Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 386 Heading to Nine Towers

Chapter 386 Heading to Nine Heavens Tower

Gu Ze probably already knew what they were thinking, so in order to save time, he directly told them the content of the assessment: "

As long as you can stay in Yichongtian for an hour, you will pass the examination. "

The final assessment was to let them go to the Nine Heavens Pagoda to stay for an hour.

Is it really that simple?

Thinking of the previous two assessments, several people had to calm down, and their intuition told them that the tower was definitely not that simple, otherwise they wouldn't just stay for an hour.

Gu Ze came down from the arena and said seriously: "Everyone, we are going to the back mountain now, follow me."

A few people set off, and everyone around them also set off. After all, the assessment is not over yet, and they also want to know who will stick to the end of the next assessment.

All the instructors in high positions stood up and headed towards the Nine Heavens Pagoda.

On the road.

Yi Mengjia's face was rosy, and she asked Gu Ze curiously: "Senior, are we going to enter Shenlong Academy?"

Gu Ze glanced back at her, and said flatly: "The area you are in now is the territory of our Shenlong Academy, so how can you talk about entering?"

The faces of several people were more or less surprised. After all, it was Shenlong Academy, even with such a large area.

Yi Mengjia looked at the blooming exotic flowers and plants on the side of the road, and trotted a few steps to keep up with Gu Ze who was in front, as if wanting to build a relationship and post up: "Senior, where will we live in the future?"

The man in purple looked at the woman's body, his eyes were indifferent, without any emotional fluctuations.

Perhaps for him, women are like changing clothes, just for fun.

At this time, Gu Ze walked around her without changing his face, and said to the others: "As long as you officially become members of the academy, the academy will arrange accommodation for you."

Several people glanced at the only woman among them, with a slight look of contempt in their eyes, and then looked away.

Seeing that person avoiding him intentionally, Yi Mengjia's complexion was a little ugly, and he couldn't hold back his face.

Girls have the best face, especially in front of many people. Gu Ze stripped her of face in public, which is tantamount to trampling her dignity on the ground, making her feel ashamed.

In addition to their examiners, many people went to the Nine Heavens Tower, and after seeing the woman's behavior, they all showed sarcasm.

If you want to build a relationship, you have to find the wrong person. Gu Xuechang treats everyone the same, and he is not bought so casually.

Besides, with this beauty, you want to climb up to Senior Gu?

Some women sneered and didn't care.

Along the way, a young girl with slightly bright eyes stared at a fat black cat following behind the two children.

During the period, many people also noticed the spiritual cat, and it was difficult not to be noticed. In the Dragon Academy, apart from monsters, other creatures were rarely seen.

"What a cute cat, is it that child's?"

"Look, shouldn't it? Cats with spirituality are rare. If it weren't for the lack of spirituality in this cat, I almost thought it was a civet."

"How could it be a civet? That thing is rare, even if you have money, you can't buy it."



Fat Cat followed Ye Yuye's feet, waving its long tail and looking at the surrounding scenery leisurely.

And its owner, like the cat, was leisurely and unhurriedly following behind them.

Behind the two children, two people followed silently. They were silent all the way. Their goal was to protect the young master.

 Four more releases, since it was put on the shelves, there are very few tickets, (﹏)
(End of this chapter)

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