Chapter 802
"Sect Master Yue Shao, what is the situation now? Didn't it mean that there are only two layers of formations? Is there any hope of cracking this formation?!"

"Hiss, it's so cold, is there any way to get me out, I don't want to stay here anymore."

"It's over, I'm not going to be burned to death, but to be frozen to death! Before going out, my old man repeatedly asked me to avoid the water. It turned out that he was referring to this. I blamed my old man. Huh, I still I want to hug my old man."

"God, instead of being frozen to death, you might as well let me hang on to death!"


Some people huddled together to keep warm.

Some tried their best to find a way to get out, but once the formation here was activated, they couldn't escape at all. Unless their strength surpassed the power of the formation, it was impossible to leave here.

Because of this, Ning Yangshu was beaten down several times.

Dongfang Feng was also severely frozen, and his body couldn't bear it, but he looked at the two people beside him and silently swallowed his grievances back.

Brother Ye is not cold.

If he said that he was cold in front of a child, he would definitely be overwhelmed.

Never been so embarrassing in my life.

Because of this, Yue Guanyu also had a headache. He thought that the mere double formation was within his ability, but he couldn't handle the five formations at all, not to mention that his rune power was almost exhausted before that. Now, how can he break the next triple formation.

Hearing the terrible voices coming from all around, Yue Guanyu sighed complicatedly: "Everyone, please do your best."

With that sound, no matter how confused everyone pretended to be, they understood what he meant.

Even Banyue Shaozong said to do his best, which means that even he can't do anything!

It’s over.

Now they are completely finished.

Are they going to die in this formation?

But it would be too wronged to die here. They are geniuses of various forces anyway. If they are recorded in the annals of history in the future, they will probably be laughed to death. Thinking that they will be remembered in the future, I shudder all over my body .

This is black history!

In a secret place, the sunlight cannot come in.

Mountain peaks stand above the clouds.

It seems that there is a thin layer of cloud floating.

There were three figures standing in the air above the formation, looking down at the people inside the formation, a man in Tsing Yi raised his lips with a hint of meaning: "It's interesting, it seems that they found the entrance of the palace one step ahead of us."

A young man who was younger than the two stretched his waist and yawned again: "So what if you find it, you're still trapped in the formation and can't get out."

The man in Tsing Yi's eyes fell on a woman with a graceful figure, and asked in thought: "Saint, how sure are you of this formation?"

The woman narrowed her beautiful eyes, showing her charm: "If it was in the ancient times, I wouldn't even be [-]% sure, but now after so many years, the formation has almost failed, and I'm [-]% sure."

The man in Tsing Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a faint smile: "With the help of the saint, this palace should also appear."

The woman looked at the two with her charming eyes, her red lips almost made them lose their position, and seeing the almost dodging eyes of the two, the woman smiled and said: "We just take what we need, the two Little brother, don't think about other things, you can't hide your heart from me."

The man in Tsing Yi's heart froze, he was almost seduced by this witch just now, he quickly lowered his head and said: "I, Ji, never set my abacus on my friends, the saint can rest assured about this."

Sensing the two scorching gazes, the young man looked at the woman with tingling scalp, smiled awkwardly, and said, "I'm only 16 years old, so I don't have anything to worry about, Sister Saint is worrying too much. "

The woman smiled softly, and her figure disappeared from the sky in the next second. The two looked at each other and rushed into the formation quickly.

"Heaven and earth are coming, rise up—"


The people who were almost in despair heard the soft shout, they were vigilant at first, and then they were shocked!
Because they found that the cold air around them was quickly dissipating!
Listen to this voice, it is a woman!

When the woman's figure appeared in front of everyone, the voices that were still discussing suddenly stopped suddenly, as if someone was swallowing their saliva.

This woman is so beautiful.

Especially those winking eyes.

My whole heart was pounding, almost jumping out.

Some men hurriedly arranged their messy clothes and paid attention to their own image. As for a small number of women among them, they each scanned that woman several times with scrutinizing gazes, and their eyes were full of deep suspicion. envy.

Dressed like this, it is clearly to seduce and attract people!
They were jealous, because the dress the woman was wearing was too revealing. Every step she took, she would reveal her long, slender and fair legs, which made people feel itchy. Coupled with the beauty of the woman, they were even more eager to leave. Went up to see it for myself.

Her appearance made the expressions of the two of them change.

This person is the saint of Heavenly Demon!The tenth place on the Tianzi list!

As for why they know so well, it's not because they've seen it before, but because this person is wearing the clothes only worn by the Demon Sect, plus this person's superb appearance, it's hard for them to know.

Rather than saying that she is a demon saint, it is better to say that she is a witch who is at ease.

This person is too ruthless, too cruel, and even some big shots don't want to have a confrontation with the Heavenly Demon Saintess, because he heard that the Heavenly Demon Sect's saintesses have killed many geniuses from all major forces, and even a few old monsters , their Li family all died in the hands of the Heavenly Demon Saintess, this woman is definitely not as simple as she appears on the surface!
Otherwise, I don't know how he died.


Two more people stopped beside the woman.

They are also majestic and elegant, standing beside the woman, their temperament and appearance are not inferior at all, but one of them is a bit young, looking only about sixteen or seventeen years old.

Who are these two?
What is the relationship with women?
Everyone's complexion changed slightly.

Could it be that these three people also discovered that there is an inheritance palace here?

The surrounding cold completely dissipated.

Everyone didn't feel cold anymore, they let go awkwardly and awkwardly, they hugged someone casually before they were too cold, and tidied up their clothes in consideration of face, maybe the reason they did this had something to do with that woman.

This woman is really too beautiful and charming.

The appearance of the other two also made many women's hearts flutter. They are still young, but their appearance and temperament are more outstanding than Yue Guanyu and the others, so they should have a lot of background.

Under the tree, the east wind is not cold anymore.

It's just that his complexion is still pale and hasn't calmed down yet.

Seeing that Dongfangfeng was fine, Shito lowered his head and stroked Fat Cat's chubby belly, and soon Fat Cat's snoring and comfortable sound came, and that sound made Shimao feel comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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