Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 941 Everyone Was Surprised By The Teenager

Chapter 941 Everyone Was Surprised By The Teenager
Ye Yuye enjoyed the wind blowing past, let the blue hair dance freely, and walked with a pot of wine, with pale white lines under his feet.

Shao Xia used to look behind him to look at Dongfangfeng, but now it's not that he doesn't have that mood, but that there is only one road in front of him, and his spirit tortured by the coercion of the ladder is terrible.

The boy's figure passed him by.

Shao Xia suddenly froze in the way he moved his legs, and stared at the back in front of him in great astonishment, thinking of the half of his side face, and seeing the black spot on his shoulder, he felt inexplicably familiar.

very familiar.

But after careful consideration, isn't this person the young man next to Dongfang Feng!

There was a trace of doubt between Shao Xia's brows, when did he appear, and has he been behind all this time?Why haven't I seen him before?

He thought he had a pretty good memory, not to mention the young man's stunning face, it was not easy to forget it at all.

but it does not matter.

Shao Xia smiled, and hurriedly prepared to catch up, but because of his limited strength, he spent some time just raising his legs, and excitedly shouted at the back: "Man, long time no see?"

When Ye Yuye heard the voice, she was silent for a while before turning around, but at this moment she was already 43 steps away from Shaoxia.

She looked around at the scenery, maybe she was in a good mood, she squinted her eyes and sat back down, the jug she finished drinking was put away, Kong Kong took out a new one, poured it into a glass cup and continued to drink.


Shao Xia was stunned, his mood was mixed, his throat rolled and he couldn't say a word.

The assessment disciple who finally stood at the 400th step couldn't bear it for a while, and wanted to step up to the [-]th step and pass the academy's assessment.

"This guy is not human..."

The assessment disciple who had finally reached the [-]th step was stunned and almost staggered and fell headlong.

On the ground, the elders watched and clicked their tongues.

In the academy.

Someone raised his head involuntarily, and was startled when he raised his head, speaking incoherently for a long time: "Damn, what the hell, that man! That man is sitting like a mother, what the hell, what is he holding in his hand? Damn! Who is this? ?! Why is he drinking!"

Basically, as long as everyone in the academy has seen it.

They were shocked first, then wondered.

"Who is this person? Which new student? Isn't this too strong? Where's the elder? Does the elder know?"

"How dare you, I counted that person has climbed more than 600 steps, and he can bear the coercion of the ladder? When I climbed the ladder, drinking? I dare not even think about it!"

Someone held back for a long time: "Which guy is this guy! So awesome?"

"It seems that he still has the energy to climb up. Tell me, how far can he climb?"

"I bet he can reach within six hundred steps!"

"Within [-] steps? Then I'll do it within [-] steps!"

"If you lose, give Lingshi! Give points!"

"Damn, bet!"


Ye Yuye walked for nearly a stick of incense, but the rest time was equal to the time of walking. Drinking wine, seeing this kid's face was so smooth, it almost made the examiner grit his teeth.

What a provocation in disguise.

Still drinking, too much!

Be envied by others.

Shortly after.

The original assessment disciples at the end of the crane passed the second assessment of the academy, but they still did not give up and continued to rush upwards.

This is entirely motivated by my uncle.

Although their master and uncle looked young, it was amazing just to show such skills.

Look, doesn't this motivate these guys.

Otherwise, most people may really be eliminated.

The assessment disciples who can reach the [-]th level are undoubtedly expected to break through the heavenly level in the future.

Stepping into the [-]th step, as long as you don't die, you will be able to break through the heavenly step in the future.

And now.

Wei Cang has reached the [-]th step.

Hao Feng was at the back, stepping up to the 690th step.

Yin Miaoyin remained in the third place, reached the fifth step of 670, and was already very close to Hao Feng.

The three are still holding on.

The people below are also insisting.

After thinking about it, Ye Yuye got up slowly. At that time, Dongfangfeng had already entered the 580th step. When Ye Yuye left, Shao Xia didn't catch up. It was a bit decadent, but he still gritted his teeth and climbed up. .


Many people gathered.

They are all seriously watching the climbing ladder.

"Look! That person is about to move!"

Yin Ding sent the letter out, and he saw the figure on the ladder, which was very eye-catching, so he was the one who saw it at a glance.

If you don't look carefully, you really can't tell that this person is drinking.

While climbing the stairs, drinking.

Is this guy an alcoholic?
Such a sentence popped out of Yin Ding's mind.

in town.

Everyone was also shocked by this scene.

Which one is this?

So awesome?
Still drinking while climbing the ladder?The kind you drink while walking?Are you not afraid of falling from above?


They suddenly discovered that the young man did not stop, compared to others, he was completely too relaxed, not like he was climbing the ladder, but walking.

"Is this really the academy's ladder?"

Someone looked at it suspiciously for a while, and thought strangely: "It should be."

The town under the academy mountain, as long as you stay here for a long time, you will see the ladder of this academy every year.

But this scene is really strange.

It is this ladder that has become weaker.

Or is this person too strong?

Who is this guy?
Where did the evildoer come from?
Don't be so pretentious.

"It's too far away, so I can't see clearly. Who is this kid? This guy's idea is great, and it suits my liking. I've wanted to do this for a long time!"

"Just you? You couldn't even pass the first round of the academy assessment."

"It can't be said that way, people have to pursue and understand."

"I don't know if the academy can recruit quasi-day disciples this year."


at this time.

Ye Yuye has already stepped up to the 640th step, not out of breath nor blushing, still as lazy as at the beginning, neither hurried nor slow, occasionally rubbing his fingers on the surface of the glass, taking a sip of wine, leisurely Idle around.


It was simply too hateful.


Ye Yuye surpassed No.5.

Exceeded No.4.

Exceeded No.3.

Yin Miaoyin quietly stared at the figure behind, fascinated.

Is it him?

Is it really him?

Yin Miaoyin anxiously wanted to see his appearance, but because she was so violent, she flickered, her complexion was paler than before, and she took a step forward.

In her memory, that person was also dressed in white and was carrying a black cat, and the person in front also possessed such human conditions, plus she just saw the half-face passing by, and couldn't help but Live in a heartbeat.

Curious to know what he looked like, Yin Miaoyin's steps seemed to be a little hurried and quickened.

Ye Yuye surpassed Hao Feng and climbed up to [-] steps.

His appearance made Hao Feng look curiously a few more times, wondering why he had never seen this person before.

(End of this chapter)

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