Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 487 It Really Is So Comfortable

Chapter 487 It Really Is So Comfortable
Everyone understood at this moment.


Only Ye Yuye and the others would not be surprised, because too many unimaginable things happened to him, only Ye Yuye would be so strong.

No wonder they felt that although the previous Ye Yuye was strong, he was far from what they expected to see. It turned out that he was a fake, and the real Ye Yuye could be a strong person at the Heaven Rank!
The old man slowly opened his eyes, and when he saw the familiar figure, he smiled and burst into tears.

The adults still haven't changed.

Whether it was hundreds of years ago or now.

Shen Tao's heart was full of turbulent joy. Although he didn't know why the patriarch became smaller and why he became the young son of the Su family, as long as he was the patriarch, that was enough.

At the same time, when everyone in the Su family saw that figure, they all showed respect and joy in their hearts.

Fu Xiaoxiao listened to everyone's discussion, and his brows were a little smug: "It can be regarded as the truth, there is a good saying, only he will not surprise us, the fake one is over."

Gu Zhaoyan was silent for a while: "Why do you think Brother Ye did this?"

Fu Xiaoxiao restrained the smile on his lips, and became serious: "With Ye Yuye's temperament, I am afraid that it is difficult to arouse his interest in this world. I guess today's battle is a coincidence."

It was rare for the two of them to think of going together. Gu Zhaoyan glanced at the happy faces of the crowd, and murmured: "It's enough for them to believe."

Whether it is a coincidence or not, Ye Yuye's actions today are destined to become an extremely dazzling star in the mainland, there is no doubt about it.

"I see……"

The old man whispered, his eyes suddenly understood something, and he stroked his beard with a sigh.

This Ye Yuye really did not disappoint him.

Such a talented genius can be born in this kind of place, even if he is rare in the world he lives in, if he walks out of this world, he will definitely become the overlord one day.

Dan Tongzi curled his lips, feeling a little disappointed: "I thought he was the same as me, so he has grown up so much."

Hearing the little Po Boy's voice, the old man's lips twitched a few times, and suddenly he slapped Dan Tongzi on the forehead.

It was a boy in white clothes.

The face is handsome and exquisite.

Black silk and waist.

Whether it's the enviable face or his own talent, everyone even suspects that this kid is God's own son, otherwise how could a person defy the sky to such a degree, he is simply a perfect human existence.

People like this are not God's own sons.

There is no moon in the sky, no stars.

The lights of Shenlong Academy were lit.

Ye Yuye slowly opened her eyes, she caught a glimpse of her blue hair dancing from the corner of her eye, and she murmured lightly: "As expected, it's more comfortable like this."

The faces of the three of them froze, and Yang Jiongle suddenly felt vigilant, staring at the white-clothed boy in front of him: "Who are you?"

Ye Yuye looked at Yang Jiongle, ignored the aura released by the three of them, walked over and stretched out his hand to pinch Yang Jiongle's shoulder.


There was a thumping sound from the internal organs.

Yang Jiongle vomited blood in a muffled voice, and the blood spattered.

The body couldn't stop shaking, and he knelt on the ground with a plop. The expressions of the two people next to him changed drastically, and they stared warily at the incomprehensible young man in front of them.

People of this world?

Or from another world?

They knew that such a person would never exist in this world!From other worlds like them!
 I failed the English test, I can't say anything
  Don't stop me... just let me die

(End of this chapter)

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