Chapter 450

On the battle table, the challengers were all disciples of the two departments of God and God Talisman. Xu Shenlong Academy attached great importance to this competition. They were all junior students, and the only freshman student among them was 'Ye Yuye'.

"Yang Cang of Shenlong Academy's Divine Warfare Department, Mysterious Level [-] Realm, challenge!"

As soon as the voice fell, a young man appeared on the battle platform, holding a long sword in his hand and pointing at the disciples of the Li family.

Everyone couldn't help being amused, both sides were second-tier Xuan-level strengths, but they didn't know who would win.

"Put me down."

Ye Yuye slowly opened his eyes.

Fu Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment before realizing: "But wouldn't this make you invisible?"

"Not used to it."

Before Fu Xiaoxiao could realize what he meant by "unaccustomed", the child jumped off him,
Ye Yuye still had a bit of sleepiness in his eyes. In fact, one person's back was the same as other people's back, but he didn't feel safe.

Let her miss not long ago...

Ye Yuye's eyes flickered a few times, and he couldn't help but curl his lips.

Seeing Ye Yuye coming down, Shi Shi jumped off Gu Zhaoyan even though he didn't know the reason.

The figures of the two children were instantly buried by the crowd, not because there were too many people, but because their bodies were too small.

Even if you look up and stand on tiptoes, you can't see the road ahead, let alone the battle platform ahead.

Fortunately, there are Fu Xiaoxiao and Gu Zhaoyan guarding them, otherwise, from the perspective from the back, no one could see that there are two children here.

Seeing that Shitou was about to follow, Ye Yuye paused slightly, and his voice came into his mind: "Shitou, wait for me to come back."

"Where are you going?"

Shitou was puzzled, "Will the master not take me?"

"take something."

There was silence in Ye Yuye's eyes.

Only one breath.

The figure of the child suddenly disappeared.

The people around did not see a child disappear from the spot, but Fu Xiaoxiao and Gu Zhaoyan, they watched Ye Yuye disappear.

A person disappearing out of thin air like this, Ye Yuye's strength may be stronger than they estimated.

The faces of the two were flat, without much change and fluctuation, and they were obviously numb.

Fu Xiaoxiao put his hand on Shitou's bald head, frowned and asked in doubt: "Little bald head, where is your master?"

"She wants something."

Stone did not hide the master's whereabouts from the two.

The two looked at each other, then Fu Xiaoxiao rubbed Shitou's bald head again, and then let go.

At the same time, Baby Ginseng poked Shi Shi's small chest with his thin whiskers, complaining in his heart that this guy didn't give him food.

The test has begun.

During this period, no one can take the elixir, this is the rule.

The two figures collided fiercely, each move was a fatal attack, obviously preparing to kill each other.

At first, the student of Shenlong Academy reserved his strength, until he was almost pierced in the chest by the cold weapon, then he became ruthless.

The clang of weapons striking.

No matter how much power the people on the battle stage use, everyone will not be affected. This is why Shenlong Academy is holding a competition here.

"Hey, the fight has not been decided yet, when did the Li family produce such a seedling?"

Amidst the discussion among the crowd, came a strange voice: "I always feel that something is wrong. Do you think that the students of Shenlong Academy are a little hypocritical from the beginning?"

"Xu? I'm afraid it's because the Li family is strong."


(End of this chapter)

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