Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 435 Ye Yuye, You Will Go To Hell

Chapter 435 Ye Yuye, You Will Go To Hell

However, his supernatural power seemed to be restricted, he was picked up vigorously by 'Ye Yuye', and before his brain could function, he was thrown to the ground hard.

All around, the eyes of those women were very hot, and they looked at the figure standing on the ring with admiration.

"Ye Yuye deserves to be a genius born in a hundred years, so amazing!"

"He can kill a mysterious-level supernatural being with one move, how strong is this person? Doesn't he look too old at this age?"

"Tch, Ye Ye has killed a strong man of the earth level before, and I, Ye Ye, don't care about mere mysterious level powers."


'Ye Yuye' stepped on Xinrong's back and exerted great force, followed by a miserable cry.

"I was wrong... I was really wrong, admit defeat, I admit defeat, Ye Ye, please let me go, I was wrong!"

Xinrong's face was pressed against the ground, and the armor on his body was like a burden at the moment, making his brain dizzy.

The scene in front of them made the hearts of the others who came to challenge Ye Yuye tremble, and their complexions turned pale.

Will they also be...

Some people shuddered and flinched in their hearts, regretting that they would challenge Ye Yuye when they had a brain twitch.

To challenge this person, isn't it obvious to die? !
How fucking idle is it to challenge?


I can't wait to slap my former self to death in the past.

With Xinrong begging for mercy at the foot of 'Ye Yuye', this competition is over.

Xinrong originally thought that he would be able to get out of here alive, but the next second his eyes widened, and he looked up at the indifferent 'Ye Yuye' with all his strength,
Bright red blood flowed from his mouth, and he gritted his teeth with hatred: "Ye Yuye, you are a fucking beast, you will go to hell, you must..."

'Ye Yuye' looked indifferent, lifted him up, pinched his neck, and twisted it hard.


Xinrong, son of the Xin family, died.

The surrounding area was silent for a moment, but the next moment everyone became angry, and looked angrily at the figure on the ring.

"This Ye Yuxie is really too arrogant! He has obviously surrendered, and he wants to kill them all!"

"It's not just arrogance, just relying on his strength to kill innocent people randomly, he is not worthy of being a student of our Shenlong Academy!"

"Yes, you are not worthy to be our senior!"


Even those women who fell in love with Ye Yuye felt a little uncomfortable in their hearts.

After all, that person has already surrendered, why Ye Yuye wants to kill him, this person is too heartless!
There was constant discussion among the crowd, but when 'Ye Yuye' looked over from the arena, those originally angry students immediately shut up.

The two looked at each other with serious expressions on their faces.They have already guessed something in their hearts, but they just can't see it through.

In order to prove his guess, he had no choice but to find Shi Shi and the others.

on high.

Messenger Cui looked at the deans of the various departments sitting on it and saw that they had no objections, so he announced the result of the competition.

"The competition is over, Ye Yuye is victorious, the next round..."


In the bamboo pavilion, Jiang Yi had already lost six chess games in a row, and the six cups he drank were worth half a jar of wine.

Ye Yuye watched him put the cup on the table, and narrowed his eyes thoughtfully for a while: "Drinking six cups in a row, Professor Jiang is really a good drinker."

She was able to drink six cups of red spirits without any physical reaction, this Jiang Yi really exceeded her expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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