Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 360 Preaching Preaching

Chapter 360 Preaching Preaching
Instructor Mu frowned for a while, and said in thought: "This formation is called Phantom Nightmare, and it can make the dreamer feel like it is happening. Dreams are caused by inner demons. The treasures can only protect the body, but not the body." Mind is useless."

"Then these two children..."

Someone stopped pondering, and had already thought of some guesses in his heart.

Teacher Hua couldn't help sighing: "These two children may not deserve to die, but they are really lucky, even God is looking after them."

"These two little babies haven't awakened their natural abilities, so they don't have any inner demons. This formation doesn't work for them."

The female tutor looked at the two little people sitting cross-legged, and felt a little sad: "I don't know what the Su family thinks, but they let two children who have no awakening talent come to the assessment. Is this saving them?" Still hurting them."

Teacher Hua froze for a moment, looked at the woman sitting beside him, and asked curiously: "Master Shui, do you want to talk to the Su family?"

Teacher Shui looked displeased, and glanced at the woman in white gauze standing by the edge of the bamboo grove, squinting: "Why is this so difficult, I can still be afraid of her."

Teacher Hua clicked his tongue a few times, and cupped his hands to her: "I admire you."

Can you not admire it?

This Su family is not easy to mess with.

Besides, there is a professor surnamed Su in their college, if you let him know, tsk tsk, it will be terrible.

Teacher Shui did what he said, and he really got up and walked towards the woman in white gauze.

After a while.

Another person couldn't hold on any longer, and also vomited blood profusely. He opened his eyes, his smile was dumbfounded, and he completely lost his usual expression.

This person is stupid.

The people of Shenlong Academy sighed and sent someone to take him down. As for whether he lives or dies, everything depends on fate.

In a short time, nearly a dozen people were eliminated, either dead or woke up stupid.

The faces of the mentors in high positions didn't change much, as if they had already seen the strange thing, and they didn't have any mood swings.

Teacher Shui, who came back from Su Qingmo's side, looked very ugly, Teacher Hua couldn't help but asked when he saw this, "Why, are you deflated?"

Teacher Shui sat in her seat, she was silent for a while, with a strange look on her brows: "I feel...she treats those two children very strangely, but I can't tell."

It's as if they knew the two kids would be fine, so they weren't worried?

Unexpectedly, after hearing Tutor Shui's voice, Tutor Hua said without any surprise, "What's so strange about this, the behavior of the Su family has always been puzzling."

Teacher Shui harbored doubts in his heart, shook his head and said nothing.

The white light spreading from the stone gradually became a little sad, which meant that an hour was approaching.

Luo Mu's face was pale, and he frowned tightly, as if he was in a predicament and couldn't break free for a long time.

And Cheng Wenliang was not much better, his eyes were closed tightly, his lips were chapped and bleeding, as if he was trying to restrain himself.

There was another person, that purple-clothed man who was younger than Luo Mu. The number of women who were supported by him was now more than half, some were still struggling, and some had been dragged out by the Dragon Academy.

Compared with Luo Mu himself, he only looked a little paler, and had no other symptoms.

Instructor Mu glanced around and looked with satisfaction at the tightly wrapped man in black among a dozen people. Among them, he was the only one who performed the best.

 The fifth watch is released, good night, I was thinking of being lazy for a day, ahhhh

  Tomorrow four changes will be resumed
(End of this chapter)

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