Chapter 419
The baby ginseng looked around, then slipped from Ye Yuye's shoulder into the soil.

Hearing the movement of the little devil, the dozen or so people who had just returned from outside the courtyard trembled in fright, turned around and wanted to run away.

Shitou frowned, and shouted, "Come back, why are you running?"

More than a dozen people froze immediately, as if their feet were stuck to the ground, they couldn't move even if they stepped, they were very stiff.

The devil called them.

Can they still escape?

The dozen or so people had no choice but to turn around and bowed their hands to the two of them. Deng Zhaolin's forehead was covered with sweat: "Evil... young master, do you have anything else to do?"

Looking at the appearance of more than a dozen people, Ye Yuye felt helpless in his eyes. She had only left for one night, and this change was too great.

Shi Shi pondered for a while, then stepped forward: "He is my master, do you know what to call him?"

Deng Zhaolin's scalp was numb, recalling the scene of being thrown into the pool by him before, his body trembled: "Elder, eldest son?"

Looking up and seeing the child frowning, the hearts of more than a dozen people were almost in their throats, and finally Xiao Han hurriedly said: "How can the master of the young master be called the eldest son, he should be called the master." .”

Shi Shi's small eyebrows stretched out immediately, and his big bright eyes were full of satisfaction.

It was obviously in line with his wishes, and the others immediately breathed a sigh of relief. It's okay, if this little devil is upset, they might suffer again.

Zheng Donghui thought for a moment, then cupped his hands to the two children and said, "The Li family has been fighting with people from our academy for the past few days. May the lord want to watch the fun?"

"The Li family..."

Ye Yuye squinted lazily, she almost forgot that the Li family took something they shouldn't have.

Hearing that there was excitement to watch, Shitou's bright eyes flickered a few times, until he got a response from his master, Shitou stared at Zheng Donghui: "Where is the place of fighting skills?"

Zheng Donghui replied with a low eyebrow: "Outside the academy gate, we are planning to go there."

The two of them are not very familiar with Shenlong Academy. Ye Yuye almost circled the academy several times last night to find Jiang Yi's residence, and it took a long time to find it. Naturally, she is willing to have someone lead the way.

Seeing the two children walking out of the courtyard gate, Xiao Han frowned, staring at Zheng Donghui next to him with dissatisfaction, and whispered: "What are you talking about to them?"

Zheng Donghui shrugged and didn't take it seriously: "It's true that the people from the Li family are clamoring outside the door, besides, don't you want to see the strength of these two children?"

Xiao Han paused for a moment, although he didn't speak, he basically acquiesced to Zheng Donghui's words, and turned his eyes away.

He was indeed curious about the two children, especially the master who could be called by the little devil.

How strong is this kid?

Compared with the two of them, Deng Zhaolin didn't think so. He had a complicated look on his face and said with a bitter face, "It's really shameful. I'm forced to call this little bald-headed son, and that's fine. I have to call another brat as my master." ..."

As he said this, Deng Zhaolin sighed in vain: "I have completely disgraced my Deng family, so I have to scold me to death when I go back."

Some people also sighed, not only is it embarrassing, they are also adults, never thought that one day they would be so humiliated,

Being beaten by a child without any power to fight back, and he still had to address the public as the prince and master, if it were the same as before, they wouldn't believe it even if they were beaten to death.

(End of this chapter)

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