Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 412 Find the Difference

Chapter 412 Find the Difference
Ye Yuye narrowed her eyes thoughtfully, it turned out that she went to the core area that day.

Gu Ze probably thought that he was the son of the Su family, and there was a strong man in the Su family who was a professor of the college, so he didn't think about it carefully.

"In a few days, Yixingfang will send someone to bring over the items needed by the college. I forgot to mention that freshman students only have two spirit stones per month. If you want more cultivation resources, try to become a sophomore student."

Before Gu Ze left, he watched them and couldn't help but said again: "From now on, the four of you will be students of my God War Department, you just have to practice hard."

After Gu Ze left, Stone tilted his head and muttered depressingly: "But he didn't tell us where we are going to live?"

After the words fell, they set their eyes on the door.

"Let's go, we will live here in the future."

Zhou Feng stepped forward, touched the door with his hand, and pushed the door open without vigilance.

A wave of strange force came at such a high speed that Zhou Feng was unprepared and was directly hit by a surprise attack, vomiting blood profusely.

He turned sideways and clutched his chest, blood dripping from the corner of his lips onto the ground.

Inside the door, a dozen or so people suddenly appeared in front of them, and as the door was completely pushed open, there were contemptuous voices.

"Tsk tsk, it's really dirty."

Among them, a man wearing the same style of clothes just put away his fingers, and his own power has not been restrained. It is basically certain that he attacked Zhou Feng.

Zhou Feng's complexion was very bad, he didn't seem to have expected this to happen, he wiped the blood from the corner of his lips.

The students who passed by here glanced at them several times and muttered.

"In the past, they have taught and pressured the new students. I don't know if these four people can survive."

"We were severely taught a lesson last year, and now we still feel terrified when we think about it, it's terrible."

"It's really unlucky. Why did you get assigned to this other courtyard? Let's ask for more blessings."

"Hey, don't look at it, let's go quickly, so as not to be found out and cause trouble."


A dozen people glanced at the blood spat on the ground with disgust, and then raised their eyes to fall on the four of them, especially when they saw two children among them, they were stunned.

Then it was a roar of laughter.

"Haha, I'm laughing to death. Is our college unable to recruit new students, and let two little ones enter the God of War Department, don't tell me that these two children have awakened their talents?"

Someone saw the delicate appearance of this child, and suddenly felt a little sour in his heart: "He looks like a boy with a fair face, he should be a son of a rich family, right? Is his family willing to let such a fair and tender boy come out?"

Hearing the man's words, he snorted: "It's probably because he has never suffered through the back door. Look, how can such a young child awaken his talent."

Of course not.

Unless there is pie in the sky, sows can climb trees!

Apart from the two children, it was also necessary to satirize the other two people, their eyes full of contempt and disdain.

"Are all the freshmen this year so pitiful? What are these two people? I'm afraid this talent is also very bad?"

"Even if you are very talented, you still have to kneel down and beg for mercy when you come here. If you accidentally damage your dantian, you can't blame us."

More than a dozen people laughed a little bit, making no effort to hide their heartfelt sarcasm,
Deng Zhaolin narrowed his eyes and stared at the four people standing at the door, looking extremely arrogant: "Are you the freshmen of this year?"

If it were a freshman from the past, he would have run away in fright.

But the new student didn't flinch, instead, he walked in and closed the door. No one spoke from the beginning to the end, as if they didn't hear the insinuating voice.

Little did they know that their behavior made more than a dozen people quite upset, especially Deng Zhaolin, who simply stripped him of face, with a cold face: "I'm asking you, are you all deaf?"

Someone sneered, their eyes full of sarcasm: "I think it's likely that four deaf people were recruited, tsk, two big deaf people, two small deaf people, that's all."

Chu Lu glanced at him indifferently, and wanted to leave here with his legs, but was immediately stopped by a person, blocking his way.

This person was none other than Deng Zhaolin, and he looked at the tightly wrapped man in black with displeasure.

Seeing that he refused to speak, the corners of Deng Zhaolin's lips curled slightly: "Why, do you want to be a shrinking turtle?"

Chu Lu's eyes were indifferent.

Shi Shi's complexion didn't change, he looked at Ye Yuye beside him, and asked in a low voice: "Master, are we going to sleep here tonight?"

Ye Yuye thought for a while before giving the answer: "We will leave in a few days."

Counting the time, I will soon recover in a few days.

The complexions of the dozen or so people darkened slightly, and even their smiles were suppressed.

In the past, no matter which freshman saw them, he would bow his head and bow his head, and when did he despise them like this.

Zhou Feng's face was cold, and his voice sounded quite emotionless: "Seniors, it's getting late today. If you want to learn from each other, it's better to make an appointment on another day."

Zheng Donghui glanced at the man in black, and then looked at the ordinary-looking Zhou Feng, showing a mocking look: "

Look, the freshmen recruited this year are quite temperamental. I remember that there was also a person who didn't know what to do, and was beaten into a disability by us on the day he first came in. Hehe, it was so miserable. "

"Isn't that right, no matter if it's from the Bo family or the Murong family, they are all subdued by us."

Xiao Han narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhou Feng, and said in an unclear manner: "Boy, you just joined the God of War Department, and I haven't greeted you yet, how about we compete?"

Zhou Feng was unaware of the previous sneak attack, but said seriously: "Senior, I heard that the college has rules that prohibit students from fighting. Why don't you inform the instructor another day, and it's not too late to discuss."

Seeing this person's innocent appearance, Xiao Han's lips sneered slightly, and he didn't take it seriously: "

Those rules are all for others to see. In this world, the strong are respected. No one knows if there are missing arms or legs.
Even if they knew, most of those instructors would just turn a blind eye and close one eye, so how could they have time to care about these things. "

Zhou Feng didn't think that this person was the one who sneaked up on him before, but instead showed a knowing smile on his face: "Yes, then I can rest assured."

Before Xiao Han could make any reaction, the person in front of him suddenly appeared in front of him,

Under his horrified gaze, Zhou Feng grabbed his skirt and threw him out almost without looking.

One's own breath is released slightly.

This is the cultivation base of Huang rank!
Xiao Han was thrown heavily on the ground, vomited blood, and his face turned pale.

The hearts of a dozen people were shocked, and they looked at the ordinary-looking man in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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