Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 836 Emperor Taiqing's Dream Mirror

Chapter 836 Emperor Taiqing's Dream Mirror
"Although I don't know how the formation was broken, it's not a bad thing..."

Xu Gu put away his thoughts in silence, and turned to look at the Heavenly Demon Saintess: "Since someone has already entered, do you want to come together?"

The two looked at each other, and the beautiful eyes of the Heavenly Demon Saintess blinked: "It's rare for Daoist Xu to ask, so let's go together."

Xu Gu's gaze fell on that charming face, and he squinted his eyes. It is undeniable that the saintesses of the Heavenly Demon Sect can really confuse everyone, and even he was almost careless.

After the three young men left, Xu Gu and the Heavenly Demon Saintess also entered the black hole.

Xu Shi thought of the chance of getting Emperor Taiqing by entering the black hole, and the others began to lose their feet.

The young man narrowed his eyes, a little sad: "Sister Saint is really too much, didn't we make an appointment before, but when Xu Gu came, he ran away with him."

The young man sighed: "Okay, let's go in too."

It's not that the Heavenly Demon Saintess violated the contract, but that Emperor Taiqing's place is full of formations. If there is no Heavenly Demon Saintess, they will be in more danger. If they fall into the formation, it will be terrible.

At this time, Ye Yuye and others who entered the black hole had already appeared in a lush forest. Dongfangfeng looked around in surprise, feeling that it was not real at all.

Haven't they entered a black hole?

where is this place?
Where is the inheritance of Emperor Taiqing?
In the woods, besides the three of them, there was also a young man. He knelt down on the ground with a very painful expression, and there was still a trace of blood on the corner of his lips. It didn't look like he was hurt by others, but by himself. .


It's weird here.

Simply because Ye Yuye was still with him, Dongfang Feng felt more at ease, pondered for a while, and guessed: "Brother Ye, did we enter the illusion of the formation? We were tricked by Emperor Taiqing?"

Ye Yuye looked at the decadent young man not far in front of him with lazy black eyes, and said, "It's indeed caused by the formation, did you see that man?"

Dongfang Feng followed suit, and when he saw the embarrassed young man, he nodded subconsciously, just now he was wondering who this man was.

Seeing the soil at the foot of the stone, the baby ginseng immediately became excited and wanted to leave, but soon, it curled its lips unhappily and complained dissatisfiedly, fake, these are all fake.

Ye Yuye stretched out her hand, and the fallen leaf landed in her hand, and instantly dispersed into a cloud. She raised her eyes calmly, and said, "He is Emperor Taiqing, and this is part of his memory."


Dongfang Feng was stunned, and looked at the young man kneeling on the ground with a painful expression in astonishment. He was so surprised that he even stuttered, "He, he is the Taiqing Emperor in ancient times? The Great Emperor..."

Shouldn't the Great Emperor be a sacred and majestic existence?
But this, is this the Great Emperor?Emperor Taiqing?
This is not the same person as the Great Emperor in his mind!
Dongfang Feng's thoughts were messed up.

"Di Cang! I hate you!"

The young man yelled towards the sky in vain, and Dongfang Feng's soul, which was so frightened, returned to his body, his fingers trembling, and he didn't know what to do.

The young man seemed to completely see the sky as the face he hated, gritted his teeth, and his words were full of hatred: "

I am going to kill you!I want you to die!I will make you pay a thousand times the price!Di Cang, you ruined my cultivation talent, I will get it back one day! "

Dongfang Feng was surprised and said, "He, was he really deprived of talent by Di Cang?"

What the Heavenly Demon Saintess said was actually true?Did Di Cang really abolish Emperor Taiqing's cultivation talent?
Hearing the young man's vent, Shi Shi's expression became a little strange.

Ye Yuye said indifferently: "This is the dream mirror of a strong man. It stores the memories that Emperor Taiqing will never forget in his life. It also contains the Tao that he has realized throughout his life. Although it is not very useful to you, you can learn it here for a day. On top of your more than ten years of perception."

Dongfang Feng's heart was shocked, and he was greatly fluctuated. Although he didn't know why Ye Yuye knew so much, but every word he said was for him, how could he not know.

Dongfang Feng hesitated to speak, but he didn't know how to thank him.

"Tsk, isn't this the genius from the Xuanmen?"

A voice came from a distance, and Dongfang Feng was startled immediately, and saw a group of people coming from another part of the forest, and the leader of the group, a young girl, glanced contemptuously at the embarrassed young man.

The young man's face froze.

"Our senior brother Taiqing is well-known as a genius. He has already broken through Yuanduan realm at a young age. Even those of us can only stand at the foot of the mountain and look up at him, ashamed and ashamed."

"Senior brother Lu, have you forgotten that his cultivation was abolished by that emperor yesterday," the girl suddenly realized, with an unconcealable disgust in her eyes, "Oh yes, even his talent was also abolished It’s really overpowering.”

The man named Senior Brother Lu watched the young man clenched his hands gradually, he hooked his lips contemptuously: "

I really almost forgot that the first genius of Xuanmen has now become a waste, and his talent has been stripped away.
Even if you start practicing again, Yuan Yuan Realm may become a realm that you will find it difficult to break through in your whole life, but that's good, you can be a mortal in a down-to-earth manner. "



Dongfang Feng was stunned, could this be the sect of the superior world?

Is this the memory that Emperor Taiqing has painstakingly engraved in his heart?
Before Dongfang Feng could think deeply, Ye Yuye beside him unexpectedly walked towards the young man, Dongfang Feng didn't think much, and hurriedly followed him: "Brother Ye, let's walk over so blatantly, Aren't you afraid of being discovered by them?"

Ye Yuye said disapprovingly: "What are you afraid of, this place is just a dream mirror, they can't see outsiders, and we can't stop what happened in the past."

Dongfang Feng scratched his hair and smiled mischievously.

Stone remained silent throughout.

The three approached, and sure enough, these people didn't notice them. That young man, who will be the future Emperor Taiqing, was full of unwillingness on his face at this moment, and murderous intent in his eyes.

It wasn't that he wanted to kill those who mocked him.

It was Di Cang who stripped him of his talent.

Dongfangfeng changed from awe of Emperor Taiqing to pity and pity.

From these people, he learned that Emperor Taiqing was the number one genius in the Taoist sect, not a genius in formation, but a genius in Xuandao, which is enough to show that Emperor Taiqing was very talented.

But Di Cang crippled his cultivation and deprived him of his talent.

The degeneration from a genius to an ordinary person is really not something ordinary people can bear. How much of his persistence to stimulate the talent of the formation mage comes from his hatred for Di Cang.

Dongfang Feng couldn't help sighing: "If he hadn't provoke Di Cang, I'm afraid he would still be a peerless genius who cultivated both profound formations in the future, and the future might not stop there."

(End of this chapter)

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