Chapter 358 Native Born

"The assessment starts in 4 minutes, please get ready."

After the two withdrew, everyone quickly found a place to sit down. Fortunately, the surrounding area was wide enough to accommodate them.

The location of the assessment this time is absolutely very important. Some people are very satisfied with the location they found. It is not near or far from that stone. It is an excellent place.

As a result, some people started to kill for this, but the people from Shenlong Academy did not stop them, and even helped to dispose of the corpses on the ground.

As long as these people are not students of their Shenlong Academy, they are not considered to have broken the rules of the academy, and let these people continue to make trouble.

Although the place Luo Mu chose was close to the stone, he didn't care about it, and he didn't compete with those people for the position.

Sitting cross-legged, he slowly closed his eyes.

At the same time, Cheng Wenliang also closed his eyes.

"This is the position I grabbed first, get out!"

"What the hell, don't rob me, first come first, first come first, do you understand?!"

"I advise you to come out, or I will kill you now!"


The tightly wrapped man in black glanced indifferently at the messy surroundings, he walked around the pool of blood on the ground, and found a random place to sit cross-legged.

And the man in purple supported a group of good-looking women to form a small group, neither fighting nor grabbing, appearing very harmonious.

Only six fingers passed.

A lot of people have already died, except for the blood on the ground, they have been cleaned up by the people of Shenlong Academy.

The instructors on top watched the scene indifferently until they saw two children approaching the stone.

Immediately startled.

It suddenly occurred to him that these two babies were brought by the Su family, if something happened, what would happen?
next moment.

They looked at the two figures standing by the edge of the bamboo forest, and wanted to get up, but they couldn't save face, and their buttocks sat stiffly.

Instructor Mu stared at the old man next to the woman for a while, and said indifferently: "The two of the Su family don't seem to be worried, let's not worry about it."

But it was precisely because of this that they felt strange.

Several people were silent.

The two children who are not even ten years old have not awakened their own talents, and they will basically die if they come to participate in the assessment. Does the Su family want these two children to enter the academy, or do they want to kill them?
If you really want to join, just give them a recommended spot, but the current behavior of the Su family really makes them very incomprehensible.

At this time, Shi Shi was hugging Fat Maoer, his bright eyes were looking at the rock that was very close to him, and he almost touched it with his hands.

Xu felt that this stone was his kind. After studying it for a while, he turned his head and said to Ye Yuye seriously: "Master, the material of that stone is not from this world."

Ye Yuye looked calm, looked at the stone for a while, then nodded slightly: "It should have fallen from some other world."

Stone asked curiously, "What about me?"


Ye Yuye was indifferent: "Native-born."

Shitou shook his head and smiled happily: "It turns out that Master and I come from the same place!"

"Do not,"

Ye Yuye looked up at him, stretched out his hand and rubbed his bald head: "Stone, the place where I was born is far away from here."

So far away that even she can hardly remember...

Shi Shi's bright eyes were a little sad, he was always afraid that his master would leave him, and this feeling became stronger as the time distance shortened.

(End of this chapter)

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