Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 400 Child, Call Me Uncle

Chapter 400 Child, Call Me Uncle

The amount of information passed by the two was too fierce, and Shi Shi couldn't resolve such a complicated problem in a flash.

"what's your name?"

Fu Xiaoxiao squatted down, looked at the child who was at his level, tried to make her voice sound gentle, and kept a good man's smile: "

Son, I am your father's brother, you can call me uncle from now on. "

He is the same generation as Ye Yuye, this kid should call him uncle, this feeling is really good, finally being able to be an uncle seriously once!


Ye Yuye looked at Fu Xiaoxiao who was looking at her at the same level, narrowed his lazy black eyes in displeasure, and asked her to call him uncle, she was really afraid that this little guy would not be able to bear it.

Gu Zhaoyan glanced at Fu Xiaoxiao contemptuously, as if disdainful of his behavior, but the next second he saw that guy was still relentless,

Gu Zhaoyan squatted down without changing his face, and looked at Ye Yuye with a smile: "You don't have to look out, your father and I are friends, just call me Uncle Gu."


The corners of Ye Yuye's eyes twitched fiercely, and the displeasure at the bottom of his eyes deepened a bit.

Neither of them wanted to show weakness, they just waited for the child to call them uncle, so that they ignored that there was a child beside them.

Ye Yuye calmly turned his eyes away from the two of them, and glanced at the ignorant stone.

"Let's go."

Then, they saw the child turn and leave.

The two frowned at the same time, their eyes collided and looked at each other, what's the matter?Did they say something wrong?

Seeing that the master was about to leave, Shitou glanced at the two people who were still stuck in place, and imitated the tone of adults and sighed deeply.

There is no cure.

After he closed his eyes, he quickly followed Ye Yuye's footsteps with his calf, while the fat cat that was still licking its fur closed its paws and followed leisurely.

When the gate of the Four Heavens opened, the two of them reacted immediately, and they immediately set off and headed towards the gate.


Still a step too late.

They watched as two small children walked in with a cat.

The door is closed.

The footsteps of the two stopped.

After being silent for a long time, Fu Xiaoxiao seemed to have thought of something. He frowned, and pondered: "I suddenly thought of a question, how did these two children enter the third heaven? And... how did they enter the fourth heaven?" of?"

Hearing this, Gu Zhaoyan glanced at him: "Don't forget, since he is brother Ye's child, he has his own way."

Gu Zhaoyan didn't find it strange that the two children entered the Nine Heavens Pagoda. Ye Yuye was able to kill the strong at the ground level at a young age. It would be the most strange if his children had no natural talents.

There is another child who knows more than them at a young age, and sometimes even looks like an adult than them.

Sometimes he even felt that he was not as good as a child. Of course, such thoughts were quickly killed in his heart.


Fu Xiaoxiao's face was strange, and his voice was hesitant: "What's the matter with the cat next to Ye Yuye?"

This time, Gu Zhaoyan was stunned. Just as he was about to speak, he realized that he didn't even know what to say.


What's the matter with this cat?

It's okay for people, it's justifiable, but why is this cat okay?This is the Nine Heavens Tower!

Even they could only enter the third heaven to cultivate, but why did this cat enter the gate of the fourth heaven?

(End of this chapter)

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