Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 407 The person who came out is the genius from the 5th Heaven?

Chapter 407 The person who came out is the genius from the fifth heaven?

The dean of the Artifact Department pondered for a while, then looked at the people next to him, and said with a smile: "Dean Bu, you have no shortage of talents in the Divine Warfare Department, right?"

The instructors looked at each other in blank dismay. The dean of the Artifact Department is trying to rob someone, but there is basically no possibility of robbing someone with Dean Bu.

Unexpectedly, the dean of the God of War Department looked indifferent, as if he had expected him to come this time, and pondered: "Why do you need to test, Dean Wu, if you want to get it out, just say it, don't beat around the bush with me."

Dean Wu pinched his beard and narrowed his old eyes: "

As far as I know, the genius from your God of War Department has almost arrived at the academy, right?With his strength and talent, he can surpass six or seven geniuses...

Unlike our Artifact Department, which doesn't even have a decent genius, you should give me this person. "

Hearing that, most of the people knew who the genius he was referring to was. Dean Bu was silent for a while, and said in a complicated way: "Dean Wu is joking, it is better to say that he invited a student than a student." The ancestors offered."

With a sound, someone beside him nodded involuntarily, agreeing with the dean's statement.

You can kill people with supernatural powers at a young age. Such people should not be worshiped as ancestors. Maybe one day if they don't like it, they will chop off your head in the middle of the night, and you won't know until you die.

Everyone is waiting quietly.

Until there was movement again in the Nine Heavens Pagoda.

They became energetic in an instant, staring at it without daring to blink, for fear that they might miss it.

"Could it be someone from the Fifth Heaven who came out?"

"Probably not. It's the first level to see the direction clearly."



Everyone seemed to have heard some kind of sound dragging on the ground, and before they had time to think about it, they saw two very short figures walking from the Nine Heavens Tower.

As the figures got closer, the pupils of the crowd reflected the figures of two children.

Among them, the child dressed in white and with a delicate and slightly pale face seemed to be holding something in his hand.

The sound of something slamming on the ground became more and more clear.

When he came, everyone immediately saw that he was holding someone's sleeve in his hand, and behind him was a man with a complexion paler than him, who was dragged on the ground at his mercy, lifeless.

The bald boy next to him was similar to him, grabbing the sleeves of one person with each hand, and pulled them out.

It turns out that this is the sound of dragging!
No, that's not the point.

Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief, why did these two children drag other examiners out of it?
Seeing the two children let go of their hands, an alchemist immediately went up to check their injuries.

"Fortunately, there is nothing serious."

The alchemist pursed his lips, took out three pills from his bosom, and fed them into their mouths.

As long as he passed the assessment, he would be a formal student of Shenlong Academy, and they were obliged to help him recover.

Seeing that the three of them were fine, the surrounding area became lively again, with constant discussions and different opinions.

"Isn't this the son of Cheng Luo's family? What's the situation now?"

"The five people, plus the previous two people, are all here. It's strange, who has entered the Fifth Heaven?"

"Tsk, who would have thought that these two children would persevere to the end. I'm afraid senior Rong will really lose the storage ring this time."

"It deserves it. Whoever asked him to gamble with that woman is calling himself guilty."


(End of this chapter)

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