Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 463 The Battle Is Coming

Chapter 463 The Battle Is Coming
In a sudden moment.

All the disciples of Shenlong Academy received the evacuation message, followed by people from the major forces who came to watch the battle also received the message.

The Patriarch of the Li family seemed to have noticed something strange, and squinted at the deans sitting in the high positions.

And the Cheng Luo family near him seemed to have known what was going to happen in advance, and they had already left and disappeared.

On the battle arena, Li Fengyang was not affected by any external influence, and continued to attack 'Ye Yuye' fiercely, every move was a fatal attack.

'Ye Yuye' couldn't avoid it, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet, the blood stained his white clothes, and he couldn't tell whether it was the other party's blood or his own.

Interstellar's camera live broadcast machine flew into the air and recorded the whole process, including some imperceptible details.

The head of the Li family sensed several coercions covering him at the same time, and his eyes sank slightly: "

No wonder your Dragon Academy accepted this competition so readily. It turned out that everything was already planned and an ambush was set up here. "

At this moment, a voice came in vain.

"Li Minxue! Your Li family colluded with foreign monsters. The evidence is solid. Killing you and I is worthy of everyone in this world!"

As the voice fell, several figures in the dark gradually appeared in front of everyone, and these people were all too familiar to everyone in Shenlong Academy.

The deans of each department of Shenlong Academy!
"What's going on? Why is the dean here?"

"It looks like something big is about to happen."

"What's going on? Why is the gate of Shenlong Academy locked with a formation, so we are trapped inside?"

"Come on, Shenlong Academy is trying to kill people, right?"


The people who didn't know anything about this matter were completely dumbfounded. They came to observe and compete, so why were they locked in there?
At the same moment.

With the Patriarch of the Li family as the center, it quickly spread, and the formation appeared, and the faces of the disciples in the Li family turned pale instantly.


This formation makes it impossible for them to escape!

In order to trap everyone in the Li family, Dean Shao of the Divine Talisman Department had already thought about all aspects, and personally set up the formation.

All the instructors and the dean sitting in the high positions had already stood up and hurriedly bowed to the four old men.

They were completely ignorant of the matter.

Su Jianlin looked at the location of the Su family, and he was silent from the beginning to the end. He knew about this matter.

Professors who are also at the principal level do not need to salute even if they meet the deans of various departments, but today's situation is different from the past.

They walked down from their seats. After a brief explanation, the deans of each department looked at a young man and nodded respectfully.

Everyone knows that the principal of Shenlong Academy is very mysterious, but they don't know that the most mysterious person in Shenlong Academy is not the principal, but the person in front of him.

Whether it is his identity or strength, they can't figure it out, and the title of professor is probably just an illusion.

Because they knew that the headmaster, as a heavenly powerhouse, respected him very much.

Jiang Yi couldn't hide the subtle changes on the faces of these people, but he was not in the mood to pay attention to them now.

A pair of narrow eyes hidden under the thin silver-rimmed glasses were slightly cold, and they looked in a certain direction without saying a word.

The Dragon Academy was in chaos, and the star network exploded at this time.

"It's no wonder that the people from Shenlong Academy are not all here. It turned out that they were all hiding in the dark to set the Li family up."

 I have an exam soon

(End of this chapter)

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