Chapter 473 A Child Appears

The complexions of the people in the sky changed, and they quickly fell to the ground, bowed their heads, and bowed respectfully to the sky.

The sudden scene stunned everyone and made the two members of the Li family feel puzzled.

But at this sudden moment, there was a loud noise, which came from above!

Everyone's scalp tightened, and they looked up almost subconsciously.

Most of the birds and beasts had already dispersed, and the sky was about to darken, revealing a bright moon that was not very obvious.

I don't know if it's their illusion or their eyes are dazzled, but a very fast light is coming towards their direction!

As the light approached.

Everyone realized that this was not an illusion, but real!

Gradually, Mr. Jiang's eye sockets became moist again.

The old man was about to take Dan Tongzi to leave Shenlong Academy, but he stopped when he saw the beam of light in the sky above.

Dantong tilted his head and looked at his master strangely: "Why don't you leave?"

The old man squinted his cloudy old eyes, and the fleeting accident disappeared from his eyes. Hearing Dan Tongzi's voice, he replied: "Let's not leave now, let's see the situation."

The corners of Dan Tongzi's eyes twitched a few times. You are the one who wants to leave, and you are the one who won't. This old man is hard to serve.

at the same time.

The people guarding the entrance of Shenlong Academy also noticed the strangeness in the sky above. At first they saw the monster receding, not to mention how happy they were, but when they saw the beam of light, their hearts suddenly tightened.

If this is the method of a monster, then it will suffer...

Everyone has their own thoughts, and most of them are praying in their hearts that they must not be the enemy. If the enemy really comes, it will be too much for them in their current situation.

A ray of light in the sky suddenly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Before everyone had time to think about it, a child in white clothes appeared in front of them.

He seemed to appear out of thin air, which surprised everyone, well, where did this child come from?

Just because of a child, many people feel familiar, as if they have never seen this child before.

People from the major forces are not very familiar with this child, but to the people of Shenlong Academy, they are very familiar with it.

This year's freshman from the God of War Department, Nan Qing!
The young master of the Su family!

The old man's body froze for a moment, looking at the familiar figure, although his appearance became smaller, but the old man knew very well that this child was an adult.

He wanted to kneel down, but his body was completely out of his control. The old man's eyes were slightly red, and his eyes never moved away from the child. His voice was choked up: "My lord, Xiao Jiang just doesn't kneel."

The old man's voice stunned Shen Tao who came over, and he looked at the child, his heart trembling.

This kid looks like a grandpa!


This is completely a miniature version that came out of a mold, either in spirit, or in the patriarch!
Nearly half of the strong men brought by the Su family were lost. When the Patriarch of the Su family looked at the figure of the child, his tense body instantly relaxed, and the weapon in his hand supported his body, preventing him from falling down.

Seeing this scene, Su Qingmo hurried over, took out the elixir from his arms and fed it into the mouth of the Patriarch of the Su family.

But within two breaths of feeding it in, the Patriarch of the Su family spit out a large amount of blood in vain, half kneeling on the ground.

Su Qingmo reached out and grabbed his arm, under the blood-stained veil, she was very worried at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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