Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 533 He hasn't left yet?

Chapter 533 He hasn't left yet?

"What? He hasn't left yet?"

Hearing the news brought by the maid, Patriarch Jiang frowned deeply. For a moment, he didn't know what to do. The sudden arrival of such an evil spirit who could not be driven away made Patriarch Jiang feel a headache.

For a moment, he even felt that the Jiang family had offended Ye Yuye before, that's why they did this today?
The two maids took advantage of the wine to report the results to Patriarch Jiang, and one maid asked suspiciously: "Patriarch, what should we do?"

Patriarch Jiang pressed his temples with a headache, and waved his hands wearily: "Keep staring and report to me every half an hour."


Just half an hour seems like a century has passed.

"Master, he put the two chairs together and fell asleep."


Patriarch Jiang's face darkened, and his complexion was a bit ugly.

Are you planning to live here?
This Ye Yuye is really thick-skinned.

Patriarch Jiang's dislike for Ye Yuye had reached its peak, and he waved his hand to the maid in front of him irritably: "Keep watching, watch carefully."

During this time, Patriarch Jiang was half-lying on the long couch exhaustedly, feeling sleepy for some reason, but unable to resist, he closed his eyes for a while.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw the maid.

Patriarch Jiang glanced at the sky outside the window, and yawned with half-covered hands: "Has he left yet?"

"Patriarch, he woke up once, drank three jars of wine, and then fell asleep again."

The maid honestly told Patriarch Jiang everything she saw.

"He hasn't left yet?"

Patriarch Jiang froze, and turned his head to stare at the maid: "Drink three jars of wine? Who gave you the right to fetch wine for him?"


The maid hurriedly knelt on the ground, seemed to be quite frightened, and said tremblingly: "

Patriarch, I thought... that you asked us to serve him with all our heart, so... that's why you took the initiative to bring him wine,

I also ask the Patriarch not to punish, I will never dare to do it next time, no, there will be no next time..."

Hearing the maid's begging for mercy, Patriarch Jiang was quite upset, he rubbed the center of his brows with a headache: "Okay, go back and keep watching him. If he has any orders, as long as they are not excessive, follow him."

The maid looked delighted and kowtowed heavily to Patriarch Jiang.

Patriarch Jiang finally couldn't resist the drowsiness, yawned halfway, and then fell asleep again, but the two maids serving Ye Yuye would report the news on time.

"Patriarch, he has been asleep during this time."

"Patriarch, he drank another jar of wine and got up to admire the moon for a while."

"Master, he played with the cat for a while and then fell asleep."


Every time Patriarch Jiang was woken up, the results he reported were all useless news. After thinking about it, he never had a good night's sleep.


Patriarch Jiang rubbed his brows, he looked up at the white sky outside the window, and asked the maid in front of him wearily, "Has that person left?"

I'm afraid this is the sentence he asked the most this night.

The maid bowed her head and replied: "Patriarch, he is still asleep, do you need to wake him up?"

...still asleep?

Patriarch Jiang suddenly felt tired. This night he was worried and couldn't sleep well, but this person was fine, he was comfortably served all night.

Why bother.

Instead of worrying about it, he might as well go to bed and forget it.

Patriarch Jiang saw the maid yawned a few times, and he frowned: "Okay, you go down."

(End of this chapter)

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