Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 851 There Are So Many Heavenly Rank Warcraft

Chapter 851 There Are So Many Heavenly Rank Warcraft

While everyone was discussing, a young man walked up. He stood next to the incense burner again, lowered his eyes and glanced at the futon on the ground, and his eyes flickered a few times: "

I'm a little tired, it's good to rest here, I can still wait for Brother Ye. "

As a result, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Dongfang Feng simply sat on the futon, and felt that one was not enough, so he moved the other.

Someone frowned displeasedly and asked, "Who is this person? Why is he sitting there doing nothing?"

"I've seen it before. This person is someone close to the Heavenly Demon Saintess, and his identity is probably not simple. Let's not mess with it."


Luan Mingniao's eyes were deep, and suddenly he felt that Dongfang Feng's behavior seemed familiar. Could it be that this human being has been with him for a long time, and he has also contracted this laziness?

Little did he know that Dongfang Feng was sitting on the futon, and he also felt very puzzled, what is he doing now?Sitting on a futon?Have no respect for Emperor Taiqing at all?It's not like himself at all.

If it was the past, he would have absolutely admired the emperor, but now looking at the statue of Emperor Taiqing, his heart is very calm, calmer than ever.

Of course, he may know in his heart that all this may be related to Ye Yuye, or it may be related to Menghuijing's experience.

After the Heavenly Demon Saintess and the others disappeared, two or three people burned incense one after another, and then disappeared together. After that, no one dared to go up again, only Dongfang Feng was still sitting on the futon.


All around, there seemed to be a roar of a beast, the sound approached from far away, startled the people in the hall, they didn't dare to be careless, and took out their weapons vigilantly.

"Come on, it's a heavenly monster! These monsters are here."

"Not at one end, I feel several coming."

"A heavenly monster?! It's over, I think we should run away, a heavenly monster, I can't handle it at all!"


Someone had no choice, so he rushed up to pick up the incense and knelt on the futon, praying to the statue nervously and fearfully.

Just a moment.

The other three futons were filled.

Dongfang Feng heard the movement, and just when he was about to get up quickly, he found that he couldn't stand up, and even noticed that the cultivation in his body was passing away, his body became stiff, and his complexion was extremely ugly.

It’s over.

This time I was careless.

There is something wrong with this futon!


In my mind, there seemed to be a bell ringing.

If it was said that being unable to move caused his complexion to change drastically, then the ringing of the bell made his body weak and his complexion gradually pale.


Dongfang Feng's mind was suddenly confused, and he felt terrible, and tried to stand up from the futon with all his strength, his dazed and sad eyes turned red a little bit.


In his mind, there was another cold shout suddenly.

This voice is both unfamiliar and familiar to Dongfang Feng.

However, without waiting for Dongfang Feng to think about it, he regained his sanity, quickly got up from the futon, took out a long sword, and severed the two futons on the ground.

In one go, without muddling.

This scene really shocked many people, but it was only a moment, because the most important thing right now is to escape!If the heavenly beasts came, they would not be able to escape!
Dongfang Feng was still holding the long sword in his hand, and when he thought that he almost died just now, he heaved a heavy sigh of relief.

Luan Ming came to his side at some point, flapping his wings and looking at the futon on the ground that was cut into four by the east wind, his bird's eyes sank deeply.

Ever since that incident happened, Dongfang Feng never dared to approach the futon again. In vain, his pupils shrank, and there was a trace of disbelief in his eyes.

That voice just now belonged to Brother Ye!
Brother Ye saved him!
Wait, how did Brother Ye know that he was in danger?


The beast roared continuously.

The voice gradually approached the hall.

The rest of the dozen or so people didn't want to stay here any longer, so they turned around and ran away, very embarrassed.

Dongfang Feng originally planned to leave as well, but then thought that Brother Ye might be very close to him. If he left, it would be difficult to find him, so he gave up.

Perhaps, Brother Ye is very likely to be in the Heaven Rank Demonic Beast?

However, this thought is also fleeting.

Suddenly, the ground began to shake.

A wall of the main hall collapsed in vain, and a heavenly monster suddenly rushed out of the ruins!And behind it, there are still more than a dozen of them!swarm!



The running speed can be said to be very neat.

Dongfang Feng watched this scene helplessly, but didn't dare to move. He stood stiffly, and the long sword in his hand shook a few times.

Two or three will be fine.

But why are there more than a dozen of them in the palace? !
Dozens of heavenly monsters!This is not a small amount!

In the star field, or in the lower world, it can be said that there are very few celestial monsters, but there are so many celestial monsters hidden in this palace!If this is to go out from the Nine Palaces Secret Realm, it will be absolutely terrible!

"Hey hiss—"

Dongfang Feng was startled, which made him a little confused.

Have a horse?Are there any horses here?

And it sounds like it's not as simple as one horse and two horses.

"Hey hiss—"

A steed horse rushed out among the crowd, and its front hooves flew into the air excitedly.

Followed by.

Dongfangfeng saw more than a dozen godly horses, heavenly horses!

A very rare divine steed in the inferior world!

If you want to buy it, the price must not be lower than ten million high-grade spirit stones!

Even a family like Dongfangfeng couldn't buy one.

It can be said to be very precious!
But now, he actually saw more than a dozen divine horses!

They are all heavenly ranks!
Seeing that these monsters were all heading in the same direction, two or three monsters saw him during the period, but they only glanced at him and ignored him.

Dongfang Feng could see their facial expressions from this angle, but after they turned a corner, he could only see the monster's buttocks.

Dongfangfeng heaved a sigh of relief, and felt much more at ease, but those people might be miserable. He remembered that the direction they left before was the place where these monsters ran.

After more than a dozen steed horses left, the ground stopped shaking violently, and a white corner of clothes flashed by at the turning, and then, a young man in white came out.

He also has a fat black cat on his shoulder, which looks quite obvious.

A child followed behind.

Isn't this Ye Yuye and Shitou?

Dongfang Feng's pupils shrank slightly. What is Brother Ye's identity? He is not afraid of a heavenly beast, and he can kill a heavenly beast in seconds. What kind of existence is this?

Luan Ming beside him flapped his wings and flew towards Ye Yuye.

Ye Yuye stopped, turned around and looked in the direction of Dongfang Feng, she was not looking at Dongfang Feng, but stared at the majestic statue of Emperor Taiqing, her lazy black eyes were a little colder.

 I have class again tomorrow, so I will code first, and then I will do the final homework later
(End of this chapter)

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