Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 491 Reappearance of Heaven's Punishment

Chapter 491 Reappearance of Heaven's Punishment
From what he said, the two of them probably guessed that this thing should be extremely important to him. It's just a stone, would anyone consider it a treasure?

Yingtan Mountain lowered his head, hesitating slightly: "Your Excellency, I have never seen the stone you mentioned before. Is there some misunderstanding?"


Ye Yuye glanced at Jin Gong next to him, his face was watery, and he couldn't see any change: "But you have the breath of that stone on your body, even if you don't have it on you, you should know where it is, right?"

The two lowered their heads until their shoulders were grabbed by Ye Yuye, their bodies trembled uncontrollably, and uneasy fear surged from their hearts.

"If you don't know, then die."

That voice was flat, but to them it was terrifying like a demon. At this moment, they seemed to understand the pain and despair of the young master's death at the hands of this person.

Ye Yuye's face was cold, and he grasped the hands on the shoulders of the two of them hard.

There is no painful cry like Yang Jiongle, and the heavyness of the wind blowing and falling leaves.

Everyone watched helplessly as the two people in Ye Yuye's hands turned into specks of starlight and dispersed into dust.

Die like this...?

Everyone suddenly became a little confused.

At this moment, no one spoke, just stared blankly at the figure of the boy in white.

The two monsters are both at the peak of the heavenly rank.

Now Ye Yuye has no power to fight back, just grabbing their shoulders and dying?And it's still dead without a whole body, just disappearing in ashes?
Ye Yuye took out a handkerchief and wiped his fingers with downcast eyes, only the light spot that was about to dissipate still proved what happened before.

The three monsters that had reached the peak of the heavenly rank all died in the hands of Ye Yuye, and everyone couldn't tell what kind of moves he used to kill them.

Even from the beginning to the end, I didn't see him use any moves, only the powerful aura that was exposed before, and I still have lingering fears.

How strong is this person?
At this moment, everyone was silent.

Even if they are still watching the live broadcast on the star network, but at this moment they have a great sense of fear of Ye Yuye, a junior,

Without using a single move, this person can directly kill the monsters at the peak of the sky rank, let alone them.

If you meet Ye Yuye, you must not offend him, otherwise you won't even know how he died in the future.

Seeing the standing still figure, Mr. Jiang frowned slightly, a little dignified: "Could it be, my lord is still in trouble."

Skyrim in the sky.

There seemed to be a flash of light in the haze.

Ye Yuye calmly put the handkerchief back.

She is waiting.

Wait for the punishment to come down.

At the same time, the strong men around saw the unusualness of the sky above. All the time, their attention was focused on Ye Yuye, and they never noticed that the sky above was not even full of stars and moons.


The weather is really weird.

"This sky looks a little familiar. Yes, it was the same sky on Lingshan that day, but it was daytime, and now it's night!"

As someone inadvertently opened his mouth to speak, everyone's expressions instantly turned solemn. They hadn't forgotten the shocking change that happened in Lingshan, nor had they forgotten the expert on the top of Lingshan.

If it is the same as that day now, and everyone's face is much worse immediately, wouldn't it be that thunder will rain down later? !


A flash of thunder suddenly passed across the sky, as if to prove its existence, and everyone realized that it was true!

The sky thunder recorded in ancient books is about to appear!
 I've been busy recently, and the software on my computer can't be used yet, so I can only go to the classroom tomorrow to do the final homework
  The dandyism can't be changed these days, but it can be done in the last few days after the work is over

(End of this chapter)

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