Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 335 Three Earth-level Gale Horses!

Chapter 335: The Three-Headed Ground-Level Gale Horse!
The man immediately turned his head to look, and happened to meet his gaze, he shuddered suddenly, and immediately looked away.

"This man's murderous aura is too strong, let's not provoke him."

The man in black looked away indifferently. He never said a word, just standing here made people feel very stressed.


All around, everyone was chatting and laughing, and the atmosphere was relaxed, until suddenly there was a sound of horses whistling, when everyone looked up.

There are three black dots in the sky flying towards their position rapidly.

"……what is this?"

Someone looked at it blankly, a little puzzled.

As the black spots in the sky approached, there were three overlapping hissing sounds again, and this time, everyone heard them clearly.

It was clearly the cry of a horse.

There was some anticipation in everyone's hearts, and someone came again, and the identity of the person who came was definitely not ordinary!
Luo Mu raised his head, narrowing his eyes slightly.

Inside the carriage, a woman's clear voice came: "It's a bit slow, speed up."

After receiving the order, the three ground-level Gale Horses seemed to go crazy, and the red mane blown by the wind was like a fire, and they rushed down quickly following the main body.

Cheng Wenliang looked at the three ground-level Gale Horses in front of the carriage, and his pupils shrank slightly: "The ones who came should be the Su family from the imperial capital."


Accompanied by the sound of horses croaking, three flame-like horses appeared in everyone's eyes.

And behind them, there is an extremely luxurious and extravagant carriage, twice the size of an ordinary carriage!
Seeing this, they were really surprised.

Some people were not from the imperial capital. When they saw the carriage, especially the three galloping horses, they felt like country bumpkins who had never seen the world and had just arrived in a big city.

Ground level!

These three are all earth-level monsters!
Of course, anyone who knows the goods knows that these three monsters are special mounts for the strong, named Gale Horse!

Only because of the extremely fast speed of the horse.

A gale horse needs about 100 million spirit stones, let alone a gale horse that has just grown up.

That's definitely a great value!
A knowledgeable person would know at a glance that these three full-blooded Gale Horses must have just come of age.

That value far exceeds the estimation of young horses and adult wind horses.

Basically, the buyer of this horse must be very wealthy, otherwise he would never have spent a lot of money to buy three Gale Horses.

Everyone's eyes turned red.

The people in the carriage are definitely rich!

Luo Mu stood among the crowd, watching the carriage landed on the ground without saying a word.

For an instant.

It was quite quiet all around.

The three ground-level Gale Horses moved their hooves, stopped and walked, and looked around with bright horse eyes, with a bit of human curiosity.


They saw that the car curtain was opened by a wide and wrinkled hand, and they knew it was the old man's hand at a glance, and everyone was a little disappointed.

Even the second son of the Luo family felt a little disappointed, the person he expected did not come.

An old man got out of the carriage, looked at the surrounding people indifferently, and then stood beside the carriage, as if he was waiting for someone?

Is there anyone else in the carriage?

Everyone's eyes lit up immediately, and they stared at the extremely gorgeous carriage with burning eyes.

Even Luo Mu couldn't help but look forward to it, clenching his fists nervously.


A slender hand lifted the curtain of the car, and everyone could only see the flickering hem of the clothes from inside.

It is light blue.

(End of this chapter)

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