Chapter 832 About Emperor Cang
Everyone's expressions were a little strange.

Why do they have this idea?
The previous "is", the later "you" and "who".

If they are connected together, isn't it "who are you"?

So, what about Cang, ah, Di in front?
How can this be explained?
And they didn't notice it at all. Among them, Dongfang Feng's face gradually became surprised. It seemed complicated and imperceptible excitement. He murmured in his heart: "

If these words are combined together, wouldn't it be 'Di Cang, who are you'?There is only one person in this world who can be called Di Cang, and that is Di Cang who dares to go against the sky. Unexpectedly, these eleven chessboard endgames will be related to Senior Di Cang! "

As for this 'ah', he believes that he will know soon!

The more he thought about it, the more excited Dongfang Feng became. He didn't stay here for too long, but continued to choose an endgame on the chessboard, and started to study the broken chess. Perhaps it was because of Di Cang that he was completely motivated. There must also be spirit.

"I still feel that this can't be connected into a sentence. Shouldn't it be the name of a martial art or the emperor's supernatural power? Why are you talking more and more outrageous?"

"No, I think each word corresponds to a great fortune! I believe that those who broke the chess game will soon be able to get the inheritance of Emperor Taiqing! Especially Sect Master Yue Shao, what he deciphered is the word 'Emperor'!"

"Who are you, who are you, don't think about difficulties in everything, keep it simple, isn't it just who you are?"

"Impossible! This is left by Emperor Taiqing, how can you be so casual, it must be related to the inheritance of the emperor!"


They are still guessing these words, but some people have already buried their heads in hard work. Time is precious, and perhaps in the near future, other people will come here.

Opportunity is earned by oneself!

It would be bad if it was solved by others!

After a cup of tea.

Ye Yuye was sleepy, the original grand master chair turned into a rocking chair, he fell asleep after rocking it, Shi Shi stood by and didn't disturb him.

Fat Cat hasn't come back yet.

Stone can only tease the baby ginseng in his arms.

After a while, several other people came here.

They are all people who escaped from the hands of heavenly monsters.

Escaping alive was really a near miss.

After a while.

Ning Yangshu broke the mess, the word on it is "bottom".

Immediately afterwards, other people also broke the endgame of the chessboard, with the word "to".

Everyone's expressions became more and more strange.

The previous "who are you" is now the word "to the end".

So, these words together are "Who the hell are you?"

The people who were originally strong in their hearts gradually became more and more shaken. What about the inheritance of Emperor Taiqing?

Why is it just a bunch of words?

When these two words are added together, they cannot be connected with powerful martial arts and supernatural powers, because it is very strange in itself, especially when these words are strung together, it feels that their motivation and even their excitement are being exhausted a little bit.

They can only hope that the characters "Cang" and "Di" will bring them good luck.

The people who came later also understood what had happened, were stunned, and joined in one after another, and some chose to give up, some because their chess skills were not good, and some felt that there was no hope.

On the contrary, Dongfang Feng became more and more energetic, wishing to give himself a few more brains.

The three demon saintesses did not continue to break the chess, because they thought of some kind of speculation in their minds, for example, combining all the deciphered characters together.

That is, "Di Cang, who are you?"

As for the word "ah", I believe they will know the answer soon.

The young man had a strange expression on his face. He was silent for a while, looked at the other two, and asked in a deep voice, "You think so too?"

Several people were silent.

It was Ning Yangshu who came over and said meaningfully: "

These few words are either martial arts and supernatural powers, or a passage about Emperor Taiqing's words to Di Cang. Di Cang, a strong man ten thousand years ago,
The recognized No. [-] powerhouse in the lower world is also expected to enter the upper world. Don't you want to know about Di Cang? "

his answer.

Let a few people remain silent, but a change has taken place in their hearts.

For tens of thousands of years, the most mysterious person is probably Di Cang.

Mysterious origin, mysterious cultivation base.

Whether it is now or before ancient times, they still have no way of knowing who Di Cang is, where he came from, or how long he has lived. He seems to have appeared out of thin air from here, and now disappears out of thin air, but even After falling, they still remember Di Cang.

After all, everything he has created is unimaginable!

Even now, there are still many admirers of him who silently look up to him, or they always believe that Di Cang did not die, but entered the superior world.

There are also people who imitate Di Cang and walk against the sky. However, they are not Di Cang, so many people have died under the punishment of the sky for tens of thousands of years. Among them, those with superior physique,

Extreme physique, and even the son of destiny chosen by the heavens, the son of destiny, and even the strong and awakened one from the ancient times, they are all the sons of destiny.

It can be seen how much impact Di Cang created on the entire world.

However, there is very little about Di Cang's origin.

They don't have any news about Di Cang's origin, which is still a mystery to this day.

Therefore, if there is news about Di Cang from Emperor Taiqing, it would be great.

The young man hesitated for a moment: "There is no relationship between Emperor Taiqing and Di Cang, right?"

"It really doesn't matter,"

The voice of the Heavenly Demon Saintess sounded, she thought for a moment, and then slowly said, "However, as far as I know, Emperor Taiqing suffered a lot from Di Cang's hands back then, and was beaten by Di Cang every time. beginning,

I also heard that Emperor Taiqing used to be a genius cultivator, who caused a lot of snatches in sects back then, but unfortunately he was abolished by Di Cang, and then he became a talent for array formation. "

"It turns out that Emperor Taiqing was defeated by Di Cang's men!"

Moreover, Emperor Taiqing was once a genius who practiced both skills!

The four were stunned, as if they had heard a shocking secret.

Who is Emperor Taiqing? He is a formation genius in ancient times!He even realized that he is a peerless genius who is rare in thousands of years. Unexpectedly, he once had such a past!

A genius who is both a cultivator and a magician!
Emperor Taiqing once married Di Cang!

Only a very small number of people know, at least, they don't know.


There was a voice of indifference, with indescribable awe: "Di Cang dares to destroy even the punishment of heaven, what is a Taiqing Emperor afraid of? Let's not mention the ancient times, just take the ancient and modern times, and now, who is there?" Can a person's achievements surpass Di Cang's?"

(End of this chapter)

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