Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 542 Do You Want To Listen To The Music?

Chapter 542 Do You Want To Listen To The Music?

Shitou understood what the baby ginseng meant, and straightened the stick hanging around its neck, with a serious look on his brows: "

This thing is stained with the owner's breath, and it will be sensed immediately if it is in danger, so keep it carefully and don't lose it. "

Baby Ginseng understood it this time, and poked it curiously with its paw, although it still felt a little nervous.

Seeing the appearance of the baby ginseng, Shi Shi nodded in satisfaction. Before it could respond, he reached out and quickly stuffed the baby ginseng into his arms, and patted it along the way.

"Squeak Yaya, Yaya!"

Baby Ginseng complained dissatisfied, poking Shi Shi's small chest hard.

Shi Shi was unmoved, he respectfully bowed to Ye Yuye, turned and left.

Ye Yuye turned his eyes to look at the back of the stone, and said a rare sentence: "If you can't beat it, run away."


The little figure staggered and almost fell to the ground, which aroused the dissatisfaction of Baby Ginseng.

As soon as the two live treasures left, the surrounding area became significantly quieter.

Basically, there is only the heavy sound of fallen leaves falling to the ground, and the rustling of leaves moved by the wind.

Ye Yuye was quiet by himself, but without a stone to make tea, Ye Yuye felt that the tea drinking process was a bit troublesome, so he simply found a jar of wine.

The two of them did not interfere with each other during this time, occasionally they would sit down and talk for a while, sometimes Jiang Yi had no choice but to drink the wine Ye Yuye handed over.

Every time he drank it, Ye Yuye would take out the wine he brewed, but every time he tried it, he couldn't find out how deep it was.

This guy's drinking capacity is really good.

It's a pity that these wines didn't make Jiang Yi drunk, but she lost five or six jars of wine. If it was given to other people, maybe she would really feel sorry for it for a while, but Jiang Yi is different.

Give it to him, willing to.

Maybe even she doesn't know why.

Aware of the gaze behind him, Jiang Yi sat down unhurriedly, walked past, and a guqin appeared in front of him.

He was sitting upright, his fingers gently hooked the string, and the loose voice overflowed from his fingertips.

"Do you want to listen to the music?"

His always clear and gentle voice flows down like an ice spring, like a warm wind in spring.

It wasn't until he opened his mouth that Ye Yuye came back to his senses. She took a sip of the wine and raised the corners of her lips: "May I be a bosom friend."

He stroked the strings, lowered his eyes, his slender, thick and slightly curled eyelashes fluttered, and his pursed lips slightly hooked up.

Slender fingers like onion roots drew the strings, and the voice was soft and long, and a quiet piece of music came to Ye Yuye's ears.

"Who is playing the music?"

"It sounds like it's coming from the professor's area."

"Good tune, what kind of tune is this? I've never heard such an exquisite tune, and someone who can play it is definitely not bad!"


Everyone in Shenlong Academy was attracted by the sound of the bomb one after another, until they knew the source of the sound, they held back their inner curiosity.

It's coming from the professor's area.

The teaching area generally does not allow students to step in casually, unless it is an emergency.

So is this an emergency?

It doesn't count.

Everyone stood in a few rows, and they would inevitably feel regretful in their hearts, but they were content to hear such a wonderful and unique song in a tense and rigorous atmosphere.

In the hidden place of Shenlong Academy, Zhuang Changhui, who was practicing in retreat, slowly opened his eyes, and a strong strange force came from him, which was even stronger than his original aura.

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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