Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 339 Semi-finished Formation

Chapter 339 Semi-finished Formation

The old man turned his eyes away from Ye Yuye, and said to Su Qingmo: "Miss, just listen to the young master. We will go to the registration gate and wait. With the young master's strength, nothing will happen."

Su Qingmo frowned: "Young master's body..."

"I'm not that weak."

Ye Yuye waved his hand and walked directly towards the bamboo forest with the stone.

Su Qingmo hesitated to speak, she watched the two figures enter the bamboo forest until they disappeared from her sight, her eyes were a little sad.

The old man looked at Su Qingmo and reminded: "Miss, let's wait for him at the registration gate."

Su Qingmo slowly withdrew her gaze, and responded, "Okay."


Bamboo forest, with a unique fragrance.

The breeze blows.

Fat Mao'er leisurely followed the two of them, and from time to time, the long tail would sweep the fallen leaves on the ground.

However, what was supposed to be an elegant and peaceful place was unusually noisy at this time, with the sound of fighting and sharp clashes of weapons.

and people's insults.

The baby ginseng poked out from the bosom of the stone, seeing that no one was paying attention, it quickly plunged into the soil.

The two of them sometimes passed blood-stained places, and there were signs of fighting around them, and there were also many corpses that had just died.

Baby Ginseng looked at the two people who were walking very slowly behind, shook his thin beard triumphantly, and continued to rush forward without slowing down.

But before it had a good time, its head seemed to hit something, and it suddenly fell into the soil with stars in its eyes.

"Squeak Yaya..."

The baby ginseng was hit so hard that it still hadn't recovered. When its vision gradually became clear, it saw a big mouth with sharp teeth.

It was frightened immediately.

Fat Mao'er looked down at the baby ginseng that jumped up suddenly, turned around and left with a long tail in boredom.

Ye Yuye walked over, she glanced around, and raised her brows slightly: "I didn't expect there to be a semi-finished formation here."


Shi Shi walked over curiously, and the knowledge related to the formation surged in his mind instantly, allowing him to understand what the formation was.


Registration gate.

Qin Xuan sat casually on the steps, looking at a bamboo forest below.

There was a person sitting next to him, holding a bag of sunflower seeds in his hand, nibbling non-stop.

of course.

Every time he nibbled for a while, he would clean up the melon seeds on the ground.

Gu Ze looked at the bamboo forest for a while, then turned to Qin Xuan and said, "How many people pass the test this time?"

"How would I know,"

Qin Xuan shrugged, and then thought: "But this bamboo forest is designed for these little kids, maybe there should be more than a dozen."

"A dozen? Is that too little?"

Gu Ze thought for a while, and said seriously: "At least, there should be dozens of them, right?"

"tens of?"

Qin Xuan sneered: "You think highly of them too. There are countless people who sign up every year, and most of the geniuses have already been recommended in advance."

After all, Qin Xuan naturally grabbed a handful of melon seeds in Gu Ze's hand, and said while nibbling: "

I took a look earlier, and the only person who is most likely to pass the test is Cheng Wenliang from the Cheng family.
There is also Luo Mu, the second son of the Luo family, who will be our juniors by then, so we can consider letting them join our alliance. "

"Cheng Wenliang?"

Gu Ze was stunned for a moment, then remembered that there was such a person, and couldn't help sighing: "This Cheng Wenliang is lucky."

(End of this chapter)

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