Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 822 Heaven Rank Warcraft

Chapter 822 Heaven Rank Warcraft
Someone stared at the young man angrily and yelled angrily: "Gong Ling! Although you are one of the top [-] cultivators in the Dizi list, I am not afraid of you!"

"Yes! We are not afraid of you! If you are capable, you will kill us all!"

Gong Ling looked down on them, among the dozen or so people, Yu Jiang was also among the hundred, and said contemptuously, "What a mere monster, what if it's an earth-level monster? Do you have the ability?"

Everyone was startled.

It was just a casual talk, but now when Yu Jiang opened his mouth, a lot of anger rushed from his heart, and Gong Ling stared at the young man who was shouting at him unkindly: "Yu Jiang, what do you mean!"

Yu Jiang snorted coldly: "Although we are ranked on the Tianzi list, neither you nor I have broken through the earth-level realm. Although monsters are not as good as monsters, don't forget, even many strong people in our star field dare not Underestimating monsters, why do you rely on them? Why do you not have the strength to break through the earth?"

As soon as these words came out, Gong Leng blushed in disgust, he didn't know what to say, but on the contrary, it made everyone around him feel more at ease, arrogant!He should be discouraged!

In the front, hearing the movement behind him, Cangmo frowned displeasedly, and shouted: "Okay, you guys have to fight! This is the inheritance palace, and it may kill us at any time!"

The person who spoke was also among the top [-] in the Tianzi list, but the ranking was slightly higher than the two of them, so that the two who had originally argued with each other shut their mouths with black faces.

Especially Gong Ling's mute eating Coptis chinensis, with a dark face that is extremely unkind.

Without Gong Ling's yin and yang aura, the atmosphere became a little more relaxed, and Cang Mo, who was investigating in front of him, changed his expression drastically, and he shouted in vain: "No, there are monsters coming towards us!"

"What? Warcraft is coming?!"

"Everyone, be vigilant and fight at any time!"


Everyone clenched the weapons in their hands, no one planned to escape, but chose to fight the monster to the end!
Perhaps in their hearts, they just thought that the monsters that came might only be of the mysterious rank, the earth rank, and not the heaven rank.

But when the monster appeared, everyone's complexion paled suddenly. They had the slightest fighting spirit, and some could only flinch and want to escape!
"Heaven-rank! It's a heaven-rank monster!"

"Damn, what are you talking about! Mao Si, you crow mouth!"

"The crow's mouth killed us, run away!"


The Mao Si mentioned by the crowd is the one who casually mentioned that there is a heavenly monster.

I was just talking casually, and they just listened casually, but they didn't expect that this was really a heavenly monster!There are heavenly monsters in this inheritance palace!And there are more than one, and there are two behind them!

Hearing the complaints from the crowd, Mao Si was angry and dissatisfied. He was just talking, but did these people take it seriously?No, they clearly want to find a vent!

Gong Leng's complexion was very bad, especially the hand holding the weapon was trembling uncontrollably, his throat was rolling, and he stared in horror at the heavenly monster in the dark.

A huge blood soul wolf was staring at them eeriely, showing sharp fangs, perhaps because they were too aggrieved before, so they wanted to find some dignity in them, and the aura belonging to the heavenly realm spread around!

Everyone kept retreating, then turned around and quickly spread out and ran around!
Big trouble!

There are more than one heavenly monsters, they can't resist them at all!

Escape is the only way to escape.

To survive!

If it was an earth-level monster, they might still grit their teeth and fight hard, and they could still win, but this is a sky-level monster!How could these cultivators who have not broken through the realm of the earth rank be the opponents of the heaven rank monsters.


The Blood Soul Wolf is coming!

The few people who had no time to escape were torn into pieces by the wolf and thrown on the ground at will.

Blood splashed!

The ground is trembling!

"Run away!"

"Unfavorable start! Crow's mouth! Mao Si, you crow's mouth!"

"Oh my god! Is it too late for me to regret it now? Why is there still a heavenly monster in this inheritance palace? After so many years, the monster in the palace hasn't died yet?!"


Yu Jiang also ran away at this moment, glanced out of the corner of his eye, and said angrily: "Gong Ling! Aren't you capable! Aren't you a mere monster? If you have the ability, you are on it! You killed all three heavenly monsters, I can call you ancestor!"

"Fuck off!"

Anger burst out of Gong Ling's eyes, and from the corner of his eye he glanced at the fast-running young man beside him, "How do I know that there are heavenly monsters here! If you want to blame you, blame that crow's mouth of Mao Si! Nothing good, it's all bad!"

"Escape, if you can escape one, it is one!"

Cang Mo was very calm, but his heart still trembled when he heard people behind him being killed by monsters.

There are heavenly monsters in the palace, far beyond their expectations.

Their strength is not enough, they can only escape!
If you don't escape, you will die!



The two monsters who followed behind also came.

The roar resounded throughout the inheritance palace.

The other people who hadn't come into contact with the monsters felt lingering fear, their whole body was vigilant, their pupils shrank, and they became extremely shocked.

That cry is not lower than that of an earth-level monster!There are monsters above the ground level in this palace!
And not just one!
"Heaven-rank monster!"

The three Heavenly Demon Saintesses stared at each other at the same time.

There are heavenly monsters in this palace!

The young man was shocked and muttered to himself: "The inheritance palace has existed for thousands of years. Are these monsters still alive? They have been hiding in the palace all this time?"

"It's not surprising that monsters can kill each other." The young man frowned, "It's just that I never thought that there are a few heavenly monsters here."

The Heavenly Demon Saintess took back her consciousness, even though there was no danger around them, she did not dare to be careless at all, and said solemnly: "

We have to be careful, the Nine Palaces Secret Realm has existed for a long time, and it will be opened every hundred years, but there are very few people who have been inherited, and the inheritance of the Nine Great Emperors is even more difficult. It is extremely dangerous here, otherwise there would not be so many human bones. "

The other two nodded, extremely serious.

They all know the seriousness of the matter. If they are a little careless, it doesn't matter if they don't get the inheritance, but if their lives are lost, they are really lost.

The three of them walked for a while, and encountered danger during the period, but the three of them were all cultivators with earth-level strength, so it was not difficult to deal with the danger, until the young man frowned and felt something.

"what happened?"

The demon saint stopped in her tracks.

The young man frowned: "300 meters ahead, there is someone's aura! This aura is still very familiar, it should be the person who said that 'Emperor Taiqing' died earlier."

"It's him?"

The two looked at each other.


The Heavenly Demon Saintess was thinking but didn't know what she was thinking, she flew forward in vain, and said in a deep voice, "That person must know something, the 'Emperor Taiqing' died in his sea of ​​consciousness, and he definitely left behind. What!"

(End of this chapter)

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