Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 531 I'm in a hurry

Chapter 531 I'm in a hurry
"Ye Yuye."

The boy remembered this name, turned around and left, but within two steps, his pupils shrank. Recently, there was a person who made a fuss in Shangjingyu. Everyone knew that his name was Ye Yuye!

And this person's name is also Ye Yuye, and this person's age and appearance match the Ye Yuye that everyone talked about, so he almost subconsciously confirmed the identity of this person.

Ye Yuye, he is Ye Yuye!
Knowing the identity of this person, the servant hurriedly speeded up.

This Ye Yuye appeared, absolutely nothing good!
The Chu family was almost wiped out because of him!

He killed Pei Lixiao, a heavenly powerhouse!
Wherever this person goes, there will inevitably be a bloodbath. As a qualified guard, he must notify Elder Jiang as soon as possible!
The bright moon is very bright tonight.

At this time, a middle-aged man was standing in front of Qingyaju, he cupped his hands and said, "I wonder if Professor Jiang is here?"

After a while.

The door was opened.

Jiang Yi appeared in front of the middle-aged man. He was dressed in black clothes and seemed to be one with the night. The expression on his face could not be seen clearly, and his voice was as gentle as ever: "What's the matter?"

When Hong Tao saw someone, he greeted him politely, and then said to him, "Professor Jiang, I actually want to meet Senior Ye."

Jiang Yi calmly raised his eyes and glanced at the sky: "It's getting late, Professor Hong should come back another day."


Hong Tao was a little embarrassed, "The dean originally arranged for Senior Ye to live in my residence, but unexpected changes happened, so I came here on purpose to meet Senior Ye."

Jiang Yi's eyes darkened a little, and he said calmly and gently: "Professor Hong wants to see him, why now, and there is no delay in coming again."

"But I'm in a hurry,"

These words were said out of anxiety and helplessness, after Hong Tao finished speaking, he regretted it, and realized that he had lost his temper in front of Jiang Yi, so he quickly apologized, "

I also hope that Professor Jiang will forgive me, I really want to find Senior Ye in an urgent matter. "

Maybe because he felt that he couldn't hide it anymore, he sighed and said, "To be honest, I have encountered a bottleneck in my cultivation recently. It just so happens that Senior Ye is also a strong man of the heaven rank, so I want to ask him for advice."

at the same time.

Since Ye Yuye was a strong man of the heaven rank, the Jiang family had to pay attention to it, and the head of the Jiang family personally brought him into the inner courtyard. Hearing that Ye Yuye was addicted to alcohol, the Jiang family entertained him with good wine.

Patriarch Jiang arranged everything properly, and with a smile on his face, he said to Ye Yuye: "Please wait a moment, Senior Ye, my grandpa will be here soon."

Ye Yuye didn't care, she drank the wine brought by the maid, although it was a bit poor, but she didn't drink it for nothing, she couldn't bear to drink the rest of the wine now.

Maids serve him on either side.

Although Patriarch Jiang didn't know what the visitor meant, but after observing for a period of time, he found that Ye Yuye was not malicious, so he secretly heaved a sigh of relief and sent someone to inform his old man.

The head of the Jiang family sat on the high position of the head of the family, and greeted him with a smile: "I don't know why Senior Ye came here today?"

As far as he knew, his grandfather didn't know Ye Yuye, and the Jiang family didn't have any connection with Ye Yuye.
For this reason, he even checked the behavior of the disciples of the Jiang family in recent years, and found that they had never been in contact with Ye Yuye, so there was no possibility of enmity or friendship.

(End of this chapter)

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