Chapter 395 Waiting With You
Rong Yan snorted coldly, but when he looked at the woman, the displeasure in his eyes disappeared instantly, replaced by only that warm smile, and asked: "Girl, have you thought it through?"

The face-changing speed was not so fast, and the middle-aged man was slightly relieved.

Su Qingmo looked straight at him calmly: "As long as Mr. Rong doesn't go back on his word."

"I won't go back on my word once I say it," Rong Yan's eyes flickered, and he changed the topic: "How about this, as long as the girl wins the bet, except for this storage ring, everything in it belongs to the girl how?"

The expression of the middle-aged man next to him changed: "Master..."

"you shut up,"

Rong Yan interrupted his voice coldly, but he never took his eyes off the woman, and smiled: "However, I have to add one condition."

As soon as the words fell, the old man beside Su Qingmo couldn't help but frowned. Looking at this smiling man, he felt more and more unpleasant in his heart.

It doesn't suit them at all.

I am afraid that there is no man in this world who is worthy of Qingmo, but my son...

There was a trace of disappointment in the old man's cloudy old eyes. It would be great if there could be someone as unique as the young master in this world.


"What conditions do you want?"

Su Qingmo looked at Rong Yan, his voice was flat and without waves, and he couldn't hear any emotional fluctuations.

Sure enough, as he expected, the corners of Rong Yan's lips spread out, staring at the woman's clear and beautiful eyes: "If I win, I hope to take off the veil on your face with my own hands."

Su Qingmo's pupils shrank slightly.

At that moment, the old man stood in front of Su Qingmo, squinting his eyes and staring at him unkindly: "Boy, you are too courageous."

Not only is it bold, it is simply desperate.

No one has ever dared to be so presumptuous.

"Where is it, the senior is a strong person of the Xuan rank, but I just think that the girl has such a beautiful face that she shouldn't be covered by this tulle."

The smile on Rong Yan's face remained unchanged, as if he was sure that this person would not kill anyone in Shenlong Academy again.

Even if he is the head of the three major families, he would not dare to kill people at will in the territory of Shenlong Academy, and it is precisely because of this that he has the courage.

Su Qingmo patted the old man in front of him lightly, and lowered his voice: "Master Jiu, don't you believe in the young master's ability?"

I don't know what the woman said to him, the old man's frowning brows suddenly relaxed, and even this mood improved a lot.

Rong Yan didn't care too much, after all, he was sure that it was impossible for a woman to win, and besides, if she bet on a child with no hair yet, she was doomed not to win.

If it were someone else, he really wasn't sure, but he was relieved to bet on a child.

Seeing the old man backing away, Rong Yan looked at the woman wearing a veil and smiled: "How is the girl thinking?"

Su Qingmo raised her eyebrows, and the corners of her lips under the white gauze curled slightly: "If I lose, I'll just pick it off, what's so difficult about it."


Rong Yan's expression was overjoyed, he glanced at the people watching all around, and he was not annoyed: "Miss, if you are afraid that I will go back on my word, everyone here can testify."

Su Qingmo smiled without saying a word.

Perhaps it was because she was afraid that she would go back on what she said, but Su Qingmo saw it through and didn't say anything. She just nodded slightly and agreed.

"I'll wait with the girl for this year's assessment."

Rong Yan ordered someone to move a chair and sat down, and also helped Su Qingmo and the old man move chairs.

(End of this chapter)

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