healed a lot.


"As expected of Master Dan, my body has almost recovered."

"The original way has also been restored. Master Dan is worthy of being the number one alchemist in the mainland. This medicine only sells for three spirit stones. Selling 50 yuan of spirit stones is too little for the original way."

"That's right, one pill of Master Pill's medicine is worth three spirit stones. My luck today is beyond the charts. I haven't been this lucky for a long time."


If Dan Tongzi knows that a bottle of pills can be sold for 50 yuan of spirit stones, I'm afraid I'm going to regret it, and cry to death on the spot.

sky above.

The dark clouds were gradually dissipating, and as the terrifying coercion around them gradually decreased, the complexions on everyone's faces improved a lot.

At last.

They still haven't seen the hidden master with terrifying power, and the sky has returned to its original sunny state. People from all major forces bid farewell to each other and walked down the mountain.

After Xiao Gefeng swallowed the elixir, the injuries in his body healed completely, and he spread out his consciousness again, looking for Ye Yuye's aura.

But they were all disappointed, because they didn't sense any traces about Ye Yuye.

The only possibility...

That was because Ye Yuye was dead, so they couldn't sense his aura.

After the matter came to an end, people from all major forces returned to their territory, from a hundred people to a few, a dozen or so.

This trip to Fengshan, it can be said that not only did they not get any benefits, but they also lost a lot of family elites.

But now that the body of Ten Thousand Demons Almighty was taken away by the people of Shenlong Academy, people from all major forces would feel uncomfortable to some extent.

Of course, all kinds of news quickly spread throughout the continent, shocking many people.

(End of this chapter)

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