Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 856 What Did Senior Emperor Absolutely Do?

Chapter 856 What Did Senior Emperor Absolutely Do?

"Hey, hey."

Qing Ma gave those people a disdainful look, and walked leisurely through the battle, as if not worried that these attacks would hurt them at all.

A person accidentally bumped into the horse's leg, and he was knocked out. Together with other people behind him, several people got up from the ground, one of them stared at the green horse gloomyly, and smashed to the ground. One mouthful: "Bah, what a fucking bad luck."

The appearance of this horse made more than a dozen people stagnate slightly.

Someone turned his attention to the white-clothed boy on the horse's back, and was startled for a moment, followed by an unkind killing intent.

"Damn it, who is this person! He is definitely trying to compete with us!"

Someone wondered: "It's strange, this is the secret realm of the Nine Palaces, where did his horse come from?"

"In the Nine Palaces Secret Realm, even monsters and monsters can be encountered. There are only a few horses, but this kid is really lucky, and he was able to catch a horse in the Nine Palaces Secret Realm."

The man who originally planned to compete for Xing Miezhi suddenly changed, staring greedily at the green horse, and smiled: "

Regardless of whether he was lucky enough before, but today he is doomed to be unlucky!Whether it's Xing Miezhi or this horse, I want it all! "

The voice fell.

The man soared into the air in vain, his profound strength was concentrated in the palm of his hand, and he quickly attacked the young man on the horseback.

The green horse didn't seem to sense any danger, and continued to walk forward.

The fat cat on the green horse's head glanced lazily, then closed his eyes again.

Just when the man was about to grab the shoulder of the young man in white, the green horse neighed suddenly, raised its hind legs, kicked the man in the abdomen with its hooves, kicked him a hundred meters away, and passed out with a muffled sound of vomiting blood.

The Ganoderma lucidum on the ground exudes a faint fragrance and is about to mature.


There was silence all around.

The voices still discussing stopped abruptly.

Can an ordinary-looking green horse kick away a cultivator at the peak of the Xuan rank?And the kind that passed out?
I don't know who swallowed his saliva.

"Hey, hey."

Being watched by everyone, Qing Ma raised his head and snorted.

Fat Maoer didn't bother to take a look at it, but Baby Ginseng blinked a few times and screamed excitedly, it was very interesting to watch.

Because of the strangeness of this horse, no one dared to approach it.

It also made them realize that the boy on horseback was not easy to mess with.

The Nine Palaces Secret Realm is full of dangers, and they have been here for two days. During these two days, many people have been eliminated. Those who can survive are either of unusual status, or they are powerful and have the ability to protect themselves.

And on the horseback, there was not only a teenager, but also a child.

A child who came to the Nine Palaces Secret Realm has not died until now, which is enough to show how strong the person who protects him is.

No matter who the boy is, they can't afford it.

If there is trouble, it will be big trouble.

Someone laughed dryly, bowed to the young man on horseback, and said apologetically, "Young master, it was just a misunderstanding."

The only response was the neighing of the horse.

Qingma glanced at them contemptuously, looked up and left.

Seeing that the boy had no intention of snatching Xing Miezhi, the people around him hurriedly stepped aside.

I just hope that this person can leave quickly, don't delay them from grabbing the Ganoderma lucidum.

At the end of the day, the ass was left behind, and the people who had ceased fighting looked at each other and immediately became ferocious, with their profound strength fully unleashed.

"This Xing Miezhi is mine, don't fight with me!"

"Go away!"


The speed of the green horse is very fast. It is very familiar with this place and knows the exact location of the nine palaces after living in the secret realm of the Nine Palaces since it was a child. They all wandered around.

Encountered the palace of the three great emperors.

But none of them were what Ye Yuye was looking for.

With just one breath, the green horse ran out a thousand meters away, the speed was outrageously fast.

Some time passed.

A black horse came to the place where the green horse was staying. Dongfang Feng on the horse looked at the majestic palace a hundred meters away, and frowned suspiciously: "

Where did Senior Emperor want to go? Could it be that he was going to find the alchemy emperor's inheritance palace? "

On the way, he had already passed a palace.

This is the second place.

Obviously this is not the place that Senior Emperor was looking for.

The divine steed he was riding seemed to follow the route of that green horse.

"Hey hiss—"

The divine steed neighed, and quickly headed in another direction with the east wind.



Dongfang Feng was riding a divine steed, and he heard the sound of weapons colliding and booming from a long distance away. As he approached, he saw more than a dozen people fighting in front of him, and it was because of the robbing of Xing Miezhi.

Xing Mie Zhi, a rare drug in the Star Domain.

It is very necessary for alchemists.

For ordinary cultivators, Xing Miezhi can be auctioned by people at the auction, at least a thousand top-grade spirit stones. This is an extremely rare opportunity for people without family background.

Hearing the neighing of the horse, the fighting people stopped for a while and became tense, but when they saw that it was a black horse, their whole bodies relaxed.

"Damn it, why is there another one! Why is I so unlucky today, I saw two horses in an hour in a row, what the hell! You put it down for me! You can't touch Xing Miezhi!"

The Xing Mie Zhi they robbed was ripe and exuded a faint fragrance.

"Fortunately it wasn't that one. This black horse is very similar to the rumored divine steed. Could it be a divine steed?"

"How is it possible, how could there be a godly horse here!"

"How is it impossible? Don't forget what this place is, the Nine Palaces Secret Realm! Everything is possible!"


The sound of fighting continued, and the magic power released by someone almost hit Dongfang Feng, but fortunately, the horse was fast enough to escape the attack.

Followed by.

Someone apologized and yelled at Dongfang Feng, for fear that he could not hear: "Brother, I'm sorry, my hands were shaking just now! Didn't hurt you?"

Dongfang Feng on horseback moved his throat: "No...no."

"It's fine!"

The man yelled, and then rushed in to fight again.

The surrounding atmosphere is a bit weird.

Dongfang Feng thought that these people would be unfavorable to him, but he never thought that they would completely ignore him after discussing a few words, and continue to compete for Xing Miezhi.

what happened.

Dongfang Feng was stunned for a while, and was led out of the battlefield by the steed horse, and the movements they made could be heard from a distance.

The young man on the horse's hair was disheveled by the wind. He muttered to himself, "It's definitely what the emperor and the old man did, otherwise these people wouldn't be polite to me."

You must know that among these people there are cultivators who have reached the peak strength of the Xuan rank, and his current realm is only the third heaven of the Xuan rank.

Another place at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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