536 Kneel down
Did he say something wrong?
Why did grandpa hit him?
This was the first time his grandpa beat him since he was a child, but he didn't understand why, why his grandpa beat him.

The old man looked solemn, he ignored Patriarch Jiang's gaze, and also forgot his own identity, and knelt down in front of Ye Yuye.

Even though they knelt on the ground and bowed their heads, they knew that someone had knelt down.

Who could it be?

Patriarch Jiang's eyes widened, he looked at the old man kneeling in front of Ye Yuye incredulously, and frowned tightly: "

Grandpa, what are you doing, you are a powerful man who is admired by thousands of people, there is no need for you to kneel down to him..."


The old man stared at Patriarch Jiang and sternly shouted, "Kneel down!"


Patriarch Jiang's heart trembled, he didn't understand, even if Ye Yuye was a strong man in the sky, would he have to let go of his pride and kneel in front of a boy who was only seventeen or eighteen years old?
But why.

Could it be because Ye Yuye killed Pei Lixiao?

At this moment, the scalps of those guards and maids were tense, it's over, it's over, they heard such explosive news, wouldn't the Patriarch want to kill people to silence them.

For them, now is not the time to watch a show, but how to save their lives is the most important thing. If they knew this kind of thing would happen, they would have fled before Mr. Jiang didn't come!

Seeing that he didn't move, the old man frowned tightly, his tone became more and more severe, and he reprimanded again: "Kneel down!"

Patriarch Jiang was unwilling in every possible way, but he still knelt down.

The old man kowtowed three times to Ye Yuye, who was sitting on the chair. Patriarch Jiang tried to stop him several times but was thrown away by him. The old man raised his head, and there was no emotional change on his old face. , I also hope that Mr. Bianfeng will not blame him."

side wind?

Patriarch Jiang looked at the young man in white in astonishment.

Isn't he Ye Yuye?

Why did grandpa call him Bian Feng?
Also incomprehensible is the guard and maid kneeling beside her.

As the Patriarch of the Jiang family knelt in front of Ye Yuye, and the respected heavenly powerhouse Jiang Lao also knelt in front of him, if it were someone else, there would be some emotional changes.

But as for him, no change can be seen on his face, he still looks indifferent, lazy, and calm, as if all this should be like this.

The respected Mr. Jiang should kneel in front of him.

Ye Yuye spat out the lollipop in her mouth, twisted it in her hand, thought for a while, and said, "How has she been doing these years?"

The old man fell silent.

The head of the Jiang family subconsciously looked at his grandfather beside him.

I happened to see a smile on the corner of his lips, even the frown was relaxed, the old man's eyes gradually softened, he looked up at Ye Yuye: "

I also want to thank you for allowing her to live for such a long time, otherwise I am afraid that I will be the last in this life. "

No one expected this peaceful conversation.

Even Patriarch Jiang had to start to doubt, did Grandpa really know Ye Yuye?But why did he call him Young Master Bianfeng?Could it be that Ye Yuye knew his grandfather by the name of Bian Feng?
The old man knelt on the ground like this, he seemed to recall the past, with a trace of nostalgia between his brows, he muttered to himself: "

Before she died, she still remembered you and wanted to see you, but you were so heartless that you didn't even have time to refuse her, and it would be more than 900 years since you left..."

(End of this chapter)

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