Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 366 Betting on Nanqing to win

Chapter 366 Betting on Nanqing to win
After seeing the names of the two children clearly, someone frowned, feeling strange: "Nanqing? I've never heard of this person's name before. Who is he? Is it from the Nan family?"

"And this, Stone? Who would name it?"

The young man in the same style of clothing stared at the spirit stone on the picture, and said with hesitation in his tone, "Two children, are you sure you want to suppress these two people?"

Shi Shi pointed to his name with a very serious look: "I believe he is No.2."

"No. 2?"

Everyone looked in the direction he pointed, and they were dumbfounded. The name was the word Shishi.

Not the first, but the second?
What is this little girl thinking?

There was a trace of strangeness in the man's eyes, and he asked again: "Then who do you think will be the first?"

Shitou pointed to the two words next to his name, his bright eyes narrowed, and he smiled: "My master is No.1."

Ye Yuye who was next to him shook his head helplessly when he heard this, but didn't say anything.

When everyone heard it, they thought they hadn't heard clearly, until they gradually realized that someone said in a strange way: "

Who is this Nan Qing?Such a small child calls him the master? "

"Tsk tsk, isn't Nanqing a psychopath? I feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable for a little baby to be called master."

But they didn't know that the very young child in front of them actually lived about a thousand years old.

This can become their ancestors without even counting.

Shitou frowned, listening to the discussions of these people, a trace of anger spread in those bright eyes at the moment, his small fists were tightly clenched, and he felt extremely uncomfortable.

He clenched his fists and was about to take a step, but was stopped by Ye Yuye, his lazy black eyes were calm and calm, neither happy nor angry.

Shitou lowered his head, bit his lip, and retracted his legs, but still felt uncomfortable in his heart, Ye Yuye raised his eyebrows slightly and let go of his hand.

The young man looked at the two children, and reminded them in a rare kindness: "You two are sure? You will pay ten for beating these two. If they lose, just one spirit stone is not enough..."


This voice came from another child, and his tone sounded very casual, as if the two spirit stones were just stones picked up from the side of the road to him.

She was just having fun.

Everyone turned their gazes to the child, and found that the child's exquisite face was slightly pale, but judging from the clothes, it seemed that he was a son of a certain family.

Thinking about it this way, these two children still have a few spirit stones.

Seeing that the two were about to leave, the people who formed a circle to start the game naturally made way for the two children.

The surrounding discussion naturally did not decrease.

Instead, he was guessing where these two children came from. They just took two spirit stones, and they didn't even blink. They should be very rich.

A pair of scorching eyes watched the two children leave, and their eyes narrowed and narrowed.

If it wasn't for today's inconvenience, they would have wanted to arrest these two brats and rob them a long time ago.

Fat Maoer slowly followed behind the two of them.

Shi Shi looked back, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "Master, it's a ten-for-one deal, there are a lot of spirit stones in the storage ring, should I..."

(End of this chapter)

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