Chapter 428

Shi Shi reached out to grab it, but Rong Yan was reluctant to take it back, until Shi Shi looked at him suspiciously again, Rong Yan reluctantly gave him the spirit stone.

After receiving the Lingshi, Shitou saw that Ye Yuye had already left for a while, and suddenly turned his head to look at Rong Yan, with a brighter smile: "Money is something outside of the body, the more important thing is to cultivate."

After the two left together, Rong Yan became more and more irritable. What he said just now, did this kid look down on him?
Isn't it just a piece of spirit stone?

As the son of the Rong family, when did he care about these little money? !
Rong Yan snorted, turned around and entered the other courtyard.

at this time.

After the war ended, all the students brought the corpses that died outside the gate into the academy. As for Li Shu who died outside the gate, no one cared about him at all.

Among the students who died, there were also quite a few friends, brothers and family members who hated Li Shu and the Li family.

I hate so much that I want to whip Li Shu to death!
Everyone looked at the very desolate and miserable man outside the door with complicated eyes, and saw that he pushed away the person who wanted to help him, and his voice sounded emotionless: "Let go, I can walk by myself."

The male student who was pushed away by him was hesitant to speak, but when he saw the man standing unsteadily, he couldn't help but said: "Senior Lin, you are already like this, why don't you let us help you?"

"Yes, Senior Lin,"

The other person nodded vigorously, with a serious tone, "You were the one who helped us before, and now we can help you too."

Lin Suyuan stood weakly, and when he heard the man's voice, he smiled sadly: "No need."

He is the proud son of heaven, even if his dantian is abolished, he still has his own pride.

But now that he can't even stand still, and his enemy is dead, but he didn't kill him, thinking about it, it's actually a bit ridiculous.

I even felt that it was meaningless to live in this world, and it was over.

Lin Suyuan reluctantly took a few steps forward, looking at the majestic college in front of him, his eyes were full of longing and sadness.

He has been obsolete.

He might not be able to stay in Shenlong Academy anymore.

Lin Suyuan turned around in desperation. Although his body was shaking, his feet were extremely stable on the ground, as if he was still the high-spirited genius he used to be.

Someone stood by, feeling impatient: "Senior Lin, in fact, it's good to be an ordinary person, you don't have to worry about it all day long, and live more leisurely than us."


Lin Suyuan's footsteps paused, and the corners of his lips curled into self-mockery. Compared with leisure, he would rather continue to practice.

He dreams of becoming a supernatural being.

But now.

He didn't even have a little dream, what else could he do.

Lin Suyuan insisted not to allow others to help him, and staggered away in the opposite direction from Shenlong Academy.

The crowd sighed.

It's all a pity.

Compared with other junior students, Lin Suyuan's talent is not bad, and he broke through the Xuan level at the age of 25.

It's just a pity...

Someone looked at the leaving figure and murmured involuntarily: "I don't know where Senior Lin is going."

"go home."

"I remember Senior Lin said that he has no home, and Shenlong Academy is his home."

When the man opened his mouth, everyone felt uncomfortable. The academy was his home, but now he couldn't go back, isn't this home...

"Mentor and the others won't sit idly by, isn't it just that the dantian is broken, we have so many alchemists who can definitely cure it."

(End of this chapter)

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