Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 809 This boy has no cultivation?

Chapter 809 This boy has no cultivation?
If this matter is passed on to the entire inferior world, they can basically imagine the unbelievable appearance of those people.

"Emperor Taiqing" looked at them coldly, a powerful aura enveloped them: "

It is not difficult to become the successor of this seat, so please come in, so that this seat can personally test your own talent! "

Becoming the successor of Emperor Taiqing, this is a great temptation!

"I'll come first!"

As the voice fell, someone had already stepped out in a hurry, as if they had great confidence in their talents.

With the first one.

There is the next one.

"You are not as good as me, go away, let me come first!"

"Although your cultivation base is high, I am younger than you, and I am the strongest in talent!"


They are scrambling, but it is difficult to find a genius with high talent among these people, because most of the geniuses present have not moved, they are still observing.

"What does he want to do..."

The Heavenly Demon Saintess stared at the figure standing at the ancient gate of the palace, and for a moment she couldn't guess what the person pretending to be the Great Qing Emperor wanted to do, but she felt faintly uneasy, as if something was wrong.

It's not just her who thinks so, those geniuses who rank in the top [-] of the Tianzi list think so. This matter is definitely not that simple. How can a fake Emperor Taiqing allow them to inherit the mantle of the real emperor.

After repeatedly looking at the body of several geniuses, "Emperor Taiqing" was disappointed.

These people's physiques are too rubbish, he doesn't like them at all.

Soon, fewer and fewer people needed to go up.

Those who were eliminated and not selected were extremely disappointed and dejected.

Due to the terror of "Emperor Taiqing", the young men had no choice but to follow them up one after another, so that when "Emperor Taiqing" saw their talent, he squinted his eyes slightly, feeling satisfied.

Very good, besides that woman, there are two other candidates.

The young man, and the boy.

The three of them were separated from the crowd, and they bravely stood on the stage with "Emperor Taiqing".

When everyone saw it, they were both envious and jealous.

But when they set their sights on the heavenly demon saint with excellent temperament and appearance, the jealousy in their hearts was quickly dissipated.

If this woman can become the successor of Emperor Taiqing, they will only bless her from the bottom of their hearts.

No one came out again, "Emperor Taiqing" swept everyone's sharp eyes, and suddenly, his eyes stayed on the two people, especially the young man in white. He narrowed his eyes slightly: "You two, come out!"

He almost didn't realize that there was such a delicate and handsome boy among these people!

Almost the next moment.

All the people present turned their gazes to the figures of the two, and their pupils shrank slightly, staring at one of the teenagers in white clothes.

Who is he?
This person's appearance is so perfect!

By the looks of it, he should be no older than 20 years old.

The three people on the stage are the easiest to find the two people mentioned by "Emperor Taiqing".

It's just that when I saw the young man's face, I was a little surprised.

This son's appearance is so outstanding!

The two of them almost subconsciously looked at the demon maiden next to her, stared at her for a while, and then looked at the young man among the crowd. They suddenly felt that the demon maiden standing beside this person was just a foil !
I can't help but sigh that someone can finally overwhelm the demon saint.

The Heavenly Demon Saintess was startled: "Who is this guy...?"

never seen.

It should be the first time, otherwise she couldn't have no impression.

"Who is this kid? Why didn't he go up? Doesn't he want to be the heir of Emperor Taiqing?"

"Impossible, I think it's playing hard to get, to let the emperor find him, no, didn't he realize it, tsk."

"Don't tell me, this man is really good-looking. I have never seen such a handsome son in my life."


What they were talking about was Ye Yuye.

As for Dongfang Feng beside him, he has long been ignored by everyone.

Feeling uncomfortable being stared at by others, Dongfang Feng gently tugged at Ye Yuye's sleeve, and whispered: "Brother Ye, shall we go there?"

Stone raised his head and looked at Ye Yuye.

"Emperor Taiqing" stared at the boy in white unabashedly.

Those eyes wished to pry out all the secrets of the boy in white.

Ye Yuye raised his eyebrows: "Since you've invited us, let's go."

Dongfangfeng didn't hesitate, and quickly followed him.

Everyone gets out of the way.

They found out that there was a child beside them.


Why do children appear in the secret realm of the Nine Palaces?

Everyone was startled, a little stunned.

Why would a child enter the Nine Palaces Secret Realm?

Is he a genius? !
And why is there a fat cat next to these three people?
And a bird?
What exactly is this combination?
Everyone's thoughts were in a mess, and they almost became a mess.

Even the "Emperor Taiqing" was also surprised, squinting at the chubby little chubby, but soon he lost interest, because this child has no cultivation base.

Without cultivation base, it is a waste.

What is he going to do with a good-for-nothing kid.

Does he care about that little life?

But when he set his gaze on the young man in white, his expression froze for a moment. Why couldn't he see through this man's cultivation level?His strength during his lifetime was one of the best even in the superior world, but why can't he see through this person's cultivation?

He has no cultivation base?
But how is it possible.

Looking at the boy's appearance, he doesn't look like a waste without cultivation.

There may be treasures hidden in this person's body, "Emperor Taiqing" squinted his eyes, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Emperor Taiqing" was fluctuating in his heart at this moment, and no one noticed it. They stared at the young man in white, all of them were envious and jealous.

If they had known that they would play hard to get like him, remembering how they rushed over to show off their cultivation talent earlier, they felt regretful in their hearts, and wished they could wake themselves up.


I was too stupid before.

Being impatient, it's no wonder that Emperor Taiqing didn't train them as his successors.

"Emperor Taiqing" did not use sound transmission, but spoke to the outside, so that everyone present could hear it clearly.

"I have survived to this day by relying on this ray of remnants, in order to find my own descendants, and you are the passers-by I have found, and I hope you can let me enter your sea of ​​consciousness without reservation." ,

This seat will pass on all the knowledge I have learned in this life to you. Of course, if your body cannot withstand this powerful inheritance, you will die suddenly! "

The demon saint wanted to refuse.

But he wanted to open his mouth, but was restrained by a terrifying force, unable to open his mouth, let alone move.

There is only one possibility!
It was the person who pretended to be Taiqing Emperor!

It must be something he did!
The heavenly demon saint stared at the majestic and stable "Emperor Taiqing", wishing to know who he was!

 I don't want to take classes online ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  The dandy will not update tonight, but will make up tomorrow night

(End of this chapter)

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