Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 816 The Desolate Palace

Chapter 816 The Desolate Palace

The palace is gone!If the Inheritance Palace collapses, it stands to reason that there will be traces of ruins, but there are no!
There were no traces around her, she just clearly felt something pressing on her back, but no, there was nothing on the ground!
But she can be sure that this is the original place and has not changed!
In addition to being a strong person with earth-level strength, the Heavenly Demon Saintess is also a formation mage who is about to break through the earth-level. There are changes around her, and she soon noticed something abnormal.

So abnormal!
In other words, everything they suffered before was not true!

The young man was the second one to wake up. He was at a loss for a while, and suddenly thought of something bad. He sat up suddenly and looked around. Then, he saw the demon who was about one meter away from him. saint.

When he wanted to find out what was going on, he saw that the Heavenly Demon Saintess was looking at another place. The young man thought she had found some clues, so he followed closely.

But I saw two figures a hundred meters away, oh no, there was a child.

He is not a fool. Thinking of what happened before and seeing everything around him, it is not difficult for him to guess what happened. This person was standing a hundred meters away, and he had obviously left before the palace collapsed.

Because it takes only one breath to collapse the inheritance palace, no one can cross a hundred meters in one breath in the secret realm of the Nine Palaces.

The only guess was that this person had known for a long time that the inheritance palace would collapse, so he left early.

The young man fell silent. I am afraid that the Heavenly Demon Saintess had already thought about it. As for what happened around him, he had a vague guess, but he was not sure all the time. , perhaps more sure of what was going on than he was.

Not long after, the talented young man woke up. The first thing he saw when he woke up was two people, and then he looked around, his mind went blank.

"Where am I? Where is this?"

The boy murmured in his heart.

Next came Yue Guanyu and the others.

After that, other people woke up one after another. Looking around them, these people seemed to be not quite sober yet, which made them a little dazed.

How is this going?

How many inheritance palaces?

The inheritance palace later collapsed.

What about after that?

Where did the ruins go?Where are the palace columns?Where did the bricks go?Even if it collapses, there must be a "remnant corpse" left, right?But why are they all gone?
Is it where they just stood?

After a while, they reacted one by one.

"Where's the palace? Where did Emperor Taiqing's inherited palace go?"

When someone woke up and saw the scene in front of him, his angry eyes were red: "I remember I was knocked out by the palace, where am I now? Where is the palace ruin? Who took it away?!"

"It's disgusting! Who stole it! There's not even a wall left?!"

"Who the hell stole the orb I worked so hard to dig?! Who is it! Stand up, I promise I won't kill you!"


Those who survived were angry, while those lying on the ground were all dead. They didn't have any injuries on their bodies, and they just died in such a strange way. I'm afraid these people didn't know how they died until they died.

Perhaps, he just thought that he was crushed to death by the inheritance palace.

Except for the Heavenly Demon Saintess and the others, most people thought that the collapse of the inheritance palace was because "Emperor Taiqing" had found a successor, so there was no need for this inheritance palace to exist anymore.

"Okay, it's time to go."

Seeing the gradual changes in the surroundings, Ye Yuye calmly closed his eyes and focused on places with a lot of people.

Dongfang Feng didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly followed.

Ever since the previous scene, Dongfangfeng seemed to attach great importance to every word of Ye Yuye, for fear that if he didn't pay attention, he wouldn't know how he died.


Another sound.

It's just that this time, the surrounding area they are in has undergone tremendous changes in vain.

Ning Yangshu suddenly thought of the memories he had fused. The monster saw the real Taiqing Emperor thousands of years ago, so the inheritance palace collapsed.

Therefore, there must be other reasons for the collapse of the inheritance palace.

So much so that he suspected that they had been recruited a long time ago!
The trick in the formation!

The inheritance palace they saw just now is a fake!

Their location is also fake!

Ning Yangshu was right.

Because changes are really happening before their eyes.

next second.

Dongfangfeng directly followed Ye Yuye to a place, only to feel that the surroundings they were in had changed in vain, and in front of them was a dark and damaged palace, which looked a bit like ruins.

The reason why it is called a ruin is because it seems to have been deserted for a long time.

It is very different from the previous majestic palace.

On the ground, there are traces of previous fights, weapons scattered on the ground, and tokens carried by some practitioners. Presumably these should be left by the former passers-by.

It was gray all around.

Gives a very bleak sense of absurdity.

Except for Ye Yuye and the others, the people who survived the formation all came here. They looked around in disbelief, and some of them suspected that they had come to a place where no shit was possible.

Someone's complexion changed drastically, and he became vigilant: "Okay, we must be ambushed, what kind of place is this! The breath is wrong, it's too scary, no, I want to leave here, I can't stay any longer!"

A pampered woman frowned, looking at the place in front of her, there was a hint of disgust in her eyes: "What's in front? The palace? What kind of palace is this? This can't be the inheritance palace of some great emperor, right?"

Followed by.

There are some voices.

"Which emperor's inheritance palace is this? It's so broken, will anyone go in to accept the inheritance?"

"Jiugong Palace, who is the owner of this palace?"

"Presumably this great emperor must have messed up too badly. Look at the majestic palace we saw before. That is the real palace. Compared with that one, this one is far worse!"

"It's a pity, it's a pity that I have no fate with Emperor Taiqing, otherwise there must be a part of me among the successors."


But soon, those voices disappeared.

Because they saw the traces of the battle, they thought that there was an extremely tragic war here before them. They stared at the weapons on the ground and couldn't move their eyes.

"Ground steps!"

"They're all earth-level babies—"

Someone gasped and stared blankly at something.

"Heaven-rank! The ones in front are all heaven-rank weapons!"

Everyone present was shocked, and their hearts were greatly stimulated.

Earth ranks are extremely precious in the lower world!

Not to mention the heavenly rank which is even more precious than the earthly rank.

(End of this chapter)

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