Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 948 Master Uncle, I Am the One Who Made It Myself to Hang Your Words on It

Chapter 948 Master Uncle, I Am the One Who Made It Myself to Hang Your Words on It

The assessment time is only two hours.

Two hours later, it was getting late.

Dongfangfeng passed the third assessment and officially became a disciple of the academy.

Apart from him, Shao Xia and Yin Miaoyin passed the assessment in turn, and only the last 39 were left among the 28. The second prince from Dongzhou was also eliminated.

Somehow, the assessment tasks of the rest of the cultivator were very simple, except for the second prince who was different. The opponent he drew was an old disciple who had reached the peak of the Xuan rank. Without exception, he lost very simply. Simply knocking people out with one punch.

of course.

Who made this guy unlucky and "unlucky".

I thought that there were only more than 20 of them in this class of freshmen. Who would have thought that what the elders said made them realize that they were just one of them, but the assessment time was different.

Thinking about it, there are many people who sign up for the academy every year, but now there are only more than 20 freshmen. Is this appropriate?Totally inappropriate.

The old man in the lead squinted his eyes, and there was a trace of warmth on his face: "Congratulations, you have officially become the outer disciples of the academy. The academy has the outer sect battle list and the inner sect battle list.

As long as one of you beats one of the disciples in the inner sect battle list, you can become an inner sect disciple of the academy. Of course, it is not easy to survive in the outer sect. Serving disciples. "

Realizing that the freshmen were no longer excited, the old man squinted his eyes and said again: "What is a handyman disciple, you should know? For example, helping your senior brothers wash clothes, do rough work,

The resources given each month are far less than one-third of the outer disciples, oh yes, I will take it out on you occasionally, are you willing to do that? "

The freshman felt a chill all over his body when he heard it.

Of course they know what a handyman disciple is. If it is simple and clear, it means doing rough work, and if it is ugly, it is for the disciples of the academy to be a real person!

Whatever is dirty, let them dry!
They are all the proud sons of the big family, but in the end they are being ordered by the disciples of the academy?Who can bear this?

With a straight face, the old man should treat these arrogant new students. Seeing the dignified and pale expressions of these people, the old man was quite satisfied. He didn't say anything more, and directly threw the brochures to each of them.

And that booklet is the freshman handbook.

Basically, the answers to the questions they want to ask are all in the freshman handbook. The disciples who originally wanted to ask were a little embarrassed to ask, so they took the freshman handbook and studied it obediently.

The old man was in a good mood, and waved his hand: "Let's go, take you to the academy!"


Located at the top of the mountain.

There, there is a majestic building.

After many years, Ye Yuye still came back here.

Ye Yuye paused, looked up at the four characters of Changtian Academy engraved on the building, feeling indescribable, a little nostalgic.

Changtian Academy.

The handwriting is sharp, and the aura overflowing with sword intent vaguely makes people read it. In addition to being pleasing to the eye, it is undoubtedly a great opportunity for the swordsman.

These four characters were brandished by someone with a sword.

Venerable Xiuran stopped and saw Ye Yuye looking at the handwriting on the plaque. He suddenly remembered that the "Changtian Academy" in the academy was carved by his uncle.

The word "Master Uncle" has been well preserved by him.

Venerable Xiuran coughed dryly once or twice, a little embarrassed: "Uncle Shi, I took out your words and hung them on my own initiative."

"No wonder it's so familiar." Ye Yuye could feel that Venerable Xiuran became tense, and even his breathing became much lighter. She raised her eyebrows lightly, "

It's okay, it's okay to ask me to write an inscription in the future, hang on, it's much better than the previous one. "

The tense body suddenly relaxed, and Venerable Xiuran was relieved, and he quickly said yes, he knew that the uncle was a swordsman genius, and he was also very clear about how much the four words left by the uncle had brought to the academy.

Basically, those who are talented in swords will have a chance to come when they see the above words. As for whether they can realize it, it depends on their own ability.

Sometimes, he even hopes that his uncle is still a genius in Dao of Swords, so that the academy can produce a few more geniuses in Dao of Swords, so that he won't be out of balance.

Venerable Xiuran sighed.

There are too many sword cultivators in their academy.

As for the genius of Dao of the Sword, there are really too few.

In the team, the people who came over looked up at the four characters above, their eyes filled with unconcealable shock, they could feel the sword intent inside, a terrifying sword intent!

It was so powerful that when they saw it for the second time, their entire eyes turned red, and a tingling pain spread to their brains, causing them to quickly look away from those four words, close their eyes tightly, and still feel lingering fear.

When the elder brought them here, he didn't move forward, but observed the reactions of the disciples in his team.

They expected that there would be another sword repair genius here.

Absolutely lucky.

Ye Yuye calmly closed his eyes, and his eyes fell on Dongfang Feng, who was in the team of cultivators, and found that this guy was still staring at those four words. Even though his eyes were red and bleeding, this little guy's willpower is really good .

Can persist.

Strong willpower is also a skill.

Venerable Xiu Ran next to Ye Yuye also noticed it.

It seems that thinking about it, this person has something to do with the uncle?

Maybe this kid has something that my uncle is sure of.

Venerable Xiuran narrowed his eyes slightly, but he didn't know what he was thinking about.

Not long after, besides Dongfang Feng, there were three other people who happened to be sword cultivators in the team of cultivators. Although they couldn't take a second look, they felt something from these four words, and now they want to wave The heart of the sword is about to move, very hot.

Come on!
Standing at the gate of the academy, they even had an idea that it was the right time to come to the academy this time!They never thought that the academy could change them, but now they believe it!
The Academy does have this ability!
Let them gain something just before stepping into the door of the academy, it's a lot of money!
What's more, the four characters on it can be seen to be carved with a sword!
There is a sword repair genius in the manual academy!


Be strong!
Come to the academy, absolutely right!

They are excited as sword repairers.

The elder holding the registration book looked at it carefully for a while, compared it, and then circled it, as if he had recorded some marks, and then said sullenly: "Okay, where will you all be allocated later?" , Hurry up and go in."


When they came back to their senses, they shouted in unison.

Eyes locked on the front.


The academy at this moment is busier than ever.

For nothing else, they were shocked!

This freshman class is too fierce!

Talent is too scary!

What kind of terrible talent is this?

Climbed a thousand steps?

This is comparable to their Senior Brother Jiang Ye!
(End of this chapter)

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