Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 447 In charge of the discipline and punishment pavilion of the academy

Chapter 447 In charge of the discipline and punishment pavilion of the academy

After a moment.

The sophomore student led the crowd to the battle arena, bowed his hands and left.

The Patriarch of the Su family arrived.

The head of the Rong family arrived.

Bai Duan and his family arrived.

All the heads of the Cheng Luo family were present.


As the great teacher of the Divine Warfare Department, Teacher Mo should receive powerful families from all over the place.

"Everyone, please take your seats."

The direction his sleeves brushed was where they said he was sitting.

All the big figures from various factions and families sat on their seats, while the others stood obediently behind or beside them.

A woman wearing white gauze from the Su family sat down slowly, and beside her was the current Patriarch of the Su family, which shows that this woman's identity is absolutely extraordinary!
Those who have seen the woman because of the gambling, all know that she is from the Su family and has a strong background, and the old man who is walking with her is also of noble status.

The face of the Patriarch of the Rong family remained the same, and he talked with people from various major forces for a while before he turned his attention to the Patriarch of the Su family.

"Brother Su, how are you doing these days?"

He smiled and cupped his hands, as cordial as meeting an old acquaintance, there was no disagreement as the rumors said.

The Patriarch of the Su family nodded slightly to him, with a faint smile on his lips: "It's okay."

If it weren't for the son of the Rong family, he wouldn't have gotten a storage ring, and it even contained the unteachable skills of the Rong family.

This mood is naturally very good.

Hearing the answer from the Patriarch of the Su Family, the Patriarch of the Rong Family chatted without leaving any traces, and he had already gritted his teeth in his heart.


He clearly wanted to see the Rong family's jokes. Of course, as the owner of the Rong family, he must have the bearing.

He inadvertently looked at the woman next to the Patriarch of the Su family, and couldn't help being slightly taken aback, inevitably looking a few more times.

It has long been heard that there is a daughter of the direct line of the Su family, who is deeply loved by the head of the Su family, and it is indeed so when I saw it today.

The Patriarch of the Rong family narrowed his eyes, and slowly turned his eyes back, that is to say, she let Yan'er lose the bet, and to be loved by everyone in the Su family, this woman must have something special.

Dan Tongzi tried to escape again and again, but was caught by the old man. He hung his head sullenly, a little frustrated.

Even if he is not allowed to sell pills, let him find someone, okay?
After finally coming to Shenlong Academy, besides selling pills, he just wanted to meet children who were similar to his age.

Check it out.

With the old man staring at him, when will he find someone?

The tall woman who entered Shenlong Academy was looking around all the time, as if she was looking for someone.

Until she was caught by another StarCraft staff member, who was caught aside and ready to be interrogated.

Dragon Academy did not prepare seats for the StarCraft staff, after all, it would be of no use to them if they did, because they would have to film and report the competition with the Li family at any time.

Looking at the majestic scene, someone couldn't help sighing: "Today's competition is really grand, almost people from all major forces in the imperial capital have come."

"Do not,"

Someone shook his head, "There is another force that hasn't come yet."

Just when everyone was guessing and wondering who it was, that person's voice continued to be heard, categorically saying: "The Punishment Pavilion that is really in charge of the power of each courtyard!"

The voice fell.

Many people were shocked.

The Punishment Pavilion, isn't there a lack of people from the Punishment Pavilion?

Hearing the sound, someone murmured: "Among the major forces in the imperial capital, the most mysterious one is probably the Punishment Pavilion."

This is undeniable.

(End of this chapter)

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