Chapter 347 Farewell Everyone
When these people were almost digested, Qin Xuan continued to speak to the crowd: "

Second, Shenlong Academy has different rules and regulations from other academies. After becoming a student of the academy, if you want to be promoted to a sophomore,

You must challenge twenty students from the sophomore department!As long as the challenge is successful, you are a sophomore student! "

These were supposed to be said after they passed the assessment, Qin Xuan said these words in advance, just to motivate these people, don't take chances.

Everyone's eyes were hot, and they had some expectations. As expected of Shenlong Academy, even the system was different from other academies.

The two talked a little more, making them gradually realize the difference between Shenlong Academy and other places.

Take the rune system as an example, other colleges have not established a rune system at all, and some people don't even know what the rune system is.

It wasn't until the two of them opened their mouths to explain that they realized that the job of a talisman master is very sacred, and they can kill people with formations alone. It's no wonder that there are very few people who can become talisman masters.

Gu Ze looked up at the sky, lowered his voice and said to Qin Xuan: "It's almost enough, let them go back and rest early."

Qin Xuan nodded, turned his gaze, and said to everyone: "Everyone will come here to report at noon tomorrow, and those who don't come will choose to abstain and be eliminated."

Among the crowd, someone asked suspiciously: "Senior, what kind of assessment are we going to conduct?"

As the question was asked, many people listened carefully. After all, this matter was related to whether they could enter Shenlong Academy.

"You will know the content of the assessment tomorrow," Gu Ze mused, "You still have to get a good night's sleep, so that you will have the energy to go to the assessment tomorrow."


Everyone looked around, it was a desolate place, where would they sleep?
Among them, a large number of people have flat faces and no fluctuations, as if they already know all this and have made a perfect plan.

Someone was in a hurry, completely unprepared, and asked, "Senior, where shall we stay tonight?"

"Where do you live?"

Qin Xuan looked at them strangely, showing disdain: "You are not students of Shenlong Academy, and our Shenlong Academy has no obligation to help you with your accommodation."

The words fell, which caused a lot of restlessness. Of course, Qin Xuan didn't care at all, and continued to speak: "It doesn't matter if you sleep on the ground or go back. I just need to see you here tomorrow.

Also, tomorrow's assessment will not only include us, but also tutors from various departments of the college. You have to perform well and don't make a fool of yourself. "

Gu Ze stood beside Qin Xuan, and added: "In previous years, no more than ten people were admitted to Shenlong Academy."

The original noisy voice suddenly became quieter, and everyone looked a little dignified.

This is undoubtedly a major blow to them, no more than ten people?And they now have more than 70 people!
If you want to stand out from the crowd of more than 70 people, I am afraid it will only be more difficult.

"It's all gone."

Qin Xuan waved his hand quite bored, and his whole body flew into the air, disappearing into a stream of light.

Seeing that guy Qin Xuan leave first, Gu Ze smiled at everyone: "Tomorrow's assessment is just the first level, it's not too difficult, I hope you all work hard."

Say it.

The man was gone too.

Now in front of the forest, there are only more than 70 people left to be assessed.

After the matter came to an end, Cheng Wenliang bowed his hands to the crowd: "Everyone, I will take my leave first, and see you tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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