Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 875 Check it out for me

Chapter 875 Check it out for me
Dongfang Feng's eyes twinkled, very excited.

It's a great feeling to be able to see the big scene by following Senior Emperor!
It was definitely because he did a great deed in his previous life that he could meet Senior Emperor, the old man, bah, the boss.

Besides, his eldest is younger than him.

He is proud.

After they left the alchemy emperor's palace.

Three people entered the alchemy emperor's palace.

The monsters and monsters all came out at the same time, roaring at the humans.

They have been aggrieved for a long time, and now that Ye Yuye and his party have left, their anger has completely exploded.

A monster, not a monster.

The strength will inevitably be several times more terrifying.

The three Heavenly Demon and Saintesses have raised their vigilance, and there is no need to hide their strength at this time. The three of them looked at each other with a trace of surprise in their eyes. They did not expect them to hide their strength.

And outside the Nine Palaces Secret Realm, in another powerful star field.

One person knelt on the ground trembling, and in front of him stood a middle-aged man with a majestic presence. His whole body revealed an inaccessible coldness and a tough Chinese character face.

Listening to the man's report, the middle-aged man's complexion was ugly, and even his eyes became cold. Looking at the man kneeling on the ground, he gritted his teeth: "

This emperor spent thousands of years to find the physiques of the nine great emperors, and raised them in the lower realm. There is only one year left, just one year!This emperor can take back these physiques, but now you tell this emperor, you screwed up?All the physiques banned by me are gone? ! "

The man paled with fright.

The middle-aged man looked at him very angrily: "Jiu Hong, this emperor values ​​you, that's why he entrusted the secret realm to your supervision. Is this how you repay this emperor?!"

A horrible breath oppressed him.

Jiu Hongfei went out and fell to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood, his complexion was a little paler than before, he endured the pain in his body, knelt on the ground and kowtowed heavily: "

Jiuhong has failed in his expectations, and please forgive me this time, next time, no, no, there will be no next time, I will definitely find that person and find my physique! "

The anger of the middle-aged man not only did not decrease, but he became even more angry. With a flick of his sleeve, Jiu Hong, who was kneeling on the ground and kowtowing vigorously, flew upside down again, hit the barrier, smashed down hard and fell to the ground, cough There was a lot of blood, and there was a blood mark on the side of his face, which looked shocking.

The middle-aged man's chest heaved up and down, and when he closed his eyes and opened them again, his eyes became more scarlet: "Check! This emperor must know who this person is!"

No matter who it is, I will make him pay the price!

Jiuhong looked delighted, and quickly kowtowed vigorously to the middle-aged man: "Thank you for not killing the emperor, thank you for not killing, Jiuhong will definitely find this person in the lower realm!"

Because he knew that if he found this person, he would find those physiques.

"Remember what you said."

The middle-aged man waved his sleeves and drove Jiuhong out.

After a while.

The middle-aged man seemed to have aged a lot, staggered and sat on the throne, clenched his hands tightly, and became a little weak. He didn't know what he was thinking, and muttered to himself: "

Hao'er, wait a little longer, my father will definitely find a physique for you, and shape the most perfect physique in the whole world for you. "

In the secret realm of the Nine Palaces.

Two days passed.

The three Heavenly Demon Saintesses walked out of the Alchemy Emperor's palace in disappointment.

"Friend Daoist Feng, it seems that you are not lucky either."

The young man sighed. Thinking of his previous experience, he was even more dejected than Feng Qingfeng, and suffered a lot of blows.

"How is it possible, it is impossible not to leave an inheritance, it is obviously impossible, obviously...how could this be, could it be taken away by someone, why did it happen, why didn't I wait until..."

Feng Qingfeng was in a daze, he didn't answer the young man, but was talking to himself, he suffered a lot of blows in his heart, at this moment he completely lost the spirit of a young man, and was very depressed.

The Heavenly Demon Saintess couldn't help saying: "There are no other two palaces, so go to other places."

But Feng Qingfeng shook his head, completely lost interest in looking for other palaces, and said decadently: "No, I won't go, it's better for you to go, the two fellow Taoists should just leave here."

As he spoke, he absently cupped his hands at the two of them and was about to leave.

His purpose of coming to the Nine Palaces Secret Realm was originally the palace of the Alchemy Emperor.

Now the palace is in, but there is nothing he wants, and he has no interest in other places, even the palaces of other emperors.

Are you disappointed?


He was disappointed.

Go back and tell your family how disappointed they should be.

These are things he can't believe.

The Heavenly Demon Saintess was puzzled, and the young man was also puzzled. Although the two palaces found nothing, there was no need to beat them like this, right?
Didn't even find the palace?
How cold is this.

The Heavenly Demon Saintess strode over and stood side by side with Feng Qingfeng, her seductive eyes flickered a few times, and she asked quite curiously, "What's wrong, Fellow Daoist Feng?"


Feng Qingfeng opened his mouth, then shook his head, "It's nothing, Sister Saint doesn't have to care about me."

The young man came over: "Why don't you tell me, the saint and I won't tell others what you are afraid of."

Feng Qingfeng hesitated for a moment, shook his head again, and said something that he didn't quite understand: "Even if you know, you can't help me. If it's gone, it's gone. It's like finding a needle in a haystack. There is no way.

There are still three days left before leaving the Nine Palaces Secret Realm, I don't want to drag you two down, you should hurry up and find other Palaces of Inheritance. "

The faces of the two changed.

whats the matter?
Will it be so serious?
But how would they know that Feng Qingfeng's original surname was Yu, and if he was connected with the Alchemy Great, it would be obvious.

There are less than three days left until the Nine Palaces Secret Realm is opened again.

In the outside world, in fact, only two days have passed. This is the biggest benefit of entering the secret realm, and it is also the fastest way to improve your cultivation.

Ye Yuye led them away from the secret realm of the Nine Palaces. Even Dongfang Feng was surprised by what method Ye Yuye used, but he was no longer surprised when he thought that he had lived for tens of thousands of years.

In addition to them, more than a dozen godly horses and more than a dozen monsters came out. Their strengths have all reached the heavenly ranks. Before leaving, the leader of the horses,
And the leader of the monsters said something to Ye Yuye, as if reminding her not to forget their primordial liquid, and told Ye Yuye where they were going in the future so that they would not be found.

Dongfangfeng was so surprised that he didn't know what to say. These horses and monsters were all he saw in Taiqing Palace before, and they really had something to do with the boss.

He looked around, but luckily there was no one there.

If other people found out that they came out of the Nine Palaces Secret Realm ahead of time, and brought along the monsters from the Nine Palaces Secret Realm by the way, they would probably feel suspicious of life.

 Today is 4.4, which is a national day of mourning. Pay tribute to the heroes, you have worked hard!

(End of this chapter)

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