Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 814 The Past of "Emperor Taiqing"

Chapter 814 The Past of "Emperor Taiqing"
After the death of "Emperor Taiqing", some memories suddenly appeared in his memory, as if he had experienced it himself, very real.

He became an unpopular black-scaled monster dragon beast. Fortunately, he had a vigorous love, but unfortunately, fate tricked him. He found a chance and obtained the great fortune of becoming the son of destiny.

But it has to be cold-blooded.

Because of this he killed his wife and his son.

Set foot on the road of seeking the way.

It's just that this journey was not as smooth as he imagined. He died under the sword of his enemy in a match of destiny, but he hadn't really died yet, parasitizing in the sword of the enemy, until his enemy came to the secret realm of the Nine Palaces, where he was in Chang'an. In the Taiqing Palace, I saw a ray of remnants of Emperor Taiqing.

In the battle for inheritance, he successfully killed his enemy, but he has no body, so he cannot inherit the inheritance of Emperor Taiqing at all, until their appearance...

Ning Yangshu's mood became a little complicated.

It turned out that the person who pretended to be Taiqing Emperor was a monster.

He still had a monster that could become the Son of Destiny.

In addition to these memories of his, he also got the understanding of the lifelong cultivation of monsters, as well as the supernatural powers of the exercises he cultivated, but the exercises that these monsters can practice are not suitable for him, Ning Yang Shu slightly regrets.

After absorbing and sorting out these memories, Ning Yangshu murmured to himself: "I never thought that this counterfeit would have participated in the Mandate of Heaven Thousand Years ago, and could see the real Emperor Taiqing in other people's memories..."

Destiny asks for the crown, it will be held every thousand years.

On this day, some people will get the imprint of the heavens, become the son of destiny, and get a great fortune in the world, and their companions will awaken the memories of their own lives, so as to distance themselves from their peers and become strong!
In these millennia, whoever has obtained the qualification is not a genius at the evildoer level.

When Ning Yangshu came back to his senses, he found that the figure in the sea of ​​consciousness had disappeared.

Ning Yangshu opened his eyes instantly, and said anxiously: "Oops, I haven't had time to ask who he is!"

Who is he?
The faces of the people on the stage became strange.

Not long ago, they discovered that they could not only move, but also speak. Perhaps all of this was related to the sea of ​​consciousness, but neither of them told the other.

It's just that when Ning Yangshu yelled that sentence, several people on the stage became suspicious. Could it be that he also saw that scene?
Who won in the end?
What happened to "Emperor Taiqing"?

Has anyone been taken away by him?

All kinds of doubts made several people feel puzzled.

After Dongfangfeng woke up, he looked at Ye Yuye beside him strangely, hesitated for a while, but he always felt that something was wrong there, and muttered to himself: "Strange, why does the person I met just now look like you?" The mother in my portrait will look like Brother Ye again..."

Is it his delusion?

Or, that was really Brother Ye.

Ye Yuye calmly took out the stone from his cuff, and out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Dongfang Feng who was struggling and feeling depressed, and sent that ray of consciousness into the stone's body.

Dongfang Feng looked at Ye Yuye, hesitated to speak, then shook his head.

If you tell Brother Ye that there is another person besides the counterfeit in his sea of ​​knowledge, and that person looks like his mother and Brother Ye, he will not be able to say this no matter what.

It must have been hallucinations.

Otherwise, how could he regard Brother Ye as his mother, and his mother as Brother Ye.

Shi Shi's consciousness returned, he blinked a few times blankly, and then remembered what happened before, the baby ginseng poked in Shi Shi's arms, full of dissatisfaction.

Shitou looked up at Ye Yuye, pursed his lips and lowered his head: "I'm sorry, I got into trouble again."

He got his master into trouble again.

"No problem,"

That voice warmed Shitou's heart, Ye Yuye touched his head with his hand, and there was a slight smile in his eyes, "But you have already started to practice on your own, it is worth celebrating."

Shi Shi suddenly raised his head, thinking of everything before, his gloomy pupils lit up in vain: "Really?"

Can he practice?
Then can he protect the master?
Stone clenched his small fist, very excited.

The baby ginseng in his arms was happy for the stone, but it suddenly remembered that the stone ignored him before, the baby ginseng hummed heavily, and stopped talking.

In the eyes of everyone, "Emperor Taiqing" is to teach them the good fortune of their life, and now the wish is over, and the lingering thoughts have dissipated.

They all showed envious eyes, while some stared at the demon saint, a little lost in thought.

If they could marry this woman, even if they were to die in a hundred years, they would be extremely willing.

It's a pity that after these people leave the Nine Palaces Secret Realm, it will be spread that they are the heirs of "Emperor Taiqing". By then, their status will be completely different.

On the stage, the pale complexions of several people gradually recovered. After confirming that there was nothing serious about their bodies, they got up and looked at Ning Yangshu with some deep eyes.

Because they all have a doubt in their hearts.

I want to know what happened to "Emperor Taiqing".

Perhaps, this person is clear.

Or, "Emperor Taiqing" has already seized this person's body.

The fact that Emperor Taiqing was fake was well known to several people, but they did not expose it.

The young man was silent for a moment, and then said to Ning Yangshu with a little dignity: "This fellow Taoist, I wonder if the 'Emperor Taiqing' left from your side?"

Several other people looked at Ning Yangshu seriously. Of course, they were still vigilant, for fear that "Emperor Taiqing" had already succeeded in seizing the house.

Heavenly Demon Saintess stared at Ning Yangshu with charming eyes. Ning Yangshu was still a man after all, especially when facing such a woman with excellent temperament and beauty, his heartbeat would inevitably speed up and he couldn't control it.

Seeing this scene, the two stood in a corner, and Dongfang Feng whispered to the people around him: "

Brother Ye, that counterfeit broke into my sea of ​​consciousness twice, one time was very strange, you don't know, someone was chasing him, he was running in a panic, I probably think he won't be 'murdering' anymore. "


Ye Yuye didn't pay attention to these, but raised his head to look at the scene that everyone saw, it was a majestic palace, his lazy eyes slightly narrowed.

In the eyes of outsiders, what they see is just an illusion.

Now that monster is dead, this heavy formation has been solved.

Ning Yangshu dodged the eyes of the Heavenly Demon Saintess, and calmly said to the few people in front of him: "

You all don't know, the 'Emperor Taiqing' was indeed here with me earlier, but he was already dead, and I saw with my own eyes that his lingering thoughts vanished into ashes. "

(End of this chapter)

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