Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 829 Cang?Why is the Cang character?

Chapter 829 Cang?Why is the Cang character?


As soon as this word comes out.

The young men and the others have no objections. Compared with this, it is more important to solve the mess right now. If other people come, they will definitely have to share a pot of porridge, fearing that there will not be enough.

As such.

The four of them quickly eliminated their distracting thoughts and became serious.

Occasionally, I raised my head, only to find that the grand teacher's chair came from nowhere, and the young man in white was sitting on it, drinking the wine in his hand, with his legs resting on the lower pillar in front, looking as lazy as he could be. How lazy.

The corner of the boy's lips twitched a few times.

Which family's dude is this, why did he come here?

In this way, it is no different from treating this place as your own home.

This is a dangerous inheritance palace.

Who the hell is this guy.

Dongfangfeng has long been familiar with the strangeness, and continues to think about how to break the chess.

With time delay.

Outside, there was a lot of commotion.

"Where is this place?"

"We have escaped the monsters! My God, the monsters of that day level are simply too terrifying. I would rather spend five years of my life than meet them again!"

Someone had a confident smile on his face: "Fortunately, we have more or less inherited from other seniors. Even if we don't get the inheritance from Emperor Taiqing, we can still gain a foothold on this continent when we leave the Nine Palaces Secret Realm!"

"Haha, you're right!"


The complexions of the five people who were pondering the endgame suddenly changed.


Someone else is coming.

And they haven't even cracked a single mess.

Distant voices approached.

When those people saw the Heavenly Demon Saintess and the others, their faces were overjoyed. To them, these people are very strong, and they must be friends with them!In this way, one's own life is also more guaranteed.

It could not be better.

One by one smiled and got acquainted with the five people, but they didn't know that the five people were extremely unhappy.

Someone was weird and whispered: "It's strange, their complexions don't seem to be very good, did they encounter something before?"

The person next to him poked his elbow immediately, and said in a low voice, "It's not that you're stupid, have you forgotten the heavenly monster we encountered earlier, that guy, everyone was really scared, okay?"

Celestial Warcraft?

Dongfang Feng felt strange, he remembered the Heaven Rank monster that was beaten to death by Brother Ye before, three of them escaped, could it be that these people encountered them?

It didn't take long for more than a dozen people to come here, and soon noticed the surrounding stone tables and the chess game placed on them. Is this an endgame?

Someone thought for a while, then hesitated: "Could it be that as long as we break this chess game, we can get the inheritance?"

Perhaps it was because of his words that immediately aroused everyone's excitement.

"Makes sense!"

"Yes, yes," someone excitedly said, "There are eleven endgames here. Emperor Taiqing means to let us break the chess, so that we can get the inheritance of Emperor Taiqing!"

But some people were puzzled and said: "The endgame is just to let us break the chess? But how do I remember that Emperor Taiqing is a formation master, even if he wants to test us, it should be a formation. What's the matter with the chess game?"

Of course, not many people listened to his words, because they had already found a place and began to study how to break chess. There were two or three people standing in front of each stone table, and some were alone.

During this period, someone said: "In short, let's break this mess first, maybe we can really get the inheritance of Emperor Taiqing."

For an instant.

Everyone cheered up and began to study the chessboard endgame in front of them.

The first four people were very complicated, but they didn't say anything. There are good and bad people, but at present, the more people, the better. After all, the eleven endgames have not been solved until now.

Let's hope there's a chess genius in here.

Ye Yuye was as leisurely as ever, and for others, as long as Ye Yuye didn't speak or make any movement, it would be difficult for others to find out that there was someone else here.

And he was still that handsome and delicate boy.

Poor baby ginseng, who hadn't been active and relaxed for a while, could only return to the stone's arms reluctantly, looking outside eagerly, even the flower was wilting.

Until the stone fed it a little psychic liquid, the baby ginseng's eyes turned red, good man.

Although it doesn't know, the amount of stones it was fed just now was originally its today's amount, but it was fed a few hours ago, and the amount was accidentally less.

Shi Shi didn't know that he was stuffed with the title of a good man by the baby ginseng, and he smiled in relief after feeding today's amount smoothly.

Fat Mao'er shook his body slowly, staring at a certain place with those dark pupils glowing with a trace of blood, and then ran away without saying hello to Ye Yuye. It disappeared, and everyone didn't notice it, and continued to study.

"Master, it..."

Shi Shi was stunned for a while, thinking that he had lost his mind for a while, and the cat disappeared.

Ye Yuye didn't take this matter to heart, and finished the jar of wine in his hand: "It's okay, it will come back when it gets tired from playing."

Stone nodded.

The baby ginseng in his arms is happy, but it's a pity that there are so many people around, and it can't go out, only regretting that the fat cat left at an inappropriate time.

After a while.

There is a voice of discussion.

Until, Dongfangfeng finally lived up to his entrustment and broke the game.

A group of people rushed over, wondering if he had received the inheritance of Emperor Taiqing.

Dongfang Feng stared at the endgame he had broken, with a strange expression on his face, and murmured: "Cang? How could the endgame be solved with one word, and what does Cang represent?"

The four heavenly demon saintesses who came over first saw the words on it, and retreated back, frowning, with a puzzled look on their brows.

Why is the Cang character?

Could it be related to Emperor Taiqing's exercises?

The people who came to watch also saw the situation on the chessboard, and everyone became strange.

"What's going on? How could it be the word Cang? What does this word represent? Can any fellow Taoist explain it?"

"I speculate that the Cang character probably represents the formula of a certain exercise? Or it has something to do with inheritance."

Among the crowd, someone excitedly said: "I think so too, this Cang character is unusual, as long as we can break the other ten endgames, we will definitely get a shocking skill!"

"Haha, stop talking, I'm going to break the chess seriously!"

"I don't know who will break the mess next!"


The surrounding people quickly dispersed and continued to study their own endgame, but this time, they became more determined!My heart is very hot!

Inheritance of Emperor Taiqing!
Once I can get it, I will definitely transform into a dragon and ascend to the sky, becoming a genius in the superior world!
Dongfang Feng didn't stay there, and went to the next place to study the endgame. Previously, he broke the chess for Brother Ye, so this time it was for himself.

 Ah, ah, a lot of homework, I have to do my homework now

(End of this chapter)

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